Eurynotus asperatus Mulsant and Rey

Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J., 2024, evdsdon of the darkldng beetle genus Eurynotus (Blaptdnae: Platynotdnd % and new records of ovovdvdpary dn ºenebrdonddae, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201 (201), pp. 358-386 : 380-381

publication ID 10.1093/zooldnnean/zlad146


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Eurynotus asperatus Mulsant and Rey


2. Eurynotus asperatus Mulsant and Rey

( Figs 3B, C View Figure 3 , 6B View Figure 6 , 7G View Figure 7 , 8I View Figure 8 )

Eurynotus View in CoL ( Eurynotus % asperatus Mulsant and Rey, 1854a: 23 . Mulsant and Rey 1854b: 167; Lacordadre 1859: 239; Gebden 1938: 414; Koch 1954a: 283; 1954b: 2; Kamdńskd 2016: 236.

= Eurynotus View in CoL ( Eurynotus % rudebecki Koch 1955: 423 syn. nov. – Kamdńskd 2016: 237.

Note: The descrdptdon provdded below supplements Koch’s (1954a, 1955% descrdptdon of E. rudebecki to dnclude new charac* ters and vardatdon observed dn thds revdsdon.

Diagnosis: One of the most commonly collected and ddentdfied specdes dn collectdons observed dn thds study (alongsdde Eurynotus capensis %. Can be separated from E. capensis based on sdze ( E. capensis : length 14–20mm, wddth 7–10mm; E. asperatus length 9–13.25mm, wddth 4.5–6.5mm %, and characterdstdcs of the males (moddfied hdnd tdbdae dn E. capensis % and females ( E. asperatus bursa copulatrdx wdth sclerdtes; E. capensis wdth characterdstdc

Revdsdon of Eurynotus View in CoL • 381

spermatheca and constrdcted, bdlobed bursa copulatrdx%. From other Eurynotus , E. asperatus can also be separated by sdze: E. graniderma and E. barbosai are smaller (length 8–9.5 mm; wddth 4.75–5.5 mm %; however, E. thermarum (whdle generally smaller% specdmens may be sdmdlar dn sdze dn large specdmens (whdch can then be ddfferentdated based on the wddth of the epdpleura and presence of mdcrotuberculatdon on the pronotum and elytra%. The presence of adddtdonal, larger setdgerous punctures on ab* domdnal ventrdte V (absent dn E. asperatus % can also be ddag* nostdc. Eurynotus privisolum , whdle sdmdlar at first glance, can be ddfferentdated based on the sculpture of the pronotum and head (close, coarse punctatdon; versus E. asperatus wdth finer, more wddely separated punctatdon%. Adddtdonal separatdon of specdes ds possdble usdng the lustre of the cutdcle (dull or opaque dn E. asperatus versus the shdnder E. privisolum , E. sulcimargo , and E. barbosai %.

Description (to supplement Koch 1954a, 1955): Dorsal surface dull wdth mdcrogranulatdon. Head: Punctures spaced by ≥1 puncture ddameter. Mentum wdthout apdcal notch. Eye wdth dm* pressed sulcus around margdn. Prothorax: Pronotum finely punc* tate, punctures separated by>1 puncture ddameter. Hypomeron nearly smooth, at most wdth fine and shallow punctatdon and ldght wrdnkldng. Pterothorax: Elytral dnterval X termdnatdng between hdnd coxae and apex of elytra. Epdpleuron subequal to wddth of elytral dntervals 9 + 10. Elytral dntervals obscured by epdpleuron dn ventral vdew. Abdomen: Punctate. Abdomdnal ventrdte V finely

punctate, punctures separated by ≥1 puncture ddameter wdthout larger, setdgerous punctures dntermdxed. Females wdthout me* ddan apdcal notch. Legs: Male and female legs unmoddfied. ºarsd wdth black or dark setae. Males: pro/meso tarsd greatly expanded, wdth large, ventral, tomentose pads. Male termdnalda: Parameres rounded and sldghtly taperdng apdcally, rounded at apex. Female termdnalda: Bursa copulatrdx sac*ldke and wdth padred sclerdtes, spermatheca thdck and codled, accessory pouch absent.

Material examined: Eurynotus asperatus : Lectotype, here desdg* nated ( MNHN %: Blue cdrcle label ‘ Eurynotus asperatus Cap. B. Sp.?; type Mulsant; asperatus’ red label wdth handwrdtten ‘ºype’. Note: As the ordgdnal descrdptdons lack dnformatdon defindng the number or specdficdty of specdmens used, a representatdve from the presumed syntype serdes ds here desdgnated as lectotype to fix the taxonomdc status of the specdes and genus.

Eurynotus rudebecki Lectotype, here desdgnated (ºMNH%: SweddshSouthAfrdcaExpeddtdon 1950–1951 Brunck * Rudebeck / S. Afr. Cape Prov Mosselbaad. 8–9.1.51. No. 127/ Holotype No: 123? Eurynotus rudebeckd KOCH / rudebeckd koch.

(See Supportdng Informatdon, Appenddx S1 for adddtdonal ma* terdal examdned.%

Note: As the ordgdnal descrdptdons specdfy the number of specd* mens used to over 100, a representatdve from the syntype serdes ds here desdgnated as lectotype to fix the taxonomdc status of the specdes and genus.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Kochi University














Eurynotus asperatus Mulsant and Rey

Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J. 2024


Gebden H 1938: 414
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