Senecio kolenatianus Meyer (1849: 34)

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos, 2015, Systematics of Senecio section Crociseris (Compositae, Senecioneae), Phytotaxa 211 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.211.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Senecio kolenatianus Meyer (1849: 34)


16. Senecio kolenatianus Meyer (1849: 34) View in CoL . TYPE: Georgia, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, monte Kasbek , [42º42'N 44º31'E], 13 Aug 1844, F GoogleMaps . A GoogleMaps .R. Kolenati 2151 (lectotype, designated by Avetisyan (1995: 472), LE!; isolectotypes, MO-5509714!, TU!) .

Senecio amphibolus Koch (1851: 361) View in CoL . TYPE: “Orientes”, K.H.E. Koch s.n. (not found).

Senecio longiradiatus Trautvetter View in CoL in Fischer, Meyer & Trautvetter (1865: 37). TYPE: Georgia, Racha , Rion quellen, [42º50'N 43º23'E], 22 Aug / 3 Sep 1864, G GoogleMaps . F GoogleMaps . Radde s.n. (lectotype, designated here, LE!) .

Senecio ovatifolius Boissier (1875: 406) View in CoL . TYPE: Jardins de Valeyres , ex Armenia ( Turkey), June 1862, T. Kotschy s.n. (lectotype, designated here, G-162745!).

Senecio orientalis var. glacialis Freyn & Sintenis View in CoL in Freyn (1895: 352). TYPE: Turkey, Gümüşhane, Armenia turcica, Szandschak Gümüschkhane, Karagvelldagh , [40º22'N 39º06'E], 31 July 1894, P GoogleMaps . Sintenis 7212 (lectotype, designated here, Z-65110!; isolectotypes, B-10-0325082!, W-3869 image!, WU!) .

Senecio orientalis var. uniflora Willdenow , nom. inval., in sched. ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Art. 32.1) (B-W-15799-02 image!).

Senecio subcorymbosus Ruprecht , nom. nud., in sched. ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Art. 38.1) (LE!).

Perennial herb. Rhizome 1.4–4.8 cm long, 0.4–1.1 cm in diam., ± horizontal, with swelled fastigiate roots. Stem 20–78 cm, erect, leaved, corrugated, solid, not ramificated, glabrescent, sometimes slightly arachnoid towards the


Phytotaxa 211 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 61 lower part, base without remnants of old leaves or tufts of hairs, sometimes violet coloured. Basal leaves 4.7–12.5 cm long, 1.2–2.9 cm wide, ± persistent, sometimes withering early, ovate to oblanceolate (ratio basal leaf width / basal leaf length = 0.10–0.60), obtuse, attenuate to cuneate, with a petiole 2–13.5 cm long, dentate (teeth 2 mm deep), sometimes subentire, glabrescent to covered with scattered trichomes, sometimes weakly arachnoid through the petiole and midrib (trichomes 0.1–0.2 mm long), concolorous. Cauline leaves 6–20; middle cauline leaves 5.7–14.9 cm long, 1.1–5.5 cm wide, alternate, ovate to lanceolate, sometimes oblanceolate (ratio middle leaf width / middle leaf length = 0.09–0.54), obtuse to acute, cuneate-rounded to abruptly attenuated into a petiole up to 4.3 cm long, sometimes sessile to semi-amplexicaul, dentate (teeth 0.8–1.9 mm deep), rarely subentire, glabrescent to covered with scattered trichomes (trichomes 0.1–0.3 mm long), tertiary venation usually slightly conspicuous; upper cauline leaves 1.4–10 cm long, 0.2–2.4 cm wide, ovate to lanceolate (ratio upper leaf width / upper leaf length = 0.07–0.54), acute, sessile to amplexicaul, slightly dentate (teeth 0.4–0.6 mm deep) to entire, glabrescent to covered with scattered trichomes. Synflorescence 3.5–38.5 cm long, corymbose, with linear-lanceolate bracts. Capitula (1–)3–6(–15), 27.5–43.5 mm in diam.; involucre 10.7–16.9 mm in diam., 7–12 mm long, cupuliform; involucral bracts (17–)20–21(–25), 6.7–10.1 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, with scarious margin 0.2–0.6 mm wide, ensiform, attenuate, 0–2-keeled, apex with a black spot, glabrescent; supplementary bracts (6–)8–10(–16), 4–8.6 mm long, 0.5–1.1 mm wide, subulate, without scarious margin, a half to almost as long as involucral bracts, with scattered trichomes on the margin, usually weakly arachnoid near the top (trichomes 0.1–0.2 mm long), not imbricated. Ligulate florets 11–17, 12.1–24.3 mm long, yellow; tubular florets 6.1–10.1 mm long, 0.7–1.6 mm in diam., yellow. Achenes 3.9–4.9 mm long, 0.8–1.2 mm wide, subcylindrical (ratio achene width / achene length = 0.19–0.30), shorter than pappus (ratio achene length / pappus length = 0.52–0.64), with 10–13 ribs, with scattered intercostal trichomes 0.1–0.3 mm long over the upper half to glabrous; pappus 5.9–9.3 mm long, whitish. Chromosome number: n =20 ( Afzelius 1951: 68, sub S. amphibolus ). Figure 22 View FIGURE 22 .

