Eurynotus capensis (Fabricius)
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Plazi (2024-08-05 08:07:59, last updated 2024-08-14 19:32:05) |
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Eurynotus capensis (Fabricius) |
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4. Eurynotus capensis (Fabricius)
( Figs 3E View Figure 3 , 5E View Figure 5 , 7D View Figure 7 , 8K View Figure 8 )
Helops capensis Fabrdcdus 1794: 440 .– Fabrdcdus 1801: 161; Thunberg 1827: 16.
Eurynotus capensis ( Fabrdcdus 1794 %.– Gebden 1938: 414; Koch 1954a: 283; 1954b: 2; 1956: 26; ºschdnkel 1978: 315; Iwan 2002: 12; Banaszkdewdcz 2006: 63; Kamdńskd 2016: 236; Bouchard et al. 2021: 184.
= Eurynotus muricatus Kdrby 1819: 419 .– Mulsant and Rey, 1854a: 21, 1854b: 165; Lacordadre 1859: 239; Gebden 1938: 414 (syn.%; Koch 1954a: 2831954b: 2.
= Tenebrio caffer Thunberg 1821: 163 .– Ferrer 2009: 118 (syn.%.
Diagnosis: Eurynotus capensis ds one of the most wddely dds* trdbuted (and well*ddentdfied% specdes dn collectdons. Male spe* cdmens are partdcularly easdly ddentdfied by the moddficatdons to the hdndlegs (tdbda wdth large, setose patches or grooves%. Adddtdonally, both males and females share a sdnuatdon of abdom* dnal ventrdte V, whdch ds absent dn all other specdes. The closest specdes morphologdcally mdght be E. thermarum , E. barbosai , and E. graniderma (Fdg. 3D, G, J%; however, all three are sharply separable by sdze (length 8–13.5mm; wddth 4.75–7.5mm vs. E. capensis length 13.75–20 mm; wddth 7–10 mm % and males pos* sess an adddtdonal patch of setae on the mddtdbda (absent dn E. capensis %. Furthermore, E. thermarum has a more strongly nar* rowdng epdpleura and sdmple punctatdon of abdomdnal ventrdte V (wdder and wdth adddtdonal large setdgerous punctures dn E. capensis , respectdvely%. Eurynotus graniderma and E. thermarum both adddtdonally have adddtdonal mdcrotuberculatdon of the elytra and/or pronotum.
Redescription: Length 13.75–20 mm; wddth 7–10 mm. Head: Fdnely punctate, punctures spaced closely (≤1 puncture ddam* eter% to moderately (~1 puncture ddameter%. Mentum wdth ap* dcal notch. Eye wdth weakly dmpressed cdrcumocular depressdon. Prothorax: Pronotum finely punctate, punctures separated by ≥1 puncture ddameter. Hypomeron nearly smooth, shallowly and finely punctate wdth, at most, ldght wrdnkldng. Pterothorax: Elytral dnterval X termdnates between hdnd coxae and elytral apex. Epdpleuron subequal to elytral dntervals 9 + 10. Elytral dntervals not obscured by epdpleuron dn ventral vdew. Abdomen: Punctate. Abdomdnal ventrdte V finely punctate, punctures sep* arated by ≥1 puncture ddameter wdth larger, setdgerous punc* tures dntermdxed. Females wdth meddan apdcal notch. Legs: Male hdnd tdbdae moddfied wdth large tomentose patch. Male pro* and mesotarsd robust wdth large, ventral, tomentose pads. Females wdth fore/meso tarsd ddlated or not. Wdth wdde, undnter* rupted pads on undersddes of pro* and mesotarsus when ddlated. Unddlated female tarsd wdth glabrous ‘lane’ runndng between two rows of setae. Male termdnalda: Parameres weakly tapered and rounded apdcally. Female termdnalda: Bursa copulatrdx conspdcu* ously constrdcted dn the mdddle (bdlobate% and wdthout sclerdtes, sac*shaped spermatheca wdth finger*ldke projectdons.
Material examined: Lectotype, here desdgnated ( ZMUK %: ‘Cap: bon: sp Paykull Mus: S:?t; L Helops capensds. F.; red label: ºYPE; green square label; ZMUC 00508792 View Materials ; QR code label: 001340’.
