Biolus omeri (Koch)

Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J., 2024, evdsdon of the darkldng beetle genus Eurynotus (Blaptdnae: Platynotdnd % and new records of ovovdvdpary dn ºenebrdonddae, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201 (201), pp. 358-386 : 378-379

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Plazi (2024-08-05 08:07:59, last updated by Felipe 2024-11-21 16:29:18)

scientific name

Biolus omeri (Koch)

comb. nov.

7. Biolus omeri (Koch) comb. nov.

( Figs 2G View Figure 2 , 5C View Figure 5 , 7B View Figure 7 , 8G View Figure 8 )

Eurynotus View in CoL ( Biolus) omeri Koch 1954a: 277 .– Kamiński 2016: 235.

Diagnosis: Like B. granulatus , separating this species from others with similar characteristics is best done through a suite of characters. Biolus omeri is most similar to B. granulatus . In fact, specimens identified in the past as the here synonymized Eurynotus ( Biolus) norrisi are at first glance difficult to differ - entiate. The most glaring differences and distinctive traits of B. omeri are the tarsal setae (black), the sharp well -defined tuber - culation of the elytra, and lack of additional puncture types on abdominal ventrite V. See diagnoses of other species for add - itional details.

Redescription: Length 14–18 mm; width 8–9 mm. Head: Coarsely punctate, punctures closely spaced, separated by ≤1 puncture diameter to confluent. Mentum with apical notch. Eye with impressed sulcus around margin. Prothorax: Pronotum coarsely punctate, punctures separated by ≤1 punc - ture diameter to confluent. Hypomeron rugose, with large and shallow punctures. Pterothorax: Elytron not costate, with macrotubercles on disc. Microtubercles absent from elytral

disc and epipleura. Abdomen: Punctate. Abdominal ventrite V punctures separated by ≥1 puncture diameter without larger, setigerous punctures intermixed. Females without median ap - ical notch. Legs: Male and Female legs unmodified. Tarsi with black setae. Males: Pro/meso tarsi robust with large, ventral, tomentose pads. Male terminalia: Parameres weakly tapering with tips sharply tapering and directed medially. Female terminalia: Bursa copulatrix without sclerites or accessory pouch.

Material examined: Holotype (TMNH): ‘Kuouland(?) Berg Dr. Brauns. Uniondale Cape Colony; Eurynotus norrisi ♂ Muls; Eurynotus (Biolus) omeri C. Koch dete.,195? Koch; omeri Koch; Holotype No. 1840 Eurynotus omeri KOCH’.

(See Supporting Information, Appendix S1 for additional ma - terial examined.)

Distribution: South Africa (Fig. 9).

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Figure 2. Biolus stat.nov.species.A, Biolus analisetosus (Koch) comb. nov. Holotype; B, B.asperipennis (Mulsant and Rey) stat.res., comb.nov. Lectotype; C, B. brunoi sp. nov. Holotype; D, B. denticosta (Mulsant and Rey) comb. nov. Lectotype; E, B. graafi (Koch) comb. nov. Holotype; F,B. granulatus (Fabricius) comb. nov. Lectotype; G, B. omeri (Koch) comb.nov.Holotype; H, B. sauroides (Koch) comb. nov. Holotype; I, Eurynotus norrisi Mulsant and Rey syn. nov. of B. granulatus, Lectotype.

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Figure 5. Phylogeny of the subtribe Eurynotina based on morphology. The most parsimonious cladogram obtained in TNT analysis

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Figure 7. Phylogeny of morphology, ovovivipary, and female reproductive structures of Eurynotina.A, Eurynotus barbosai, 1st instar larva dissected from bursa copulatrix. B, Biolus omeri, genital tubes. C, B. brunoi, spermatheca and ovipositor.D, E. capensis, genital tubes of two individuals.E, B.analisetosus, sclerite and egg dissected from bursa copulatrix. F, B. granulatus, sclerite from bursa copulatrix.G, E. asperatus, paired sclerites on distal part of bursa copulatrix. H, Oncotus cedrimontis, bursa copulatrix. Abbreviations: c1–c4, lobes of coxities. Numbers in parentheses represent characters and states used in analysis.

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Figure 8. Aedeagal morphology of Eurynotina species.A, Biolus analisetosus; B, B.asperipennis; C, B. brunoi sp. nov.; D, B. denticosta; E, B. graafi; F, B. granulatus; G, B. omeri; H, B. sauroides; I, Eurynotus asperatus; J, E.barbosai; K, E. capensis; L, E. graniderma; M, Capidium tuberculatum; N, Oncotus cedrimontis; O, Heteropsectropus amaroides; P, Schyzoschelus africanus. Parameres highlighted red. Scale = 1mm.











