Paraeclipta melgarae, Clarke Abstract, 2011

Clarke, Robin O. S., 2011, Bolivian Rhinotragini Iv: Paraeclipta Gen. Nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), New Species And New Combinations, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 51 (15), pp. 233-251 : 241-244

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492011001500001

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scientific name

Paraeclipta melgarae

sp. nov.

Paraeclipta melgarae View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 4A, 4B View FIGURES 3‑4

Holotype male: 5.70 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: this species may be separated from P. tomhacketti by the sparser elytral punctures of the basal third; and in the female the width of inferior lobe of eye is 1.75 the width of the interocular space, and the latter is not rugosely punctured (in P. tomhacketti the elytral punctures are uniformly dispersed; and in the female the width of inferior lobe of eye is 1.0-1.5 width of the interocular space, and the latter is rath- er rugosely punctured); colour differences between P. melgarae and P. tomhacketti are outlined with the description of the latter. Paraeclipta melgarae may be separated from the rest of the Bolivian species by the yellowish first abdominal segment.

Description of holotype: general colour black and yellow. The following body parts black: head, most of prothorax (and all of pronotum), scutellum, meso- and metathorax and urosternites II-V. The following body parts yellow: apex of prosternal process and urosternite I. Antennae black except the following yellow: scape, upper side of pedicel, basal third of antennomeres III-VII, and basal half of VIII-XI. Elytra blackish, except basal fifth with oblique fascia centred on humeri (including adjacent epipleura) orange-yellow. Legs orange-yellow, except pro- and mesotibiae blackish on upper side, and metafemoral clave and metatibia black for apical 3/5; tarsi (including onychium) dusky, except the following: protarsomeres I+II yellow, III brown; meso- and metatarsomeres I+II yellow with brown apices, and III brown.

Structure: rostrum (0.20 mm) about one third length of inferior lobes of eyes. Labrum not strongly transverse, apical margin emarginate at middle. Clypeus impunctate. Frons pubescent and densely punctate, the punctures deep, round and irregular in size; slightly depressed, with small secondary depression between apices of inferior lobes of eyes, curtailing apex of frontal suture (which remains well short of clypeus). Width of one inferior lobe ten times interocular space, the latter slightly below level of eyes, bisected by narrow frontal suture, and bordered with row of short hairs. Superior lobes of eyes separated by (0.25 mm) about 2.5 times their own width. Apices of antennal tubercles separated by twice width of scape. Antennae reach middle of urosternite II; scape (0.35 mm); antennomere III (0.50 mm); IV (0.35 mm); V (0.40 mm); VI (0.35 mm); VII (0.35 mm) elongate, narrow at base; VIII (0.30 mm) less elongate, equally narrow at base, apex moderately widened, and with IX-XI (equally and entirely widened) forming loose club: IX (0.30 mm) and X (0.25 mm) quadrate, XI (0.35 mm) elongate. Prothorax 1.12 longer than wide, widest just behind middle, sides slightly and regularly rounded; apical and basal margins of pronotum subequal (0.70-0.75 mm), the former with narrow, smooth, raised border. Prosternal process completely flat; base long and narrow, approximately 0.05 mm wide (coxal cavity 0.30 mm wide); apex large, without raised sides, and with small central fovea. Scutellum rounded. Elytra just reaching apical third of urosternite IV; 3.7 longer than width of humeri, the latter not prominent, nor projecting, but outer angle hardly rounded; apical half of elytra slightly and regularly widening almost to apex; elytra not gaping; apices of elytra slightly separated, obliquely truncate; sutural angle obtuse with small tooth, outer angles acute and prominent; humero-apical costa distinct, but restricted to apical third. Distribution of elytral punctures almost uniform, only moderately sparser (and smaller) towards base. Size and shape (round) of elytral punctures not uniform, adjacent to humero-apical costa forming short chains, these punctures larger, with smooth, slightly raised interstices; between costa and suture forming oblique to slightly arced rows of two or four punctures, these smaller towards suture, and many of them contiguous. Abdomen narrow and convex, widest at base of urosternite I, slightly tapering to apex and sequentially shorter; V trapezoidal, hardly tumid laterally, U-shaped depression shallow, apical margin emarginate. Abdominal process not long (0.20 mm), rather broad-based and triangular, with acuminate apex. Length of hind leg (3.90 mm long); apical two-thirds of protibia gradually widening to apex (apex almost twice as wide as base); apex of metafemora reaching apex of urosternite III; metatibia (1.50 mm) shorter than metafemora (1.75 mm), cylindrical and almost straight, gradually thickening to apex. Tarsi moderately long; pro- and mesotarsi subequal in length (0.55-0.60 mm); metatarsi longer (0.65 mm); metatarsomere I (0.25 mm).

