Paraminotella nigrita, Döberl, Manfred & Konstantinov, Alexander, 2003

Döberl, Manfred & Konstantinov, Alexander, 2003, A New Genus of Flea Beetles from Nepal (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 57 (2), pp. 205-218 : 214-215

publication ID 10.1649/542

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Paraminotella nigrita

sp. nov.

Paraminotella nigrita new species

( Figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs , 11, 12 View Figs , 14, 16, 17, 19–22, 24 View Figs View Figs View Figs , 26–33 View Figs View Figs , 36, 37, 39, 42)

Description. Body length 1.65–1.72 mm, width 0.91–1.12 mm. Color black, dorsal side with weak metallic gloss. Legs including coxae and antennae reddish-brown, metafemur slightly darker.

Head smooth. Supracallinal sulcus poorly developed to absent. Frontal ridge below antennal sockets as wide as distance between sockets. Anterofrontal ridge well developed. Proportions of antennal segments as follows: 12:9:6:9:10:9:9:9:10:10:16.

Pronotum with maximum width near middle, finely and uniformly punctured. Anterolateral callosity clearly elongate, more than twice longer than wide.

Median lobe of aedeagus slightly narrowing above base, with well developed denticle on slightly rounded apex. Ventral groove abruptly narrowing toward base and widening just in front of it. Median lobe wide near base abruptly narrowing apically with apex bent ventrally.

Spermathecal receptacle well separated from pump, with maximum width in front of middle. Basal part of duct following in direction of receptacle long. Duct making more than 2 complete coils. Horizontal part of pump well separated from vertical, with denticle bent towards receptacle.

Etymology. Named because of its black color.

Comments. This new species is similar to P. nepalensis but can be separated from it as indicated in the following key.

Type Material Examined. Holotype #. Nepal, Prov. Karnali, vor Pass SE Churta, 3.400 m, BF, 17.V.1995, leg. A. Weipert ( MEEG) . Paratypes: 151 specimens with

same labels as holotype (14 USNM, 25 DCAG, 112 MEEG, 2 NARN). Paratype. Nepal, Prov. Karnali, Garpung Khola E Hurikot, Bachtal , þ 3.800 m, 12.V.1995, leg. J. Weipert ( MEEG) . Paratype. Nepal, Prov. Karnali, Distr. Jumla, 5 km E Churta ,

þ 3.400 m, 5.V.1995, leg. A. Weigel ( MEEG). Paratype. Nepal, Prov. Karnali, Distr. Jumla, Pass 10 km E Churta, þ 3.800 m, 7.V.1995, leg. A. Weigel ( MEEG). Paratype. Nepal, Prov. Karnali, Distr. Dolpa/ Jumla , Pass NW Chaurikot, þ 3.800 m, 17.V.1995, leg. Hartmann ( MEEG) .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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