Lithostege infuscata, Eversmann

Sh, Hossein Rajaei, Stüning, Dieter & Viidalepp, Jaan, 2011, A review of the species of Lithostege Hübner, [1825] 1816 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae), occurring in Iran and adjacent countries, with description of two new species from Iran and Pakistan, Zootaxa 3105, pp. 1-46 : 24

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Plazi (2016-04-11 21:53:06, last updated 2024-11-26 04:19:11)

scientific name

Lithostege infuscata


L. infuscata (Eversmann) View in CoL

( Figs. 30 View FIGURES 27 – 31 , 56 View FIGURES 56 – 59 , 75 View FIGURES 72 – 76 ; Map 7)

Minoa infuscata Eversmann, 1837: 63 View in CoL . Holotype Ƥ, ZISP (examined). Type locality: Sarepta [= Volgograd], Russia. Lithostege griseata: Prout, 1914: 172 View in CoL (jun. syn.).

Lithostege griseata View in CoL ab. infuscata: Prout, 1937: 84 View in CoL .

Lithostege infuscata: Prout, 1938: 238 View in CoL ; Viidalepp, 1988: 20; 1996: 47; Parson et al., 1999: 546.

Material examined. Type material: Holotype Ƥ: ‘[ Russia, Volgograd] Sarepta’, ‘III. a’, ‘coll. Acad. Petrop.’, ‘ Holotype: Ƥ Lithostege infuscata Eversmann , det.: V. Mironov, 1998’; in ZISP. Additional material: 18 3, 20 Ƥ: 15 3, 11Ƥ: NW-Iran, 15 km sö Maku, 1050 m, 3.6.1975, H.G. Amsel leg., preps 3 1032 and Ƥ 1033/2010 H. R.; 1 Ƥ: NW-Iran, 25 km nö. Khoy, 1000 m, 7.6.1975, H. G. Amsel leg.; 2 Ƥ: NW-Iran, 17 km nw. Maku, 1400 m, 4.6.1975, H.G. Amsel leg.; 1 Ƥ: Moghan [Ardabil prov.], [leg.] Damn [Damanabi]; all in SMNK. 1 3, 1Ƥ: Keredj [Karaj], Iran, 1800 m, Brandt.-B.-Salz, coll. Dr. Wehrli, preps Ƥ 1029/2010 and 3 1030/2010 H. R.; both in ZFMK. 1 3: Persia [ Iran], Keredj [Karaj], leg. Brandt 1936, subfuscata det. A. Hausmann, Sammlung Osthelder, ZSM 3 genital prp. No. 4471; 1 3, 1Ƥ: [ Iran] Azarbayjan, Marand, 1050 m, 4.6.1975, [leg.] Abai; in HMIM. 2 Ƥ: Russ [ia], Armen, Erivan, 13.V. [1]925, [leg] Rjabov; 16 15, gen. prep. 1036/2010 H. R.; 1 Ƥ: Tadzhikistan, Parhar vic., Karatau Mts., 22.05.1987, V. G. Mironov leg.; in IZBE. Preparations of genitalia: 3 3, 3 Ƥ.

Description & Diagnosis. Wingspan 22–25 mm. Forewings brownish grey, darker distally, hindwings a little lighter, both without pattern. Underside like upperside ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 27 – 31 ). The similar, but larger and darker grey L. flavicornata is also clearly distinguishable by the genitalia. Male genitalia ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 56 – 59 ) with valves narrow, sclerotized costa very short, with a very large, triangular projection. Harpe with a long, upright, distally curved process, dorsal arm strong, stout, with long spines terminally. Aedeagus long, narrow, straight. Female genitalia ( Fig. 75 View FIGURES 72 – 76 , holotype) characterized by trapezoid, posteriorly concavely rounded sterigma, with inserted triangular ostium orifice; ductus bursae tubular, corpus bursae globular, completely spined internally, large diverticulum present.

Bionomics. Specimens studied are collected in May and June at altitudes of 1000–1800 m.

Additional data on distribution based on literature sources. Falkovitsh (1986): Uzbekistan; Prout (1937 – 1939): Karaj (Tehran prov.).

Distribution. S Russia to Armenia and N Iran; distribution areas in southern Uzbekistan and western Tajikistan probably disjunctive (Map 7).

Eversmann, E. (1837) Kurze Notizen ueber einige Schmetterlinge Russlands. Bu ̸̸ et i Π de ̸ a S 0 c i ete i mper i a ̸ e deS Πatura ̸ i SteS de Moscou, 6, 29 - 66.

Falkovitsh, M. I. (1986) Moths (Lepidoptera) of relic mountain ridge Kuldjuktau and adjacent lowland (southwestern Kyzylkum). - in: Fauna of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera). Trudy Vsesojuznogo Entomologitsheskogo Obstshestva, 67, 131 - 186. [in Russian].

Prout, L. B. (1937 - 1939) Die Spanner des palaearktischen Faunengebietes, 5. Subfamilie: Larentiinae. In: Seitz, A. (ed.): Die Gross- Schmetterlinge der Erde 4 (Suppl.), 70 - 253, pls. 7, 18. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen Verlag.

Prout, L. B. (1939 - 1941) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge des Indoaustralischen Faunengebietes 12. Band: Die indoaustralischen Spanner, 4. Subfamilie: Larentiinae. In: Seitz, A. (ed.): Die Gross - Schmetterlinge der Erde 12, 239 - 356, pls. 24 - 41. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen Verlag.

Viidalepp, J. (1988) Fauna of geometrid moths of mountains of Central Asia. Moscow, Nauka, 240 pp. [in Russian]

Gallery Image

FIGURES 27 – 31. Adult moths of Lithostege Hübner (left column, a: upperside, right column, b: underside). 27. L. palaestinensis (Ƥ, Ahvaz, SW Iran); 28. L. luminosata (3, Kyzyl-Arvat, Turkmenia); 29. L. luigi (Ƥ, Badkhyz, Turkmenistan); 30. L. infuscata (Ƥ, Karaj, Iran); 31. L. flavicornata (3, Ak-Chehir, Turkey). Scale bar: 10 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 56 – 59. Lithostege Hübner: Male & female genitalia. 56 - 57: Male genitalia. 56. L. infuscata (gen. prep. 1032 H. R.; Maku, NW Iran), a: genital capsule, b: aedeagus, lateral view; 57. L. flavicornata (gen. prep. 1062 H. R.; Ak-Chehir, Turkey), a: genital capsule, b: aedeagus, lateral view; Figs 58 - 59: Female genitalia. 58. L. amoenata (gen. prep. 1023 H. R.; Nikolajevsky pass, Tajikistan); 59. L. distinctata (gen. prep. 1618 H. R.; Kurgan, Turkmenistan). Scale bar: 1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 72 – 76. Lithostege Hübner: Female genitalia & details of abdominal integument. 72. L. palaestinensis (gen. prep. 781 H. R.; Varamin, N Iran), a: genital organ, b: 7 th tergite; 73. L. luminosata (gen. prep. J. V.; Parhai, Turkmenistan); 74. L. luigi (gen. prep. 3688 J. V; Badkhyz, Turkmenistan); 75. L. infuscata (gen. prep. 1036 H. R.; Erivan, Armenia); 76. L. flavicornata (gen. prep. 1031 H. R.; Ak-Chehir. Turkey). Scale bar: 1 mm.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Jardí Botànic Marimurtra


Institute of Zoology and Botany













