Neohybos spinosus, Ale-Rocha, 2016

Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2016, Species of Hybotinae from Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae), Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 60 (3), pp. 189-205 : 196-199

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2016.04.004

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scientific name

Neohybos spinosus

sp. nov.

Neohybos spinosus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 25–30 View Figs , 54 View Figs )

Diagnosis. Thorax black, scutum with weak metallic bluish shine, brown pruinescence only on lateral of scutum and prescutellar disc; postpedicel slender and lanceolate; posterior dc setae pair not developed; legs brown to black except mid tibia, tarsomeres 1–2, distal half of fore tibia and basal half of hind tibia dark yellow; wing pale brown, stigma brown, hind femur with long AV spine-like setae, giving it a thorny appearance; distal margin of hypandrium with a long and wide median lobe, almost twice length of hypandrium, bearing several long slender setae and three sharpened tips distally; phallus long, with a swollen apex with dentate margins.

Description. Holotype male (QCAZ). Body: 4.7 mm. Wing: 4.8 mm. Head. Postpedicel 3 times longer than wide (observed in female), as long as length of scape and pedicel combined. Face narrowly dichoptic, black and shorter than frons. One pair of short, parallel ocellar setae. Postcranium shiny, clothed in sparse yellow pruinescence; postocular setae short; occipital setae thin, yellow and uniserial. Thorax black; scutum with weak metallic bluish shine, brown pruinescence only on lateral of scutum and prescutellar disc. Pleura covered by dense pale-brown pruinescence. Acrostichal and dc setae very thin and short, sparse and brown; acr setae 4-serial; dc setae uniserial; ial and spal setae sparse; 2 npl setae as long as apical scutellar pair; pal seta shorter than npl seta; posterior dc pair not developed.Scutellum with 6 pairs of setae:apical pair longest, robust and parallel, twice longer than the very thin lateral setae. Legs brown to black except mid tibia, all tarsomeres 1–2, distal half of fore tibia and basal half of hind tibia dark yellow. Hind femur moderately thickened, with a thorny appearance due to the long AV spine-like setae; hind tibia slightly arched and cylindrical. Setae yellow. Fore tibia with 1A short preapical seta and 1P long seta reaching mid-length of tarsomere 1. Fore tarsomere with 1A short and robust, 1D and 1P preapical setae. Mid tibia with 3AD elongate and strong setae on upper half and 1P long apical seta reaching apex of tarsomere 1. Mid tarsomere 1 with 1 short and robust preapical AD seta, 1 long sub-basal V seta reaching mid-length of tarsomere 2. Hind trochanter with 2 robust setae. Hind femur ( Fig. 54 View Figs ) with 2D setae on distal fourth and 1 robust A seta beyond mid-length; 9 long, spine-like AV setae; 16 V, shorter spine-like setae with protuberant bases, the 9 basalmost setae developed and the 7 apicalmost setae reduced to short, robust spines; PV series with 7 spine-like setae on distal half. Mid tarsomere 1 with 1 basal and 1 preapical, slender, somewhat elongate, dorsal setae. Hind tibia lacking outstanding setae. Wing somewhat broadened, stigma infuscate with brown; costal cell narrow; R 4+5 and M 1 slightly convergent apically. Abdomen black; all segments covered with very fine and sparse metallic bluish dust, brown pruinescence only on tergite 1, base of tergites 2 and 8 and very sparse on sternites; abdomen long and slender, about 3 times longer than length of thorax. Setulae yellow, very thin and short, almost inconspicuous dorsally, and longer on T1, lateral of T2–3 and very long on distal margin of St 8 (as long as sternite). Terminalia ( Figs. 25–28 View Figs ). Distal margin of hypandrium with long and wide median lobe, almost twice length of hypandrium, bearing several long slender setae and three sharpened tips distally. Right epandrial lamella slender and bifurcate distally, with preapical dorsal elongate process; left epandrial lamella bearing three distal lobes with varied shapes. Postgonite ribbon-like, slender; phallus long, narrowest on medial portion with a swollen apex with dentate margins.

Female. Similar to male except for hind femur with 1D setae on distal fourth, 8 long spine-like AV setae, 9V short spine-like setae and PV series with 5 spine-like setae on distal third. Terminalia ( Figs. 29 and 30 View Figs ): Segment 8 asymmetrical, rotated 45 ◦ to the left; sclerites fused forming a cylindrical structure, membranous on left side in ventral view, lateral margin of ventral plate bearing an elongate finger-like projection at mid-length; cercus positioned on right side.

Type material. Holotype male (QCAZ). ECUADOR. Zamora Chinchipe, Estación Cientifica San Francisco [Reserva Biológica San Francisco], 0713956-9560588, Canal trail 1956 m, Varredura, 12–17.iv.2015, A. Plant & J. Camara Leg. Condition: good except by postpedicel and stylus of the antennae and ocellar setae lost; terminalia dissected, stored within a microvial with glycerin.

Paratypes: same data as holotype (2 females INPA, 2 females QCAZ) .

Geographical distribution. Ecuador (Zamora Chinchipe).

Etymology. From the Latin spina = thorn, in reference to the long AV spine-like setae on hind femur, giving it a thorn appearance.

Comments. This species has a very distinctive combination of characters: male with outstanding spine-like setae on hind femur, hypandrium with distal margin bearing a long and wide median lobe, almost twice length of hypandrium, bearing several long slen- der setae and three sharpened tips distally; phallus long, with a swollen apex with dentate margins; and female with unusually rotated eighth abdominal segment with a digitiform process that is easily visible externally.













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