Prometheomys Satunin 1901

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Cricetidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 955-1189 : 1037

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Guido (2022-12-13 04:19:03, last updated 2024-11-29 04:44:57)

scientific name

Prometheomys Satunin 1901


Prometheomys Satunin 1901 View in CoL

Prometheomys Satunin 1901 View in CoL , Zool. Anz., 24: 572.

Type Species: Prometheomys schaposchnikowi Satunin 1901

Species and subspecies: 1 species:

Species Prometheomys schaposchnikowi Satunin 1901

Discussion: Prometheomyini. The only extant member of an archaic line that most specialists isolate as a tribe within Arvicolinae ( Gromov and Polyakov, 1977; Hooper and Hart, 1962; Kretzoi, 1955, 1969; McKenna and Bell, 1997; Musser and Carleton, 1993; Pavlinov and Rossolimo, 1987; Zagorodnyuk, 1990). Repenning et al. (1990), however, aligned Prometheomys with another presumed relic, Ellobius , in Prometheomyinae. A third view was offered by Pavlinov et al. (1995 a) and Pavlinov and Rossolimo (1998), who sequestered Prometheomys within its own subtribe of a broadly defined Prometheomyini (also Alticola , Clethrionomys [= Myodes ], Dicrostonyx , Dinaromys , Eolagurus , Eothenomys , Hyperacrius , and Lagurus in other subtribes).

Fossil occurrences date from the late Pleistocene of W Asia ( Agadzhanyan, 1993; McKenna and Bell, 1997). Stachomys , which ranged widely from Germany to the Lake Baikal region during the middle and late Pliocene, may be the progenitor of Prometheomys , which survived as a relict in the Caucasus Mtns ( Agadzhanyan, 1993) .

Agadzhanyan, A. K. 1993. A new volelike rodent (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Pliocene of the Russian Plain. Paleontological Journal, 27 (2): 126 - 140 (Translated from Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 2: 99 - 111).

Gromov, I. M., and I. Ya. Polyakov. 1977. Fauna SSSR, Mlekopitayushchie, tom 3, vyp. 8 [Fauna of the USSR, vol. 3, pt. 8, Mammals]. Polevki [Voles (Microtinae)]. Nauka, Moscow-Leningrad, 504 pp. (in Russian).

Hooper, E. T., and B. S. Hart. 1962. A synopsis of Recent North American microtine rodents. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 120: 1 - 68.

Kretzoi, M. 1955. Dolomys and Ondatra. Acta Geologica, Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 3: 347 - 355.

Kretzoi, M. 1969. Skizze einer Arvicoliden-Phylogenie. Vertebrata Hungarica (Budapest), 11: 155 - 193.

McKenna, M. C., and S. K. Bell. 1997. Classification of mammals above the species level. Columbia University Press, New York, 631 pp.

Musser, G. G., and M. D. Carleton. 1993. Family Muridae. Pp. 501 - 755, in: Mammal species of the world, a taxonomic and geographic reference, Second ed. (D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder, eds.). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D. C., xviii + 1206 pp.

Pavlinov, I. Ya., and O. L. Rossolimo. 1987. Sistematika mlekopitayushchikh SSSR [Systematics of the mammals of the USSR.]. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 282 pp. (in Russian).

Pavlinov, I. Ya, E. L. Yakhontov, and A. K. Agadzhanyan. 1995 a. [Mammals of Eurasia. I. Rodentia. Taxonomic and geographic guide.] Archives of the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, 32: 289 pp. (in Russian).

Pavlinov, I. Ya., and O. L. Rossolimo. 1998. [Systematics of mammals of the USSR. Addenda. M.] Archives of the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, 38: 190 pp. (in Russian).

Repenning, C. A., O. Fejfar, and W. - D. Heinrich. 1990. Arvicolid rodent biochronology of the Northern Hemisphere. Pp. 385 - 417, in International symposium evolution, phylogeny and biostratigraphy of arvicolids (Rodentia, Mammalia) (O. Fejfar and W. - D. Heinrich, eds.). Geological Survey, Prague, 448 pp.

Zagorodnyuk, I. V. 1990. Kariotipicheskaya izmenchivost' i sistematika serykh polevok (Rodentia, Arvicolini). Soobshchenie 1. Vidovoi sostav i khromosomnye chisla [Karyotypic variability and systematics of the gray voles (Rodentia, Arvicolini). Communication 1. Species composition and chromosomal numbers]. Vestnik Zoologii, 2: 26 - 37 (in Russian).











