Lithostege witzenmanni, Standfuss

Sh, Hossein Rajaei, Stüning, Dieter & Viidalepp, Jaan, 2011, A review of the species of Lithostege Hübner, [1825] 1816 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae), occurring in Iran and adjacent countries, with description of two new species from Iran and Pakistan, Zootaxa 3105, pp. 1-46 : 11

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Plazi (2016-04-11 21:53:06, last updated 2024-11-26 04:19:11)

scientific name

Lithostege witzenmanni


L. witzenmanni Standfuss View in CoL

( Figs. 10 View FIGURES 6 – 10 , 41 View FIGURES 39 – 41 , 63 View FIGURES 60 – 65 ; Map 3).

Lithostege witzenmanni Standfuss, 1892: 668 View in CoL , pl. 15, fig. 8. Syntypes, 3, not traced. Type locality: Mardin ( Turkey). Lithostege witzenmanni: Prout, 1914: 173 View in CoL ; Parsons et al., 1999: 547.

Material examined. 9 3: 1 3: Armenien, Ordubad, Belas, 24.V. [19]57; 3 3, 2 Ƥ: Süd-O Türkei, Hakkari, 1700 m, Bagisli, 16.6.1985, leg. P. Kuhna; all in ZFMK. 2 3: W-Iran, 50 km N. v. Hamadan, 1600 m, E. & A. Vartian, 20.v. [19]66, preps 3 1026/2010 and 1037/2010 H. R.; 1 3, 1 Ƥ: [ Azerbaijan, near Khoy] Ghotor, 20.6.[19]70, [leg.] Paz [ouki], gen. prep. 31027/2010 H. R.; all in SMNK. 1 3, 1 Ƥ: [ Iran] W. Azerbaijan, Rezaieh, 1350 m, 1.– 3.6.1975 and 7.6.1975, [leg.] Abai; L.T., preps 3 1080/2010, Ƥ 1081/2010 H. R.; 1 3: [ Azerbaijan, near Khoy] Ghotor, 20.6.[19]70, [leg.] Paz [ouki]; all in HMIM. Preparations of genitalia: 4 3, 1 Ƥ.

Description & Diagnosis. Wingspan 26–29 mm, clearly larger than L. usgentaria . Colour and pattern roughly similar to L. bosporaria ; a white, triangular patch at the apex of the forewing of L. witzenmanni is distinctive. Ground colour much lighter in witzenmanni ; medial area of forewings with an additional, double line; discal dot present, in bosporaria not visible ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 6 – 10 ). Male genitalia ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 39 – 41 ) with distally quadriform valves, similar to those of bosporaria , but more strongly angled; harpes and dorsal processes also similar to bosporaria , but there are no tooth-shaped projections from their basal parts; saccus triangular, distally rounded; aedeagus straight. Females ( Fig. 63 View FIGURES 60 – 65 ) with very short apophyses anteriores (apophyses posteriores 5 times longer) and short ductus bursae (especially compared to L. usgentaria ); antrum cylindrical, its posterior margin with a V-shaped notch (U-shaped in L. usgentaria ); ductus bursae quadrate (shorter than in L. usgentaria ); corpus bursae more or less globular, internally spiculate; anterior diverticulum present.

Bionomics. Specimens studied are collected in May and June and these records are from altitudes of 1350– 1700 m.

Additional data on distribution based on literature sources. Prout (1912 –1916): NW Iran; Butler and Hampson (1899): Urmia (Azerbaijan-e Gharbi).

Remarks. Lederer (1871) reported L. usgentaria from Urmia, NW. Iran. This specimen probably should be identified as L. witzenmanni . L. usgentaria is distributed in theTranscaspian countries only ( Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan) and reaches Afghanistan, for the fauna of Iran it is an Eastern species, while L. witzenmanni is a western species.

Distribution. From Mardin ( Turkey) to NW Iran (Map 3).

Butler, A. G. & Hampson, G. F. (1899) Insects of Lake Urmi. Lepidoptera, in Gunther: Contributions to the Natural History of Lake Urmi, N. W. Persia and its Neighbourhood. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society [The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology], 27, 408 - 414.

Lederer, J. (1871) Nachtrag zum Verzeichnis der von Herrn Jos. Haberhauer bei Astrabad in Persien gesammelten Schmetterlinge. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 8, 3 - 28.

Parsons, M. S., Scoble, M. J., Honey, H. R., Pitkin, L. M. & Pitkin, R. B. (1999) The catalogue. In: Scoble M. J., (ed.) Geometrid Moths of the world: a catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing, 1 - 1046.

Prout, L. B. (1912 - 1916) Die spannerartigen Nachtfalter. In: Seitz, A. (ed.): Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde 4: I-V, 1 - 479, pls. 1 - 25, Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen Verlag.

Standfuss, M. (1892) Lepidopterologisches. In: Romanoff, Memoires sur les Lepidopteres, 6, 659 - 669.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 6 – 10. Adult moths of Lithostege Hübner (left column, a: upperside, right column, b: underside). 6. L. stadiei (3, type locality, NW Iran); 7. L. obliquata (3, Karakumi, Turkmenistan); 8. L. bosporaria (3, Kirikkale, Central Turkey); 9. L. usgentaria (Ƥ, Herat, W Afghanistan); 10. L. witzenmanni (Ƥ, Ghotor, NW Iran). Scale bar: 10 mm.

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FIGURES 39 – 41. Lithostege Hübner: Male genitalia & details of abdominal integument. 39. L. bosporaria (gen. prep. 1088 H. R.; Ankara), a: genital capsule, b: aedeagus, lateral view, vesica everted, c: tympanal organs & anterior sternites; 40. L. usgentaria (gen. prep. 1017 H. R.; N Ashkhabad), a: genital capsule, b: aedeagus, lateral view; 41. L. witzenmanni (gen. prep. 1037 H. R.; Hamadan, W Iran), a: genital capsule, b: aedeagus, lateral view, vesica everted, c: 8 th tergite. Scale bar: 1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 60 – 65. Lithostege Hübner: Female genitalia. 60. L. excelsata (gen. prep. 7646 J. V.; Repetek, E Turkmenistan); 61. L. obliquata (gen. prep. 7645 J. V.; Repetek, E Turkmenistan); 62. L. usgentaria (gen. prep. 1016 H. R.; Askhabad); 63. L. witzenmanni (gen. prep. 1027 H. R.; Hamadan, W Iran); 64. L. dissocyma (gen. prep. 1074 H. R.; Kazerun, S Iran); 65. L. hreblayi sp. nov. (gen. prep. 1085 H. R.; type locality, N Pakistan). Scale bar: 1 mm.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)


Jardí Botànic Marimurtra













