Comidoblemmus excavatus, Liu, Haoyu & Shi, Fuming, 2015

Liu, Haoyu & Shi, Fuming, 2015, Two new species of the genus Comidoblemmus Storozhenko & Paik from China (Orthoptera, Gryllidae), ZooKeys 504, pp. 133-139 : 135-137

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scientific name

Comidoblemmus excavatus

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Orthoptera Gryllidae

Comidoblemmus excavatus View in CoL sp. n. Figs 6-8, 12-14

Type material.

Holotype ♂: CHINA: Guizhou, Leishan, Fangxiang, 15.IX.2005, leg. H.Y. Liu.


Male (Fig. 6). Body small-sized. Head nearly globular (Fig. 7), slightly wider than anterior margin of pronotum, frontal rostrum short and about 1.4 times as wide as scapus; eyes large, oval; last joint of maxillary palpus slightly longer than 4th joint, distinctly widened apicad. Pronotum transverse, slightly widened posterioly, about 0.6 times as long as width of posterior margin, anterior and posterior margins straight. Tegmina reaching 8th abdominal tergite, present with 3 oblique veins, mirror large, about 1.4 times as long as wide, apical field short; wings absent. Fore tibia with two tympana, outer tympanum large and oblong, about 2.9 times as long as wide, inner tympanum small and nearly round. Hind femur slender, about 2.8 times as long as maximal width; hind tibia with 4 pairs of dorsal spines and 3 pairs of apical spurs, of which middle one longest while lower one shortest among the inner spurs, lower and upper ones equal in length and distinctly shorter than middle one among outer spurs; hind first tarsal segment each side with 5 small spines in a line on dorsal surface.

Supra anal plate (Fig. 8) distinctly narrowed posteriorly, with posterior margin slightly emarginated in middle. Subgenital plate rather long, narrowed posteriorly, nearly coniform. Genitalia (Figs 12-14): epiphallus with two lateral lobes on posterior margin, and posterior margin between lateral lobes of epiphallus distinctly narrowly rounded; lateral lobes acute at apex and bent upwards apicad in lateral view; ectoparamers small.

Female. Unknown.

Coloration. Body black brown. Head black, with a narrow transverse yellow stripe in middle of dorsum and between lateral ocelli respectively, mouthparts light yellow. Pronotum black, disc with light yellow markings. Tegmina brown. Legs yellowish brown with irregular dark brown markings, and hind femur with numerous oblique black markings on outer surface.


(mm). Male: body 8.8, pronotum 1.7, tegmen 6.0, hind femur 5.8.


This new species is similar to Comidoblemmus nipponensis (Shiraki), but differs from the latter by the head with checks distinctly converging downwards in frontal view; posterior margin of supra anal plate slightly emarginated in middle; posterior margin between lateral lobes of epiphallus distinctly narrowly rounded. It also resembles Comidoblemmus sororius sp. n., but can be distinguished by the posterior margin of supra anal plate slightly emarginated in middle; posterior margin between lateral lobes of epiphallus distinctly narrowly rounded; tegmina reaching 8th abdominal tergite, mirror distinctly longer than wide.


China (Guizhou).


The specific name is derived from Latin ex- (out) + cavare (cave), referring to its posterior margin of supra anal plate slightly emarginated in middle.