Distribution and habitat: — Georgia, Russia, Turkey; subalpine and alpine damp meadows, screes, bushwoods of Rhododendron caucasicum Pallas (1784: 46 , tab. XXXI), woods of Abies , Picea , Fagus , on granitic and calcareous soils; elevations of 1200–3050 m ( Figure 23 View FIGURE 23 ).

Phenology: — Flowering from June to September.

Etymology: — Senecio kolenatianus is named in honor of Friedrich August Rudolf Kolenati (1812–1864), Bohemian zoologist and botanist who travelled in Russia during 1842–1845.

Discussion: — Senecio kolenatianus is characterized by usually displaying broadly lanceolate cauline leaves, the upper ones sometimes amplexicaul, with ± conspicuous tertiary veins. The achenes often have some trichomes on the upper part, but specimens with glabrous achenes are also found. It presents a high variability regarding the capitula number and cauline leaf width. However, its abruptly attenuated lower cauline leaves that do not decrease strongly up the stem, and its slightly conspicuous tertiary venation are useful characters to discriminate from the similar species: S. pseudoorientalis , S. lagascanus , and S. castagneanus . The differences between S. pseudoorientalis are commented under that species. With regard to Senecio lagascanus from southwestern Europe, the lower stem indumentum is a useful character to distinguish them: ± patent long multicellular trichomes in S. lagascanus vs. glabrescent to slightly arachnoid ones in S. kolenatianus . It differs from S. castagneanus from western Anatolia in its less pubescent achenes.

Senecio ovatifolius was described by Boissier on the basis of material cultivated in the Jardins de Valeyres ( Switzerland) from seeds collected by Kotschy in Turkey ( Armenia on the label). Following Boissier, Matthews (1975: 160) included it as an endemic element from Rize (northeastern Turkey). These specimens fit perfectly with the diagnostic characters of S. kolenatianus , although they certainly show broader leaves than the typical form has , probably because of the cultivation conditions.

Selected specimens examined. GEORGIA. Abkhazia: Sochi okrug, mount Chkho , 43º27’N, 40º41’E, 28 July 1912, G GoogleMaps . Woronow 9069 ( LE) . Adjara: West Transcaucasia, Adjara, Kobuleti rayon, Kintrish river basin, west slope of mount Chanchakh , 41º45’N, 42º3’E, 28 July 1948, V GoogleMaps . B GoogleMaps . Soczava & V . F . Semenov s.n. ( LE) . Ayaria: Khulo district, village of Beshumi , 41º36’N, 42º33’E, 7 July 2003, D. E GoogleMaps . Atha et al. 3977 ( MO, NY) . Guria: distr. Chokhatauri, montes Meskhetski khrebet, in declivibus montis Grdzeli-vake , 41º49’N, 42º17’E, 22 July 1979, V GoogleMaps . Vašák & G . Esvandzhia s.n. ( BR, G, M) . Imereti: Adzhar-Imereti Range, Abastuman-Zekari , 41º49’N, 42º53’E, 12 Aug 1914, E GoogleMaps . I GoogleMaps . Kikodse s.n. ( LE) . Mtskheta-Mtianeti: in alpe Kasbek , 42º35’N, 44º32’E, Aug 1881, A GoogleMaps . H GoogleMaps . Brotherus & V . F . Brotherus 492 ( H) . Racha-Lechjumi: distr. Ratscha, Glola , 42º42’N, 43º38’E, 27 Aug 1965, R GoogleMaps .

