Cephalops klinsmanni, Ramos-Pastrana & Marques & Rafael, 2022

Ramos-Pastrana, Yardany, Marques, Dayse Willkenia A. & Rafael, José Albertino, 2022, Cephalops Fallén and Semicephalops De Meyer (Diptera: Pipunculidae) of Colombia, with description of five new species and an updated key to males of the Neotropical species, Zootaxa 5141 (3), pp. 201-226 : 211

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Plazi (2022-05-30 09:02:22, last updated 2024-11-27 02:09:44)

scientific name

Cephalops klinsmanni

sp. nov.

Cephalops klinsmanni View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 49–61 View FIGURES 49–61 , 107 View FIGURE 107

Diagnosis. Male. Antenna with scape and pedicel brown, postpedicel dark brown, slightly acute. Frontal triangle with conspicuous dark brown callus. Coxae dark brown, trochanters light brown, tibiae dark brown, with bases and apices light brown. Abdomen ground color dark brown, tergite 1 sparsely velvety light brown pruinose, with four brown and long setae laterally; tergites 2–5 velvety dark brown anteriorly, brown pruinose posteriorly and laterally, with conspicuous setae. Surstyli subsymmetrical, slightly subequal to epandrium length, completely setose; thickened at base, thin apically, with tips slightly inward directed. Apex of phallic guide stout, long, thickened at base, acute apically. Phallus trifid, with ducts distinctly separated only in distal 1/3, only tips of ejaculatory ducts slightly coiled. Ejaculatory apodeme funnel-shaped, with sinuous margins.

Description. MALE (holotype). Body length 2.8 mm. Head ( Figs 49–50 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Eyes contiguous for 19 facets. F, EM, V (mm) = 0.5, 0.5, 0.2. Frontal triangle black-brown pruinose, with conspicuous dark brown callus. Postcranium brown, ventrally gray pruinose, dorsally brown pruinose. Antenna ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 49–61 ) with pedicel dark brown, with three setae dorsally and three longer setae ventrally; postpedicel dark brown, with acuminate apex. LPP/WPP = 2.7. Thorax ( Figs 49–50, 52 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Postpronotal lobe dark brown. Scutum dark brown, gray-brown pruinose. Notopleuron concolorous with scutum, gray-brown pruinose. Scutellum brown, gray-brown pruinose, with few tiny setae scattered and 12 inconspicuous setae along posterior margin, two stouter. Mesopleuron and mediotergite brown, graybrown pruinose. Wing ( Fig. 53 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Length 6.4 mm. LW/MWW = 3.1; LTC/LFC = 1.6. Membrane brown infuscated; vein r-m located slightly after basal third of upper section of cell dm; anal lobe normal. Halter stem light brown, except base and apex dark brown, knob dark brown. Legs ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Coxae dark brown; trochanters light brown; femora brown, with apices light brown, with long setae ventrally and a row of long and fine yellow setae posterolaterally; tibiae dark brown, with bases and apices light brown; tarsomeres 1–4 light brown, 5 dark brown; pulvilli light brown. Abdomen ( Figs 49–50, 54 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Ground color velvety dark brown, tergite 1 sparsely light brown pruinose, with four brown and long setae laterally; tergites 2–5 dark brown anteriorly, brown pruinose posterior and laterally, with conspicuous setae; tergites and sternites 6 and 7 as in Fig. 55 View FIGURES 49–61 . Syntergosternite 8 brown, brown pruinose, shorter than length of tergite 5, with membranous area apically ( Figs 54, 56 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Terminalia ( Figs 55–61 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Epandrium and surstyli dark brown ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Surstyli ( Figs 56–58 View FIGURES 49–61 ) subsymmetrical, slightly equal to epandrium length, completely setose; thickened at base, thin apically, with tips slightly inward-directed, left surstylus slightly shorter than right ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 49–61 ); both surstyli with margins straight, tips forward directed when seen in lateral view ( Figs 57–58 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Gonopods subsymmetrical, right gonopod slightly thicker than left ( Fig. 59 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Apex of phallic guide stout, long, thickened at base, acute apically ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Ejaculatory apodeme funnel-shaped, with sinuous margins ( Fig. 61 View FIGURES 49–61 ). Phallus trifid, with ducts distinctly separated only in distal 1/3, only tips slightly coiled ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 49–61 ). FEMALE. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE. Male: COLOMBIA, Caquetá, Vereda Las Brisas, 0145’14’’N/7544’51.5’’W, 2040 m [eters], 09–23. Nov [xi].2016, (1 ♂ LEUA –8677) (photographed specimen) . Holotype with left wing mounted on microslide with Canada balsam. Left antenna and terminalia placed in a microvial with glycerin, both pinned along with the specimen.

Etymology. The new species is named after Klinsmann Steeven Ramos Vargas, the son of the first author. Specific epithet in genitive case.

Geographical distribution. Colombia (Caquetá) ( Fig. 107 View FIGURE 107 ).

Habitat. The specimens were collected in the cloudy forest of the eastern cordillera in the Colombian Andean Amazon region.

Taxonomic notes. Cephalops klinsmanni sp. nov. runs to C. villifemoralis Hardy, 1954 in the couplet 14 of the key presented by Rafael (1990). It differs from C. villifemoralis in having postpedicel dark brown (versus postpedicel yellow in C. villifemoralis ); all coxae dark brown ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 49–61 ) (versus hind coxa light brown); both surstyli thickened at the base, thin apically, with tips slightly inward directed, left surstylus slightly shorter than right ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 49–61 ) [versus both surstyli conical-shaped, with tips downward directed, left surstylus clearly shorter and thinner than right, figure 56 presented by Rafael (1990)]; ejaculatory apodeme funnel-shaped, with sinuous margins ( Fig. 61 View FIGURES 49–61 ) [versus ejaculatory apodeme T-shaped, with margins somewhat straight, figure 58 presented by Rafael (1990)]; phallus trifid, with ducts distinctly separated only in distal 1/3, with tips of ejaculatory ducts slightly coiled ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 49–61 ) [versus phallus trifid, with ducts completely separated, with tips of ejaculatory ducts no coiled, figure 57 presented by Rafael (1990)].

Hardy, D. E. (1954) Neotropical Dorilaidae studies, Part III. Brazilian species and key to the known species of Dorilas sens. lat. Boletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 123, 1 - 60.

Rafael, J. A. (1990) Revisao das especies neotropicais do genero Cephalops Fallen (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Acta Amazonica, 20, 353 - 390.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 107. Geographical records of Cephalops species in Colombia. Cephalops acutus sp. nov., C. amapaensis, C. gracilis sp. nov., C. klinsmanni sp. nov. and C. lobatus sp. nov.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 49–61. Cephalops klinsmanni sp. nov. (LEUA–M8677). Male. 49, Habitus, left lateral view; 50, Habitus, dorsal view; 51, Antenna; 52, Thorax, dorsal view; 53, Wing; 54, Abdomen, dorsal view; 55, Tergites and sternites 6 and 7, ventral view; 56, Terminalia, dorsal view; 57, Left surstylus, lateral view; 58, Right surstylus, lateral view; 59, Hypandrium and gonopods, ventral view, 60, Phallic guide and phallus, left lateral view; 61, Ejaculatory apodeme.













