Syndyas longiventris, Ale-Rocha, 2016

Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2016, Species of Hybotinae from Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae), Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 60 (3), pp. 189-205 : 199

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2016.04.004


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scientific name

Syndyas longiventris

sp. nov.

Syndyas longiventris View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 31–35 View Figs , 47 View Figs )

Diagnosis. Abdomen long and slender, about 4 times longer than length of thorax; scutum and pleura black; scutellum with 1 apical robust seta and 6 lateral slender setae; wing with cells bm and br subequal in length; hind femur moderately swollen with 16AV spine-like setae inserted on small protuberances; fore and mid tibiae, apex of fore and mid femora, all tarsomeres 1–2 and basal half and apex of hind tibia dark yellow, remaining parts brown to dark brown.

Description. Holotype male (UTPL) ( Fig. 47 View Figs ). Body 6.7 mm; wing 3.7 mm. Head. Upper facets discreetly enlarged. Ocellar setae parallel, erect, long and slender. Face narrow, black with brown pruinescence. Antenna brown; pedicel with short, slender setae; postpedicel about twice longer than wide, as long as length of scape and pedicel combined; stylus 3 times length of antenna. Postcranium black; pruinescence brown, paler and denser around subcranial cavity; postocular setae long and weak, pale brown; lower half of occiput with short and weak setae. Palpus pale brown; proboscis dark yellow. Thorax black in ground-color; scutum covered by pale-brown pruinescence except for a narrow bare band on anterior margin. Acrostichal and dc multiserial, weak and yellow, longer on prescutellar disc; pronotum with one row of elongate and thin marginal setae; 2 long and stout npl; pal not present; scutellum with 1 preapical pair (broken) and 6 short and thin, lateral setae. Legs. Fore and mid legs with apex of femora, tibiae and tarsomeres 1–2 dark yellow, remaining parts brown; hind leg with coxa, trochanter and femur black, tibia dark yellow with wide brown ring beyond mid-length, tarsomeres 1–2 dark yellow, 3–5 brown. Coating setulae sparse, thin, pale brown to yellow, longer on posterior surface of mid tibia and fore coxa. Hind femur moderately swollen. Hind tibia tubular, slightly arched and swollen apically. Hind tarsomere 1 approximately as long as all remaining tarsomeres combined. Mid tibia with robust AD setae, becoming longer apically, and short robust setae surrounding apex, 1 V apical longer seta, about half-length of respective tarsomere 1. Hind coxa with anterior robust preapical setae. Hind trochanter with 1 V short and robust spine. Hind femur bearing 16AV spine-like, long setae that become shorter apically; row with 10PV spine-like short setae inserted on small tubercles, becoming longer apically; 1D seta on apical fourth and 1A long and robust seta. Fore and mid tarsomere 1 bearing 1 medial and 1 preapical dorsal, robust and elongate setae; fore tarsomere 1 with short AV spine-like seta.Wing hyaline, stigma not colored; first section of vein M and vein A 1 +CuA 2 inconspicuous; costal, r1, br, bm, basal half of r2+3 and dorsal margin of cu p cells lacking microtrichiae; Sc not reaching beyond h, reaching near R1 as a fold; br and bm subequal in length. Abdomen dark brown, all segments covered by dense red brown pruinescence dorsally and fine sparse bluish dust laterally. Abdomen long and slender, about 4 times length of thorax; setae yellow, thin, very sparse, inconspicuous dorsally and longer laterally on tergites 1–2. Sterite 8 with elongate setae on distal margin. Terminalia ( Figs. 31–35 View Figs ) robust. Distal margin of hypandrium triangular with long marginal setae. Epandrium large; left epandrial lamella shorter than right lamella, distal margin rounded in lateral view, bearing elongate and robust spine-like setae, a sinuous and elongate distal process on ventrolateral margin, and dorsolateral margin bearing small distal bilobed process; right epandrial lamella with distal margin trilobed in lateral view, ventrolateral margin deeply cleft basally and bearing moderately long setae. Phallus short and robust, bearing developed and sclerotized ejaculatory apodeme. Postgonite wide, partially encircling the phallus.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype male (UTPL). ECUADOR. Zamora Chinchipe: Bombuscaro, Podocarpus National Park, trail Higuerones , 1000 m, 15/02/2009 – 21/02/2009 (YPT), leg. Marc Pollet & Anja De Braekeleer , EC /2009-32/MP&ADB-006. Condition: good, abdomen dissected.

Geographical distribution. Ecuador (Zamora Chinchipe).

Etymology. From the Latin longus = long and ventris = abdomen, in reference to the very long and slender abdomen.

Comments. This is the second species of Syndyas known from the Neotropical Region. This species differs from Syndyas amazonica Ale-Rocha, 1999 , the other Neotropical species, in having a long abdomen, about 4 times length of thorax, scutellum with seven pairs of setae, and some features of male terminalia. In S. amazonica , the male terminalia is comparatively simpler, the distal margin of the hypandrium is truncate and the epandrial lamellae are slightly concave on distal margin, forming two small lobes ( Ale-Rocha, 1999, Figs. 3–6 View Figs ).













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