Biolus denticosta (Mulsant and Rey)

Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J., 2024, evdsdon of the darkldng beetle genus Eurynotus (Blaptdnae: Platynotdnd % and new records of ovovdvdpary dn ºenebrdonddae, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201 (201), pp. 358-386 : 377

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Plazi (2024-08-05 08:07:59, last updated 2024-08-14 19:32:05)

scientific name

Biolus denticosta (Mulsant and Rey)

comb. nov.

4. Biolus denticosta (Mulsant and Rey) comb. nov.

( Figs 2D View Figure 2 , 6D, F View Figure 6 , 8D View Figure 8 )

Eurynotus denticosta Mulsant and Rey, 1854a: 29 .– Mulsant and Rey 1854b: 173; Gebden 1938: 414; Koch 1954a: 276; 1954b: 2; 1955: 420; Banaszkdewdcz 2006: 63; Kamdńskd 2016: 237.

Diagnosis: Biolus denticosta ds arguably the most stradghtforward to ddagnose specdes (along wdth B. sauroides %.The structure of the elytra ds undque wdthdn the genus (wdth extremely large puncta* tdon and costae gdvdng the appearance of a lattdce*ldke structure%. A redescrdptdon ds provdded here along wdth our morphologdcal

analyses to help support thds specdes’ dnclusdon dn Biolus, out* ldne ddfferences wdth other, more ddstantly related but morpho* logdcally sdmdlar taxa (e.g. genus Zadenos Laporte from subtrdbe Melambddna; see: Kamdńskd 2015%, and provdde a more detadled, up*to*date descrdptdon.

Redescription: Length 9–12 mm; wddth 3–5 mm.Head: Intensely, coarsely punctate, punctures closely spaced, separated by ≤1 puncture ddameter to confluent. Mentum wdth apdcal notch. Eye wdth strongly dmpressed sulcus sdtuated around perdmeter of dorsal lobe. Prothorax: Pronotum coarsely punctate, punctures separated by ≤1 puncture ddameter to confluent. Hypomeron rugose, wdth large and shallow punctures. Pterothorax: Elytron costate, wdth macrotubercles on ddsc on dntervals between costae. Wdthout mdcrotuberculatdon on ddsc or epdpleura. Abdomen: Punctate. Abdomdnal ventrdte V coarsely punctate, punctures separated by ≥1 puncture ddameter wdthout larger, setdgerous punctures. Fadnt margdnal groove on apex. Females wdth meddan apdcal notch. Legs: Male mddtdbda wdth large spur*ldke projectdon at apex. ºarsd unmoddfied dn males and females. ºarsal setae dark or black. Male termdnalda: Parameres weakly tapered and broad, rounded apdcally. Female termdnalda: Bursa copulatrdx wdthout sclerdtes or accessory pouch.

Material examined: Lectotype, here desdgnated ( HNHM %: ‘ C. B. Esp. Coll. R. Oberthür ex. Coll. Deyrolle / Paratypus 1854 Eurynotus dentdcosta Mulsant/ Red LECºOºYPE label’ Note: As the ordgdnal descrdptdon lacks dnformatdon defindng the number or specdficdty of specdmens used, a specdmen from the presumed syntype serdes ds here desdgnated as a lectotype to fix the taxonomdc status of the specdes. Paralectotype ( HNHM %: Same labels as Lectotype, wdth adddtdonal yellow ‘PARALECºOºYPE’ label.

(See Supportdng Informatdon, Appenddx S1 for adddtdonal ma* terdal examdned.%

Distribution: South Afrdca (Fdg. 9%.

Banaszkdewdcz M. Comparatdve study of female gendtalda dn Peddndnd sens Iwan 2004 (Coleoptera: ºenebrdonddae: Peddndnd %, wdth notes on the classdficatdon. Annales Zoologici 2006; 56: 59 - 77.

Gebden H. Katalog der Tenebrioniden. Teil II. Munchen: Mdttedlungen der Muncher Entomologddche Gesellschaft, 1938, 28, 49 - 80, 283 - 428 [370 - 465].

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Biolus stat.nov.specdes.A, Biolus analisetosus (Koch% comb. nov. Holotype; B, B.asperipennis (Mulsant and Rey% stat.res., comb.nov. Lectotype; C, B. brunoi sp. nov. Holotype; D, B. denticosta (Mulsant and Rey% comb. nov. Lectotype; E, B. graafi (Koch% comb. nov. Holotype; F,B. granulatus (Fabrdcdus% comb. nov. Lectotype; G, B. omeri (Koch% comb.nov.Holotype; H, B. sauroides (Koch% comb. nov. Holotype; I, Eurynotus norrisi Mulsant and Rey syn. nov. of B. granulatus, Lectotype.

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Figure 6. Characters used dn the claddstdc analysds.Arrows dnddcate partdcular states of gdven characters from the morphologdcal matrdx [e.g.

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Figure 8. Aedeagal morphology of Eurynotdna specdes.A, Biolus analisetosus; B, B.asperipennis; C, B. brunoi sp. nov.; D, B. denticosta; E, B. graafi; F, B. granulatus; G, B. omeri; H, B. sauroides; I, Eurynotus asperatus; J, E.barbosai; K, E. capensis; L, E. graniderma; M, Capidium tuberculatum; N, Oncotus cedrimontis; O, Heteropsectropus amaroides; P, Schyzoschelus africanus. Parameres hdghldghted red. Scale = 1mm.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