Variation (see also discussion below): prosternum may be yellowish in less than 10% of the paratypes. In one example this colour spreading on to sides of pronotum. Shape of prothorax variable, sides almost parallel-sided in smaller specimens, rounder in larger ones. Elytra may be almost entirely brownish; yellow humeral fascia always present but variable, from almost absent to more extensive (may extend as far as middle third of elytra, and nearly to suture). Abdominal process may be triangular, with slender pointed apex, or apex replaced with wide, blunt projection in some males.

Description of female ( Fig. 4B View FIGURES 3‑4 ): colour as male, but pronotum varies from almost entirely yellow, or mostly yellow with variable black fascia at base (often rubber stamp -shaped, as in Fig. 4B View FIGURES 3‑4 ); urosternites I-IV yellow, V black or dusky. Punctures on area of mentum-submentum contiguous, larger and less confused than male. Head with eyes (0.80 mm) narrower than prothorax. Rostrum (0.25 mm) half as long as length of inferior lobes of eyes. In some females interocular space extending on to frons, without depression between apices of inferior lobes of eyes. Inferior lobes of eyes much small- er and not as convex, moderately wide apart, width of one inferior lobe 1.0-1.3 times interocular space; the latter without raised border, slightly depressed toward midline and almost planar with eyes, anterior area densely micro-carinate, posteriorly semi-carinate, smooth at midline, with about twelve medium sized, elongate punctures to each side. Superior lobes of eyes separated by (0.30 mm) about three times their own width. Antennae slightly shorter than male, reaching base of urosternite II, otherwise little different from male. Prothorax 1.25 longer than wide; sides usually rounder than in males; base of prosternal process wider (0.10 mm), and apex more triangular, than in male. Elytra 3.41-3.63 longer than width of humeri, just reaching base of urosternite V. Abdomen widest at apex of urosternite II; urosternite V undifferentiated, subconical, apical margin rounded. Apex of abdominal process blunt. Apex of metafemora reaching apex of urosternite III; metatibia slightly curved latero-mesally.

Measurements (mm) (35 males / 11 females): total length, 5.10-6.10/4.90-6.10; length of pronotum, 0.90-1.00/0.90-1.10; width of pronotum, 0.70-0.80/0.80-0.95; length of elytra, 3.00-3.50/3.10-3.75; width at humeri, 0.85-0.95/0.90-1.05.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Hotel Flora & Fauna, 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W, 5 km SSE Buena Vista , 04.X.2005, R. Clarke/ S. Zamalloa col., on/flying to flowers of “ Cusé ” ( MNKN).

Paratypes with same data as holotype: 4 males, 04.X.2005 ( RCSZ) .

Paratypes with same data as holotype, different host plant: 1 male, 04.XI.2005, on/flying to flowers of “Tutumillo espinoso” RCSZ): 1 female, 22.IX.2007, on/flying to flowers of “Laguno” ( RCSZ); 1 male, 27.X.2007, on/flying to flowers of “Barbasquillo” vine B ( RCSZ) .

Paratypes with same data as holotype, on/flying to flowers of “Sama blanca chica” : 1 male specimen 3a in coitus with 1 female specimen 3b, 09.X.2006 ( RCSZ) ; 3 males, 05.IX.2007 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 05.IX.2007 ( ACMT) ; 1 male, 05.IX.2007 ( FSCA) ; 2 males, 06.IX.2007 ( DZUP) , 2 males, 06.IX.2007 ( MCNZ) ; 5 males, 09.IX.2007 ( MNRJ) ; 7 males, 11.IX.2007 ( MZUSP) ; 1 female, 13.IX.2007 ( DZUP) ; 3 males, 14.IX.2007 ( MNHN) ; 1 male and 1 female, 18.IX.2007 ( MNKM) ; 1 female, 19.IX.2007 ( MNHN) ; 1 male and 1 female, 20.IX.2007 ( FSCA) ; 1 male specimen 1a in coitus with 1 female specimen 1b, 20.IX.2007 ( RCSZ) ; 2 females, 22.IX.2007 ( MNRJ) ; 2 females, 23.IX.2007 ( MZUSP) .

Discussion: In the field male specimens of P. melgarae and P. tomhacketti can be separated from male P. clementecruzi (with its entirely black abdomen) by the pale colour of urosternite I; and their separation from each other is discussed at length under the description of P. tomhacketti .

Etymology: This species is dedicated to Miriam Melgar, for her educational work during the establishment of Amboró National Park, Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Porto Alegre, Museu de Ciencias Naturais da Fundacao Zoo-Botanica do Rio Grande do Sul


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle













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