Cystomutilla teranishii Mickel, 1935

Tu, Bin-Bin, Lelej, Arkady S. & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2014, Review of the genus Cystomutilla André, 1896 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Sphaeropthalminae: Sphaeropthalmini), with description of the new genus Hemutilla gen. nov. and four new species from China, Zootaxa 3889 (1), pp. 71-91 : 74

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Cystomutilla teranishii Mickel, 1935


Cystomutilla teranishii Mickel, 1935

( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 A–H, 3C–D)

Cystomutilla teranishii Mickel, 1935: 196 (holotype, ♀, " Japan, Jozankei, Hokkaido, August 4, 1922, C. Teranishi" [University of Minnesota coll.]); Tsuneki 1972: 10, ♀ ♂ (Hokkaido); Hirashima 1989: 651 (Hokkaido, Honshu); Lelej et al. 2001: 12, ♀ ♂ ( Korea); Lelej 2002: 86; Terayama 2005: 7, 8, 16, figs 6C, 6G, ♀ ♂ (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Tsushima).

Diagnosis. MALE. Distance between posterior margin of eye and posterior margin of head 1.6 × longitudinal diameter of eye. Clypeus slightly concave, anterior border with weak median emargination. Mandible apically bidentate, subapical tooth small. Prementum with sharp posterior elevation. Notaulus and parapsidal furrow incomplete, former longer than latter. Felt line on tergum 2 about 3 × as long as that on sternum 2. Scutellum sculptured, with median longitudinal smooth line. Mesosternum midway to anterior margin mesally with distinct paired sharp tubercles. Fore wing infuscated. Gonostylus mesally with tuft of setae. Head and metasoma black. Mesosoma mostly ferruginous-red, except sternal area, lateral portion of mesonotum and sometimes mesopleuron black, and tegula, metanotum and posterior part of pronotum brownish-red. Posterior part of metasomal segments 2 and 3 with pale setae, much denser on terga. Tergum 3 with sparse erect pale setae. Body length 7.5–12.0 mm.

FEMALE. Clypeus with smooth area delimited by transverse carina above. Mandible apically bidentate. Prementum with sharp posterior elevation. Head black, mesosoma ferruginous-red, basal flagellomeres ventrally brownish-red. Legs red, with distal part of femora and tibiae brownish-red. Metasoma black. Head and upper parts of mesosoma with sparse erect and subappressed black setae. Metasomal tergum 1 basally reddish-brown, posteriorly with fringe of white setae, whout median tuft of setae. Tergum 2 posteriorly and tergum 3 with band of yellowish setae, former 2 × narrower than latter and not widened medially. Body length 5.0–8.0 mm.

Material examined. JAPAN, Honshu, Fukui-ken, Ôno-shi, Taniyama, 500-600 m, 29.VII.1993, T. Murota, 1♀ [ IBSS]; Ishikawa-ken, Oguchi, Mts. Hakusan, 300 m, 1.VIII.1993 A. Lelej, 1♂ [ IBSS]. REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Chungcheongnam-do, Mt. Gyeryong, 11.VI.1997, Sk. Yamane, 1♀ [ IBSS]; Posok-sa, Keumsan, 18–21.V, 4–10.VI.1998, Malaise trap, P. Tripotin, 2♂ [coll. P. Tripotin]; Gyeonggi-do, Balan, 13.IX.1984, S.B. Ahn, 1♀ [National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Suwon, Republic of Korea].

Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Tsushima), Republic of Korea.

Hosts. Unknown.














Cystomutilla teranishii Mickel, 1935

Tu, Bin-Bin, Lelej, Arkady S. & Chen, Xue-Xin 2014

Cystomutilla teranishii

Terayama 2005: 7
Lelej 2002: 86
Lelej 2001: 12
Hirashima 1989: 651
Tsuneki 1972: 10
Mickel 1935: 196
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