Eutetramorium monticellii Emery

Bolton, Barry & Fisher, Brian, 2014, The Madagascan endemic myrmicine ants related to Eutetramorium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): taxonomy of the genera Eutetramorium Emery, Malagidris nom. n., Myrmisaraka gen. n., Royidris gen. n., and Vitsika gen. n .., Zootaxa 3791 (1), pp. 1-99 : 12-14

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Donat (2014-05-21 23:37:50, last updated 2014-05-22 12:39:28)

scientific name

Eutetramorium monticellii Emery


Eutetramorium monticellii Emery

(Figs 4-6, Map 124)

Eutetramorium monticellii Emery , 1899: 283. Holotype worker, MADAGASCAR: Antongil, 1897-1898 (A. Mocquerys) (MSNG) [examined]. [Queen also briefly mentioned by Emery, 1899: 284, but excluded from type-series.]

WORKER. TL 7.8-8.0, HL 1.66-1.74, HW 1.40-1.52, CI 82-87, SL 1.02-1.08, SI 70-74, PW 1.00-1.06, WL 2.12-2.24 (6 measured).

Palp formula 4,3. Mandible finely and densely longitudinally costulate. Cephalic dorsum coarsely longitudinally costate medially, the costae weakly diverging posteriorly and with reticulation developed close to the posterior margin; spaces between costae with superficial ground sculpture. Sides of head reticulate-rugose, without shagreenate sculpture. Eyes at to slightly behind midlength of head in full-face view, EL 0.24-0.26 (EL/

HW 0.17-0.19). Sides of head without projecting setae, but short appressed pubescence usually present behind the eye. Mesotibia and metatibia each with a conspicuous simple spur. MfL 1.52-1.64 (MfL/HW 1.04-1.14). Legs covered with fine superficial reticular sculpture, superimposed upon which are scattered larger, shallow, semieffaced punctures. Mesonotum in profile with a short truncation posteriorly, descending abruptly to the metanotal groove. Mesopleuron with only a vestige of a transverse sulcus, the area sculptured. Dorsum of promesonotum with subdecumbent to decumbent setae; without such setae on propodeum. Dorsa of petiole and postpetiole with setae similar to those on promesonotum. Side of pronotum and entire dorsum of mesosoma rugose to reticulate-rugose. Propodeal spines short, in profile the spine 1.15-1.50 x longer than the maximum width of the propodeal lobe. Petiole in profile with a low, carina-like anteroventral process, spiracle located just anterior of the level of the ascending face of the node. Postpetiole node 0.58-0.62 wide; dorsum of postpetiole reticulate-rugose. First gastral tergite with numerous decumbent setae, the surface of the sclerite glassy smooth except for setal pits. Full adult colour black.

QUEEN (gyne). Alate, larger than worker. TL 9.0-9.4, HL 1.92-2.04, HW 1.72-1.84, CI 89-90, SL

1.16-1.24, SI 66-67, PW 1.28-1.34, WL 2.67-2.72, MfL 1.80-1.88 (MfL/HW 1.02-1.05), EL 0.48 (EL/HW 0.26-0.28) (2 measured). Similar to worker but with a full complement of flight sclerites and well developed ocelli. The sculpture of the queen has a somewhat different orientation to that seen in the worker. The pronotum is transversely costate to rugose dorsally, near vertically so on the sides. On the propodeal dorsum the sculpture is strongly transverse, and on the mesoscutum is mostly reticulate, but has a distinct longitudinal component posteromedially.

MALE: unknown.

An inhabitant of rotten logs, both in rainforest and tropical dry forest, monticellii is easily separated from mocquerysi as, apart from the keyed characters, monticellii is smaller, has slightly shorter scapes, distinctly smaller eyes (compare measurements), has the first gastral tergite glassy smooth, and has different cephalic and mesosomal sculpture.

Material examined. Comoros: Moheli, Ouallah (B.L.Fisher et al.). Madagascar: Prov. Antsiranana, Galoko chain, Mont Galoko (B.L.Fisher et al.); Parc National de Marojejy , Manantenina River (B.L.Fisher et al.); Prov. Mahajanga, Res. Bemarivo, SW Besalampy (Fisher et al.); Prov. Toliara, Res. Ambohijanahary, NW Ambaravaranala (Fisher et al.); 48km ENE Morondava (GD. Alpert et al.).