62 • Phytotaxa 211 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press


Gagnidze & I. Mikeladze s.n. ( K, LE, MA). Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti: Megrelia, upper Megrelia , along the road from Labarde to Svaneti mountain pass, 42º45’N, 42º30’E GoogleMaps , L. Kemularia-Natadze , S. Kuthatheladze & A. Schchian s.n. ( MA). Samtskhe-Javakheti: Kartli district, Borjomi district , Bakuriani , environs Tskhratskaro , 41º41’N, 43º31’E, 4 Aug 2004 GoogleMaps , R. Gagnidze 1035 ( MA). Shida Kartli: South Ossetia, Khodzinskaya gully, Khodze-feten , 42º32’N, 44º14’E, 8 Aug 1929 GoogleMaps , E. Busch & N. Busch s.n. ( LE, K). RUSSIA. Adygea: West Caucasus, Caucasian State Nature Reservation , source of the Teplyak river , 43º52’N, 40º9’E, 24 July 1929 GoogleMaps , A. I. Leskov & A. P. Rusaleev s.n. ( LE). Dagestan: Caucasus orient. Dagestania australis, ad Djulti Tschai , confluvium Samuri, 41º58’N, 47º0’E, 18 July 1860 GoogleMaps , F. J. Ruprecht 131c ( H, LE). Kabardia-Balkaria: Caucasus, prov. Terek m. Elbrus , ad Donguzorun, 43º13’N, 42º29’E, 18 July 1896 GoogleMaps , T. Alexeenko 12483 ( LE). Karachay-Circasia: The Caucasus, Kuban province , Teberda , springs by Klukhor pass, 43º15’N, 41º51’E, 13 July 1905 GoogleMaps , D. I. Litvinov 553 ( LE). Krasnodar: West Caucasus, Caucasian State Nature Reservation , source of the Chelepsa river , 43º45’N, 40º25’E, 2 Aug 1930 GoogleMaps , A. I. Leskov 259 ( LE). North Ossetia-Alania: Caucasus, distr. Alagir et Radscha , m. Mammillon supra Kalaki, 42º39’N, 43º49’E, 7 Sep 1861 GoogleMaps , F. J. Ruprecht 130 ( G, LE). TURKEY. Artvin: vallée de Djimil ( Lazistan ), 40º40’N, 39º40’E, July 1866 GoogleMaps , B. Balansa 1474 ( FI, LE, Z, ZT). Bayburt: Haldizan Dagi , N of Baiburt, 40º30’N, 40º24’E, 27 July 1934 GoogleMaps , E. K. Balls & W. B. Gourlay 1870 ( K). Erzurum: Yusufeli-Tortum road, 10 km N. of Tortum Gavur above and W of Kizilkilise (Guzelyayla) 35 km N. of Erzurum , 40º13’N, 41º26’E, 12 July 1967 GoogleMaps , J. M. Watson, Albury & M. J. Cheese 3219 ( K). Giresun: Balabandaglari ( Kilinc Tepe ) above Tamdere , 40º30’N, 38º19’E, 7 Aug 1952 GoogleMaps , P. H. Davis 20580 ( M). Gümüşhane: c. 4 km. del puerto de Kostandagi, vertiente S, 40º31’N, 39º45’E, 25 June 2001 GoogleMaps , A. Herrero et al. 1585 ( MA). Rize: 8 km. antes do Porto Ovit Dagi Geçidi, vertente N, 40º39’N, 40º43’E, 29 June 2001 GoogleMaps , S. Nisa et al. 917 ( MA, O) .


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Servico de Microbiologia e Imunologia


Tulane University, Museum of Natural History


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Wayland University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Missouri Botanical Garden


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Botanische Staatssammlung München


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


University of Helsinki


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Botanic Gardens


Real Jardín Botánico


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Nanjing University


University of the Witwatersrand


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Natural History Museum


Universität Zürich


Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo














Senecio kolenatianus Meyer (1849: 34)

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos 2015

Senecio ovatifolius

Boissier, E. 1875: )

Senecio longiradiatus

Fischer, F. E. L. & Meyer, C. A. & Trautvetter, E. R. 1865: 37

Senecio amphibolus

Koch, K. 1851: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF