Chrysocoris purpureus (Westwood)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S., 2013, Revision of the genus Chrysocoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) from India, The Bioscan 8 (1), pp. 219-232 : 228-229

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13153330


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scientific name

Chrysocoris purpureus (Westwood)


Chrysocoris purpureus (Westwood)

( Figs. 2g View Figure 2 , 3g View Figure 3 , 4g View Figure 4 , 5g View Figure 5 , 6f View Figure 6 , 7f View Figure 7 , 8f View Figure 8 , 9f View Figure 9 ; Plate II-F and III-F). Callidea purpurea Westwood, 1837: 15 ; Stal, 1868: 10

Diagnosis: Body metallic green to blue, head devoid of any marking, lateral pronotal angles acute, 1 st pair of conjunctival appendages bifurcated.

Colour: Dorsally metallic green with black spots over pronotum and scutellum; head, pronotum, scutellum, and sternum metallic green; first antennal segment, labium, coxae, trochanters, femora (except apices) tibiae and abdomen ochraceous, rest of antennal segments, apices of femora and tibiae metallic green or violaceous blue; small black punctures over pronotum and scutellum

Head: ( Fig. 2g View Figure 2 ) declivent, lateral margins deeply sinuated before eyes; tylus surpasses jugal lobes, breadth (4.05±0.13) 1.2x to length (3.31±0.21), preocular distance (1.51±0.07) 2x to postocular (0.74±0.09); eyes protruded laterally, ocelli located near to eyes than to each other; interocular distance (2.53±0.13) 2x to interocellar (1.25±0.1).

Antennae: Five segmented; I antennal segment (1.18±0.91) never extended beyond apex of head; II (0.44±0.05) and only 0.4x to I; III 5.8x to II; IV longest amongst all and 1.4x to III; V (2.86±0.27) 0.9x to IV; total antennal length 10.13±1.27.

Labium: four segmented; I labial segment smallest (1.09±0.06); II longest (2.26±0.11) and almost 2x to I while III (1.92±0.14) and IV (1.7±0.13) 1.7x and 1.6x, respectively to I segment; total labial length 6.97±0.45 and extended upto II abdominal segment.

Pronotum: ( Fig. 3g View Figure 3 ) convexed, more towards base, anterior margin slightly sinuated, lateral margins straight, breadth at lateral angles (9.82±0.33) 2.36x to anterior pronotal angles (4.15±0.24), and length at middle 4.16±0.24, lateral pronotal angles obtuse; five black spots over surface, two at antero-lateral portion, and two at the posterior end while one at middle but more towards the posterior margin.

Scutellum: ( Fig. 4g View Figure 4 ) slightly convexed at base, anterior margin convex while apical end truncated, covers whole of the abdomen, length (10.6±0.5) 1.2x to breadth (8.95±0.6), seven black spots, six round located towards lateral side in pair while oblong spot and placed at middle near to base.

Legs: with fore, middle and hind femora 3.62 ± 0.24, 4.02±0.31 and 5.53± 0.35, respectively while fore, middle and hind tibiae 3.96± 0.25, 4.01± 0.21 and 5.42± 0.35, respectively; small hairs distributed all over the legs.

External efferent system of metathoracic scent gland: ( Fig. 5g View Figure 5 ) with ostiole small, sunken, peritreme transverse, elevated upward, slightly grooved throughout the length; evaporatorium extended to mesothoracic region, surface is divided into two colour zone i.e., black and yellow, black surface sulcated with fine punctations while yellow surface is smooth.

Abdomen: ventrally convexed; breadth (8.09 ± 0.9) 1.1x to length slightly (7.34±0.45), a black round spot on each ventro-lateral sides, small punctures towards lateral margins but medially it is smooth, arrangement of spiracles and trichobothria same as other species of this genus.

Male genitalia having pygophore ( Fig. 6f View Figure 6 ) with dorso-posterior angle round, inner margin invaginated on its lateral and posterior side, strigils present in patches on dorsal surface.

Aedeagus: ( Fig. 7f View Figure 7 ) with theca distally broad, I pair of conjunctival appendage sclerotized and apically cleft or bifurcated, II pair semisclerotized, anteriorly sclerotized and spinose; 3 rd sclerotized and apically tapered, vesica completely sclerotized, apically notched before gonopore.

Paramere: ( Fig. 8f View Figure 8 ) sickle shaped, stem broad, blade curved and strongly sclerotized, small setae at the base of blade.

Female genitalia having ovipositor with VIII paratergites triangular, fused dorsally, IX paratergites small, anterior margin convexed, elongated; first pair of gonocoxa subquadrate, lateral margins round, posterior margins sinuate, posterointerior angles round.

Spermatheca: ( Fig. 9f View Figure 9 ) with bulb apically round, distal and proximal pump flanges in disc shaped, pump region small, distal and proximal spermathecal ducts almost subequal or previous slightly shorter than proximal, spermathecal dilation spherical and big, texture of dilation not transparent.

Body size: Female 18.28±0.51 and male 17.84±0.97 long.

Habitat: Recorded on Acacia auriculiformis ( Meshram et al., 1992) , Populus deltoides ( Roychoudhury et al., 1994; Prabhakar et al., 2008)

Material examined (NPC): 10 and 8; India: Andhra Pradesh: Guntur, 3 1, 10.ii.1960, coll. Baldev, mango; Nandyal , 1, 27.ix.1912, coll. T.V.R., host unknown; KARNATAKA: Beeravalli , 1, 10.viii.1909, coll. C.N., host unknown; 3, coll. Pooniah, xii.1913, host unknown; Madhya Pradesh: Chindrawara , 1, 21.iv.1908, coll. C.W.M., host unknown; Maharashtra: Nagpur: Maharaj bagh , 6.ii.1914, coll. C.S.M., cotton; 1, 6.ii.1914, cotton; Nagpur, 1, 10.i.1919, coll. A.G.R., cotton; Nagpur, 1, 1, 2.v.1920, coll. Ghosh, orange; Puna , 1, 15.xi.1907, cotton; Tamil Nadu: Palnis, Rodai Kanal (7000 ft), 24.viii.1921, coll. Fletcher, host unknown; Malabar: Tellicherry , 1, 3.viii.1907, coll. T.V.R., wild castor. Myanmar: Mandalay, 1, 4.ix.1914, coll. Fletcher, host unknown; Mandalay division: Maymyo (3300 ft), 1, 19.viii.1914, coll. Fletcher, host unknown .

Comments: allied to C. pulchellus but externally different in having spots over pronotum and the arrangement of the setal patches over pygophore. The present study focused on its morphological characters, morphometry, male and female genitalia over the earlier study which was restricted to external features only.














Chrysocoris purpureus (Westwood)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S. 2013

Callidea purpurea

Westwood 1837: 15
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