Encyonema neomesianum Krammer (1997: 5)

Amaral, Mailor Wellinton Wedig, Medeiros, Gabriela, Daufenbach, Vanessa, Sampaio, Silvio Cesar, Reis, Ralpho Rinaldo Dos, Ludwig, Thelma Alvim Veiga & Bueno, Norma Catarina, 2024, Taxonomy of epilithic diatoms and teratological forms under the presence of metals in surface sediment, Phytotaxa 647 (3), pp. 237-273 : 246

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Felipe (2024-08-02 12:46:12, last updated 2025-01-26 20:25:14)

scientific name

Encyonema neomesianum Krammer (1997: 5)


Encyonema neomesianum Krammer (1997: 5)

Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 : X

Length: 17.8–21.1 µm; width: 5.5–6.1 µm; striae: 11–12 in 10 µm (n = 2)

Teratological form: deformed valve outline, slight constriction in the median portion of the valve, on the ventral side. Slight change in striae pattern in the dorsal margin.

Occurrence: S3.

Ecological characteristics: Cond.: 41.00–52.00 µS cm –1; BOD: 2.32–4.16 mg L− 1; COD: 5.10–17.43 mg L− 1; N-NH: 313–316 mg L− 1; − 3 NO: 0.32–1.70 mg L− 1; DO: 7.24–12.72 mg L− 1; pH: 6.03–6.90; PO: 0.004 –0.006 mg L− 1; TP: 0.010 –0.012 mg L− 1; TS: 10.00– 3 4 16.00 mg L− 1; Temp.: 17.90–23.23 °C; Turb.: 8.84–9.60; Flow: 0.45–0.75 m 3 s; Average depth: 0.19–0.29 m; Prec.: 9.96 mm.

Metal concentrations: Co: 23.73–47.24 mg L –1; Cr: 27.33–80.86 mg L –1; Cu: 160.64–235.49 mg L- 1; Mn: 398.05–444.52 mg L –1; Ni: 27.57–69.89 mg L –1; Pb: 35.58–66.21 mg L –1; Zn: 78.97–167.31 mg L –1.

Krammer, K. (1997) Die cymbelloidean Diatomeen: eine Monographie der weltweit bekannten taxa. II Encyonema part., Encyonopsis and Cymbellopsis. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 37: 1 - 469.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 5. Epilithic diatoms from Cascavel River micro-watershed in LM.A. Eunotia ossicula. B–G. E. rhomboidea. E–G. Teratological valves. H. E. tropico-arcus. I–K. E. veneris. L. E. yanomami. M–P. E. yberai. N–P. Teratological valves. Q. Cymbopleura naviculiformis. R–S. Encyonema angustecapitatum. T. E. perpusillum. U. E. neogracile. V–X. E. neomesianum. X. Teratological valve. Y–AA. E. silesiacum. AA. Teratological valve. AB. E. minutiforme. AC–AE. E. exuberans. AF–AH. Navigeia ignota. AI–AK. Placogeia kriegeri. AL–AM. Encyonopsis subminuta. AN–AO. E. difficilis. AP. E. schubartii. AQ–AS. E. thienemannii. AT–AU. Geissleria punctifera. AV. Kurtkrammeria spicula. Scale bars: 10 µm.