Lithostege luminosata, Christoph

Sh, Hossein Rajaei, Stüning, Dieter & Viidalepp, Jaan, 2011, A review of the species of Lithostege Hübner, [1825] 1816 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae), occurring in Iran and adjacent countries, with description of two new species from Iran and Pakistan, Zootaxa 3105, pp. 1-46 : 22

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Plazi (2016-04-11 21:53:06, last updated 2024-11-26 04:19:11)

scientific name

Lithostege luminosata


L. luminosata Christoph View in CoL

( Figs. 28 View FIGURES 27 – 31 , 54, 73; Map 6)

Lithostege luminosata Christoph, 1885: 127 View in CoL , pl. 6, fig. 9. Holotype 3, ZISP (examined). Type locality: Askhabat ( Turkmenistan) Parsons et al. (1999) erroneousely cited the type locality as ‘Achal-Tekke region’.

Lithostege luminosata: Prout, 1914: 174 View in CoL , pl.12c; Viidalepp, 1996: 47; Parsons et al., 1999: 546.

Material examined. Type material: Holotype 3: ‘[ Turkmenistan] Askhabat’, ‘Coll. Great Knjaz Nikolaj Mikhajlovich’, [28 April]’; coll. ZISP. Additional material: 4 3, 3 Ƥ: 1 3: [locality is not mentioned] 632 Samml. Daup, Ka. 30, gen. prep. 1039/2010 H. R.; in SMNK. 1 3, 1 Ƥ: „Turkmeenia” [ Turkmenistan] 1881, Parhai, 28.04–02.05, Kesküla & Luig leg., gen. prep. Ƥ 7644, J.V.; 1 3, 2 Ƥ: „Turkmeenia” [ Turkmenistan], Kyzyl-Arvat, 25.04.1984, Martin & Talve leg.; 1 3: Tadjikistan, Isfan, Arabkishlak, 0 5.04.1984, semidesert, T. Pani leg., gen. prep. 3480, J.V.; all in IZBE. Preparations of genitalia: 1 3, 1 Ƥ.

Description & Diagnosis. Wingspan 17–23 mm. Light sandy brown, with indistinct paler and darker transverse bands across forewing, more or less in parallel to distal margin. Similar to L. parva , which is of the same size, but distinguished by the more clearly defined wing markings and the darker hindwings in parva ; also similar to L. luigi , but differing from itby the absence of darker scaling on veins crossing the postmedial band and by smaller size( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 27 – 31 ). Male genitalia (Fig. 54) are characterized by a horn-shaped, curved projection from the middle of costa and a relatively short but strong dorsal arm of harpe, which is spined in its distal half. The harpe is formed like a triangular process, arising from the middle of the valve, the latter strongly sclerotized except the distal part. Female genitalia ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 72 – 76 ) with a large, strongly sclerotized, funnel-shaped antrum, ductus bursae very short, corpus bursae membranous, without internal spines, a small diverticulum present.

Bionomics. All specimens studied are collected in April and May (in semidesert areas).

Additional data on distribution based on literature sources. Shchetkin (1965a): SW Tajikistan, Vahkhs valley; Viidalepp (1988): Kopet-Dagh (Khorasan-e Shomali).

Distribution. From northern foothills of Kopet-Dagh ( Turkmenistan) to western Tajikistan (Map 6). May also be present at the Iranian side of Kopet-Dagh.

Parsons, M. S., Scoble, M. J., Honey, H. R., Pitkin, L. M. & Pitkin, R. B. (1999) The catalogue. In: Scoble M. J., (ed.) Geometrid Moths of the world: a catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing, 1 - 1046.

Christoph, H. (1885) Lepidoptera aus dem Achal-Tekke-Gebiete, Zweiter Teil. - in Romanoff, Memoires sur les Lepidopteres, 2, 119 - 171.

Shchetkin, J. L. (1965 a) Macrolepidoptera on sands in Vakhsh valley. Dushanbe. 194 p. [in Russian].

Viidalepp, J. (1988) Fauna of geometrid moths of mountains of Central Asia. Moscow, Nauka, 240 pp. [in Russian]

Viidalepp, J. (1996) Checklist of the Geometridae (Lepidoptera) of the former U. S. S. R. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 111 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 27 – 31. Adult moths of Lithostege Hübner (left column, a: upperside, right column, b: underside). 27. L. palaestinensis (Ƥ, Ahvaz, SW Iran); 28. L. luminosata (3, Kyzyl-Arvat, Turkmenia); 29. L. luigi (Ƥ, Badkhyz, Turkmenistan); 30. L. infuscata (Ƥ, Karaj, Iran); 31. L. flavicornata (3, Ak-Chehir, Turkey). Scale bar: 10 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 72 – 76. Lithostege Hübner: Female genitalia & details of abdominal integument. 72. L. palaestinensis (gen. prep. 781 H. R.; Varamin, N Iran), a: genital organ, b: 7 th tergite; 73. L. luminosata (gen. prep. J. V.; Parhai, Turkmenistan); 74. L. luigi (gen. prep. 3688 J. V; Badkhyz, Turkmenistan); 75. L. infuscata (gen. prep. 1036 H. R.; Erivan, Armenia); 76. L. flavicornata (gen. prep. 1031 H. R.; Ak-Chehir. Turkey). Scale bar: 1 mm.


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Institute of Zoology and Botany













