Panorpa chenyandongi Wang, 2024

Wang, Ji-Shen & Zhao, Can-Jun, 2024, Taxonomy of the Panorpa issikiana species group, with descriptions of twenty new species (Mecoptera: Panorpidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 64 (1), pp. 79-106 : 83-85

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Felipe (2024-06-24 17:08:01, last updated 2024-06-24 17:17:17)

scientific name

Panorpa chenyandongi Wang

sp. nov.

Panorpa chenyandongi Wang sp. nov.

( Figs 5–14 View Figs 5–14 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE ( CN22 Piskcyd001): CHINA: YUNNAN: J, Kunming Prefecture, Luquan County, Jiaozi (palanquin) Snow Mountain , Youxue Mountain Villa , 26°02′22″N, 102°49′22″E, 2960 m, 3–, leg. Yan-Dong Chen ( DALU) GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: 4 JJ 4 ♀♀ ( CN 22Piskcyd002–009), same data ( DALU).

Diagnosis. This new species can be differentiated from the other members of this group by the combination of the following characters: in males, 1) gonostyli nearly straight in distal half and greatly curved at apex ( Fig. 8 View Figs 5–14 ); 2) parameres with ventral branch nearly 4/5 as long as dorsal branch ( Figs 11, 12 View Figs 5–14 ); 3) dorsal branch of parameres slightly exceeding outer lobes of dorsal processes of aedeagus, and bearing stout spines on distal half of outer margin ( Figs 11, 12 View Figs 5–14 ); 4) dorsal processes of aedeagus bilobed basally with inner lobe irregularly serrate at apex, and outer lobe obliquely truncated ( Fig. 12 View Figs 5–14 ); in females, 5) laterotergites IX small and finger-like ( Fig. 13 View Figs 5–14 ); and 6) medigynium with main plate nearly as long as its width ( Fig. 14 View Figs 5–14 ).

Measurements (mm). Male (n = 5): AtL 10.5–10.8, AbL 9.0–9.2, BdL 12.5–13.0, FL 12.6–13.0, FW 2.9–3.0, HL 11.5–11.8, HW 2.8–2.9. Female (n = 4): AtL 11.0–11.2, AbL 5.6–6.0, BdL 9.5–9.9, FL 12.2–13.0, FW 2.9–3.1, HL 11.3–12.0, HW 2.8–3.0.

Description. Male. Head ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–14 ). Vertex black. Rostrum with broad, dark brown median stripe, and light yellowish brown on sides. Antennal scape and pedicel black, flagellum dark brown with 39–42 flagellomeres.

Thorax ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–14 ). Nota black. Pleura and legs light yellowish brown.

Wings ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–14 ). Membrane grayish and hyaline. Markings greatly reduced with only a few cloudy stripes on apical cells. Pterostigma brown. Forewings with Rs five-branched, 1A ending beyond ORs, two cross-veins between 1A and 2A.

Abdomen ( Figs 5, 7 View Figs 5–14 ). Terga and sterna black, intersegmental membrane in A2–A5 grayish brown with black textures. A6 slightly tapering towards obliquely truncated apex. A7 greatly constricted basally and greatly thickened towards apex, forming distinct basal stalk. A8 constricted basally and evenly thickened towards apex.

Male genitalia ( Figs 8–12 View Figs 5–14 ). Genital bulb bold oval. Epandrium (T9) broad, deeply emarginated terminally and forming pair of finger-like processes laterally. Hypandrium (S9) split into pair of long, stripe-like hypovalves. Hypovalve extending slightly beyond bottom of gonocoxal concavity with row of long stout bristles along inner margin. Gonostyli shorter than gonocoxites, with acute basal lobe and lacking median process. Distal half of gonostyli nearly straight, with only apex greatly curved inward. Parameres bifurcate: ventral branch slender, glabrous, and nearly 4/5 as long as dorsal branch; dorsal branch bearing stout spines on distal half of outer margin. Ventral valves columnar; dorsal valves small and indistinct; dorsal processes greatly sclerotized and extending beyond basal lobe of gonostyli, bilobed basally with inner lobe irregularly serrate at apex, and outer lobe obliquely truncated. Hamulus slender, basally extending beyond bifurcation of parameres. Piston of sperm pump reduced and indistinct.

right gonostylus, ventral view. 19, 20 – genital bulb, dorsal and ventral views, respectively. 21, 22 – aedeagal complex, right-lateral and ventral views, respectively. 23 – subgenital plate, ventral view. 24 – medigynium, ventral view.

Female. Habitus ( Fig. 6 View Figs 5–14 ) similar to males. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 13 View Figs 5–14 ) broad oval, its apical prominence less sclerotized and membranous, bearing long stout setae, and emarginated in V-shape terminally. Laterotergites IX ( Fig. 13 View Figs 5–14 ) small and finger-like. Medigynium ( Fig. 14 View Figs 5–14 ) with main plate nearly as long as its width; posterior arms nearly as long as main plate, curving inward in distal half, and tapering towards acute apex; apodemes of axis extending beyond basal margin of main plate, and widely divergent.

Etymology. Dedicated to Yan-Dong Chen for collecting and donating specimens. Noun in the genitive case.

Distribution. China: Yunnan: Luquan: Jiaozi Snow Mountain ( Fig. 212 View Fig ).

BYERS G. W. 1970: New and little known Chinese Mecoptera. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 43: 383 - 394.

Gallery Image

Figs 5–14. Panorpa chenyandongi Wang sp. nov. 5, 7–12 – male. 6, 13, 14 – female. 5, 6 – habitus, dorsal view. 7 – terminal abdomen, left-lateral view. 8 – right gonostylus, ventral view. 9, 10 – genital bulb, dorsal and ventral views, respectively. 11, 12 – aedeagal complex, right-lateral and ventral views, respectively. 13 – subgenital plate, ventral view. 14 – medigynium, ventral view.

Gallery Image

Fig. 212. Distributional map of the Panorpa issikiana species group. The question mark indicates an uncertain location of Panorpa issikiana Byers, 1970 in Yunnan (based on BYERS 1970).


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