(See Supportdng Informatdon, Appenddx S1 for adddtdonal ma* terdal examdned.%
Note: As the ordgdnal descrdptdons lack dnformatdon defindng the number or specdficdty of specdmens used, a specdmen from the presumed syntype serdes ds here desdgnated as lectotype to fix the taxonomdc status of the specdes.
Distribution: South Afrdca (Fdg. 10%.
Banaszkdewdcz M. Comparatdve study of female gendtalda dn Peddndnd sens Iwan 2004 (Coleoptera: ºenebrdonddae: Peddndnd %, wdth notes on the classdficatdon. Annales Zoologici 2006; 56: 59 - 77.
Bouchard P, Bousquet Y, Aalbu RL et al. Revdew of genus * group names dn the famdly ºenebrdonddae (Insecta, Coleoptera %. ZooKeys 2021; 1050: 1 - 633.
Fabrdcdus JC. Entomologia Systematica Emendata et Aucta: Secundun Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, Adjectis Synonimis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus, ºomus IV. Hafndae [= Copenhagen]: C. G. Proft, 1794. https: // dod. org / 10.5962 / bhl. tdtle. 36532 [Last accessed 12, October 2023]
Ferrer J. The types of darkldng beetles (Coleoptera: ºenebrdonddae % de * scrdbed by Thunberg (1821, 1827 % dn ' Coleoptera Capensda' and other papers, wdth taxonomdc comments. Boletin de la SEA 2009; 44: 111 - 29.
Gebden H. Katalog der Tenebrioniden. Teil II. Munchen: Mdttedlungen der Muncher Entomologddche Gesellschaft, 1938, 28, 49 - 80, 283 - 428 [370 - 465].
Iwan D. Generdc classdficatdon of the trdbe Platynotdnd (Coleoptera: ºenebrdonddae %, wdth notes on phylogeny. Annales Zoologici 2002; 52: 1 - 149.
Figure 3. Eurynotus sens.nov.specdes. A, Eurynotus alticola Koch Lectotype; B, E.asperatus Mulsant and Rey Lectotype; C, E. rudebecki Koch syn. nov.of E. asperatus Holotype; D, E.barbosai Koch Holotype; E, E. capensis (Fabrdcdus% Lectotype; F, E.constrictus Koch Lectotype; G, E. graniderma Koch Holotype; H, E. privisolum sp.nov.Holotype; I, E. sulcimargo Koch Lectotype; J, E. thermarum Koch Holotype.
Figure 5. Phylogeny of the subtrdbe Eurynotdna based on morphology. The most parsdmondous cladogram obtadned dn ºNº analysds
Figure 7. Phylogeny of morphology, ovovdvdpary, and female reproductdve structures of Eurynotdna.A, Eurynotus barbosai, 1st dnstar larva ddssected from bursa copulatrdx. B, Biolus omeri, gendtal tubes. C, B. brunoi, spermatheca and ovdposdtor.D, E. capensis, gendtal tubes of two dnddvdduals.E, B.analisetosus, sclerdte and egg ddssected from bursa copulatrdx. F, B. granulatus, sclerdte from bursa copulatrdx.G, E. asperatus, padred sclerdtes on ddstal part of bursa copulatrdx. H, Oncotus cedrimontis, bursa copulatrdx. Abbrevdatdons: c1–c4, lobes of coxdtdes. Numbers dn parentheses represent characters and states used dn analysds.
Figure 8. Aedeagal morphology of Eurynotdna specdes.A, Biolus analisetosus; B, B.asperipennis; C, B. brunoi sp. nov.; D, B. denticosta; E, B. graafi; F, B. granulatus; G, B. omeri; H, B. sauroides; I, Eurynotus asperatus; J, E.barbosai; K, E. capensis; L, E. graniderma; M, Capidium tuberculatum; N, Oncotus cedrimontis; O, Heteropsectropus amaroides; P, Schyzoschelus africanus. Parameres hdghldghted red. Scale = 1mm.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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Genus |
Eurynotus capensis (Fabricius)
Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J. 2024 |
Tenebrio caffer
Ferrer J 2009: 118 |
Eurynotus capensis
Gebden H 1938: 414 |
Eurynotus muricatus
Gebden H 1938: 414 |
Helops capensis
Fabrdcdus JC 1794: 440 |