Frullania, Hentschel, Jörn, Konrat, Matt Von, Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders, Larraín, Juan, Sukkharak, Phiangphak, Uribe, Jaime & Zhang, Li, 2015

Hentschel, Jörn, Konrat, Matt Von, Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders, Larraín, Juan, Sukkharak, Phiangphak, Uribe, Jaime & Zhang, Li, 2015, Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 72. Infrageneric classification and new combinations, new names, new synonyms in Frullania (Marchantiophyta), Phytotaxa 220 (2), pp. 127-142 : 133-134

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.220.2.3

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scientific name


comb. nov.

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Microfrullania) sect. Microfrullania (R.M.Schust.) von Konrat et Hentschel, comb. nov.

Basionym:— Neohattoria sect. Microfrullania R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 288, 1970 ( Schuster 1970). Type:— Neohattoria parhamii Schuster (1963: 243) [≡ Frullania parhamii (R.M.Schust. 1963: 243) R.M.Schust. ex von Konrat et al. View in CoL in Söderström et al. (2011: 407)].

Note:— Schuster (1991) used the name F. sect. Microfrullania as a putative autonym of F. subg. Microfrullania. However, the establishment of any subdivision of a genus under a subdivision that does not include the type of the genus, does not create an autonym (cf. ICN Art. 22.1). Hence, we here validate the section. Besides the type species, this section accommodates F. chevalieri ( Schuster 1970: 289) Schuster (1992: 34) View in CoL , F. microscopica Pearson (1922: 33) View in CoL , and F. neocaledonica J.J.Engel in Engel and Smith Merrill (1999: 344).

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Microfrullania) sect. Regulares Verd., Ann. Bryol., Suppl. 1: 133, 1930 ( Verdoorn 1930). Lectotype ( Hattori 1976):— Frullania junghuhniana Gottsche View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 444).

Note:— Verdoorn (1930) originally described F. sect. Regulares as a section of F. subg. Diastaloba. Hentschel et al. (2009) showed that the F. rostrata View in CoL subclade of F. subg. Microfrullania corresponds to F. sect. Regulares. However, the type of F. sect. Regulares has not been included in any molecular analyses.

Frullania subg. Saccophora Verd., Ann. Bryol. 2: 121, 1928 [1929] ( Verdoorn 1928b). Lectotype ( Hattori 1973c):— Frullania sublignosa Stephani (1894: 148) View in CoL .

Note:—The two subgenera, F. subg. Fusiorielligerae ( Verdoorn 1930: 91) Hattori (1972b [1973]: 124) and F. subg. Saccophora (e.g., Hattori 1976, 1982, 1986b) have both been used to refer to a small group of allied taxa. However, Schuster (1992) combined both of these subgenera with reference to several shared morphological features. This treatment is adopted for the forthcoming worldwide checklist. There has been a long-lasting debate about the systematic position of this small and rather anomalous group (e.g., Stotler 1969, Hattori 1973b, 1975a, Schuster 1992, Gradstein & Costa 2003), characterized by rather small lobules, broadly inserted leaf lobes and the initial branch leaf with two saccate lobes inserted below the branch origin (cf. Schuster 1992). Although F. gaudichaudii ( Nees & Montagne 1836: 64) Nees et Mont. View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 435) was included in the molecular analysis by Hentschel et al. (2009), the study failed to resolve the systematic position of F. subg. Saccophora. Therefore, a more comprehensive study is needed.

Frullania subg. Steerea (S.Hatt. et Kamim.) R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 5: 32, 1992 ( Schuster 1992). Basionym:— Steerea S.Hatt. et Kamim., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 429, 1971 ( Hattori & Kamimura 1971). Holotype:— Steerea mastigophoroides Hattori & Kamimura (1971: 429) [= Frullania clemensiana Verdoorn (1932: 493) View in CoL , cf. Hattori 1975d].

Note:—With only S. mastigophoroides (= F. clemensiana View in CoL ) included, Steerea has been regarded close to but distinct from Frullania View in CoL (e.g., Hattori & Kamimura 1971, 1976), but is now considered a synonym of this genus ( Schuster 1992). The phylogenetic affiliation of this puzzling species known from the mossy forests of Mt. Kinabalu remains unclear, since it never has been investigated by molecular methods.

Frullania subg. Thyopsiella Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15: 41, 1884 ( Spruce 1884). Lectotype ( Uribe & Gradstein 2003: 195):— Frullania tamarisci ( Linnaeus 1753: 1134) Dumortier (1835: 13) View in CoL .

Note:— Uribe and Gradstein (2003) lectotypified this subgenus with F. tamarisci View in CoL , a taxon erroneously regarded as the generitype by many earlier authors. Thus, the subgenus used to be treated as F. subg. Frullania View in CoL as discussed above. Whereas the circumscription of this subgenus can be deemed sufficiently clarified ( Uribe & Gradstein 2003, Hentschel et al. 2009), the taxonomy of the highly polymorphic F. tamarisci View in CoL is still not completely understood and currently a matter of intense investigation (e.g., Vilnet et al. 2014).













Hentschel, Jörn, Konrat, Matt Von, Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders, Larraín, Juan, Sukkharak, Phiangphak, Uribe, Jaime & Zhang, Li 2015

Frullania subg. Thyopsiella Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh

Uribe, J. & Gradstein, S. R. 2003: 195
Dumortier, B. C. 1835: 1134

Frullania subg. Saccophora Verd., Ann. Bryol.

Stephani, F. 1894: )
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