Calligrammitis Parris, Sundue, Li Bing Zhang, X.M.Zhou & Ralf Knapp, 2023

Yang, Jian-Jun, Parris, Barbara, Knapp, Ralf, Sundue, Michael, Zhang, Li-Bing & Zhou, Xin-Mao, 2023, Circumscription of the grammitid fern genus Oreogrammitis (Polypodiaceae) with the description of three new genera: Calligrammitis, Devolia, and Glabrigrammitis, Phytotaxa 597 (1), pp. 28-36 : 30-31

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.597.1.4


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scientific name

Calligrammitis Parris, Sundue, Li Bing Zhang, X.M.Zhou & Ralf Knapp

gen. nov.

Calligrammitis Parris, Sundue, Li Bing Zhang, X.M.Zhou & Ralf Knapp View in CoL , gen. nov.

Type: C. beddomeana (Alderw.) Parris, Sundue, Li Bing Zhang, X.M.Zhou & Ralf Knapp View in CoL Polypodium beddomeanum Alderw., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg View in CoL sér. 2, 28: 39. 1918 ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Etymology —Greek, calli = beautiful, and Grammitis , a genus of ferns in which both species were previously placed.

Diagnosis — Calligrammitis differs from other genera of Grammitidoideae by the following combination of characters: rhizomes radial, rhizome scales absent, stipes present, fronds not articulated to rhizome, laminae simple, without sclerotic margin, sometimes slightly crenulate, setae present, branched hairs with setae as branches present, basally stellate hairs present, veins simple, 1-forked or pinnately branched, hydathodes sometimes present at vein endings on adaxial surface of lamina, sporangia glabrous.

Species of Calligrammitis were placed in Radiogrammitis ( Parris 2007) and / or Oreogrammitis ( Knapp & Hsu 2017, Kuo et al. 2019). More recently Parris & Sundue (2020) synonymized Radiogrammitis with Oreogrammitis . Calligrammitis differs from similar species of Oreogrammitis that lack rhizome scales and sporangial setae by the presence of basally stellate hairs. It is closely related to Prosaptia , which also has branched hairs with setae as branches and lacks sporangial setae, but can be easily distinguished from it by having radial rhizomes without rhizome scales, and superficial sori on the abaxial surface of the lamina, while Prosaptia has dorsiventral rhizomes with stipes articulated to prominent phyllopodia and clathrate ciliate rhizome scales, with sori sunken in marginal pouches or in pits on the abaxial surface of the lamina or superficial on the abaxial surface of the lamina.

Description —Lamina narrowly lanceolate to narrowly oblanceolate, or narrowly oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, texture membranous to coriaceous, setae usually of two different lengths; veins visible or not in transmitted light. Sori ± circular to broadly elliptic, superficial, one or more rows on each side of the midrib.

Taxonomy — Calligrammitis contains two species in Taiwan Island, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Sri Lanka ( Parris et al. 2015, Kuo et al. 2019).

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