Paratylenchus undetermined

Rolish Singh, Phougeishangbam, Lokker, Bram, Couvreur, Marjolein, Bert, Wim & Karssen, Gerrit, 2022, Paratylenchus ilicis n. sp. (Nematoda: Paratylenchinae) Associated with Holly from the Netherlands and New Taxonomical and Phylogenetic Support for the Synonymization of Cacopaurus with Paratylenchus, Journal of Nematology 54 (1), pp. 1-14 : 8

publication ID 10.2478/jofnem-2022-0037

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Paratylenchus undetermined


PaRatyleNChUS iliCiS n. sp. was found in the rhizosphere and on the roots of an I. aQUiFOliUm L. plant at Hilversum, the Netherlands (GPS coordinates: latitude 52.234481, longitude 5.175350).

Type material

Female holotype slide ( WT3838 ) and paratype slides of all life stages ( WT3839 –WT3846) were deposited at Nematode Collection of the National Plant Protection Organization, Wageningen, the Netherlands. One slide ( UGMD _104436) containing two females, three juveniles, and one male paratype was deposited at Ghent University Museum, Zoology Collections, Belgium. One slide containing seven paratypes was deposited at UGent Nematode Collection (Slide: UGnem-306) of Nematology Research Unit of Ghent University , Belgium. One slide ( FNCT3723 ) containing two paratype females, three juveniles, and one male was also deposited at the British Plant Nematode Collection at Fera , York, United Kingdom. The LSID code of the new species is .


Zoology Museum of the University of Ghent

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