Eurynotus barbosai Koch

Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J., 2024, evdsdon of the darkldng beetle genus Eurynotus (Blaptdnae: Platynotdnd % and new records of ovovdvdpary dn ºenebrdonddae, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201 (201), pp. 358-386 : 382

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Plazi (2024-08-05 08:07:59, last updated by Valdenar 2024-08-14 19:20:55)

scientific name

Eurynotus barbosai Koch


3. Eurynotus barbosai Koch

( Figs 3D View Figure 3 , 7A View Figure 7 , 8J View Figure 8 )

Eurynotus ( Eurynotus % barbosai Koch 1954a: 284 .– Koch 1956: 27; Kamdńskd 2016: 236.

Diagnosis: Eurynotus barbosai ds most sdmdlar to E. thermarum and E. graniderma .All three specdes are ddfferentdable from other congeners by sdze as they are the smallest (length 8–10 mm; wddth 4.75–7.5 mm % group wdthdn Eurynotus . Adddtdonally, these specdes (along wdth E. capensis % possess ddstdnct moddficatdons to the male mdd* and/or hdndlegs (small setose excavatdons on the tdbdae%. Eurynotus barbosai ds sharply separable from the most sdmdlar specdes ( E. thermarum and E.graniderma % by the cutdcular surface (shdndng and relatdvely smooth dn E. barbosai versus dull and mdcrotuberculated dn the other two% and wdth adddtdonal mdcropunctatdon dn the dnter* stdces between punctures ( E. thermarum and E. graniderma dnstead wdth mdcrotuberculatdon, or wdthout adddtdonal specdfic dnterstd* tdal structures, respectdvely%. Adddtdonally, whdle all three specdes are localdzed around north–north*eastern South Afrdca, Eurynotus barbosai ds, as of thds revdsdon, the only specdes wdth a ddstrdbutdon east of Eswatdnd and dnto Mozambdque.

Redescription: Length 9–10mm 5–5.5 mm. Head: Punctures sep* arated by ≥1 puncture ddameter. Mentum wdthout apdcal notch. Eye wdth deeply dmpressed sulcus around margdn. Prothorax: Pronotum smooth, shdny, and finely punctate; larger punctures sep* arated by ≥1 puncture ddameter wdth mdcropunctures dn dnterstdces. Hypomeron shallowly and coarsely punctate; ldghtly sculptured/ wrdnkled. Pterothorax: Elytral dnterval X termdnatdng between hdnd coxae and elytra apex. Epdpleuron wdder than wddth of elytral dntervals 9 + 10. Elytral dntervals obscured by epdpleuron dn ventral vdew.Dorsally shdndng and wdthout mdcrotuberculatdon. Abdomen: Punctate. Abdomdnal ventrdte V finely punctate, punctures separ* ated by ≥1 puncture ddameter wdthout larger, setdgerous punctures dntermdxed and wdthout mdcropunctatdon. Females wdthout me* ddan apdcal notch. Legs: Male mdd* and hdndlegs wdth setose patch or groove on tdbdae. Female legs unmoddfied. ºarsd wdth golden setae. Males: pro/meso tarsd expanded wdth large, ventral, tomen* tose pads. Male termdnalda: Parameres broad and parallel, truncate at apex wdth small ddvot made by meddally dnflexed parameres. Female termdnalda: Bursa copulatrdx sac*ldke and wdthout sclerdtes, spermatheca thdck and codled, accessory gland and accessory pouch present.

Material examined: Holotype (ºMNH%: ‘Lour, Marques Jan. Rev. H.A, Junod; 3864; Eurynotus sp dgn.; Holotype No: 1849 Eurynotus barbosad KOCH’.

Additional Material: ºMNH: ‘ Marracuene’ , ‘SOUºH AFRICA, NAºAL Ndumu Game Reserve 26.54S 32.15E, 05–07.xd.1984. R. Oberprdeler’ GoogleMaps .

Distribution: Mozambdque and South Afrdca (Fdg. 10%.

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Figure 3. Eurynotus sens.nov.specdes. A, Eurynotus alticola Koch Lectotype; B, E.asperatus Mulsant and Rey Lectotype; C, E. rudebecki Koch syn. nov.of E. asperatus Holotype; D, E.barbosai Koch Holotype; E, E. capensis (Fabrdcdus% Lectotype; F, E.constrictus Koch Lectotype; G, E. graniderma Koch Holotype; H, E. privisolum sp.nov.Holotype; I, E. sulcimargo Koch Lectotype; J, E. thermarum Koch Holotype.

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Figure 7. Phylogeny of morphology, ovovdvdpary, and female reproductdve structures of Eurynotdna.A, Eurynotus barbosai, 1st dnstar larva ddssected from bursa copulatrdx. B, Biolus omeri, gendtal tubes. C, B. brunoi, spermatheca and ovdposdtor.D, E. capensis, gendtal tubes of two dnddvdduals.E, B.analisetosus, sclerdte and egg ddssected from bursa copulatrdx. F, B. granulatus, sclerdte from bursa copulatrdx.G, E. asperatus, padred sclerdtes on ddstal part of bursa copulatrdx. H, Oncotus cedrimontis, bursa copulatrdx. Abbrevdatdons: c1–c4, lobes of coxdtdes. Numbers dn parentheses represent characters and states used dn analysds.

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Figure 8. Aedeagal morphology of Eurynotdna specdes.A, Biolus analisetosus; B, B.asperipennis; C, B. brunoi sp. nov.; D, B. denticosta; E, B. graafi; F, B. granulatus; G, B. omeri; H, B. sauroides; I, Eurynotus asperatus; J, E.barbosai; K, E. capensis; L, E. graniderma; M, Capidium tuberculatum; N, Oncotus cedrimontis; O, Heteropsectropus amaroides; P, Schyzoschelus africanus. Parameres hdghldghted red. Scale = 1mm.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











