Chrysocoris patricius (Fabricius)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S., 2013, Revision of the genus Chrysocoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) from India, The Bioscan 8 (1), pp. 219-232 : 226-227

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13153330


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scientific name

Chrysocoris patricius (Fabricius)


Chrysocoris patricius (Fabricius)

( Figs. 2e View Figure 2 , 3e View Figure 3 , 4e View Figure 4 , 5e View Figure 5 , 6d View Figure 6 , 7d View Figure 7 , 8d View Figure 8 , 9d View Figure 9 ; Plate I-D and III-D). Cimex patricius Fabricius, 1798: 527 ; Stal, 1873, 20

Diagnosis: Body metallic green or blue, smallest species (9- 12mm) of Chrysocoris , lateral pronotal angles obtuse, dorsposterior pygophoral region with setal patch, 1 st conjunctival appendages apically C-shaped.

Colour: Dorsally metallic green or blue with golden reflection, central lobe to head and spots over pronotum and scutellum black. Base of I antennal segment, I and base of II labial segment, coxae, femora (except apices) and lateral margins of prosternum orange or reddish, remaining antennal and labial segments and tarsal segments dark brown to black, apices of femora, tibiae, stigmatal plates and sternum metallic green or blue, lateral margins of ventro-lateral abdomen purplish pink.

Head: ( Fig. 2e View Figure 2 ) declivent, lateral margins sinuated deeply, tylus longer than jugal lobes; head breadth (2.54±.097) 1.4x to length (1.79±0.11); eyes protruded laterally; preocular distance (0.81±0.08) 1.7x to postocular (0.46±0.05); ocelli placed nearer to eyes than to each other; interocular distance (1.03±0.37) 1.3x to interocellar (0.8±0.05) distance and ocelli placed more nearer towards eyes than to each other.

Antennae: Five segmented; attached ventrally on head, nearer to eyes, I antennal segment (0.64±0.07) never extended beyond the apex of head; II (0.31±0.09) smallest and only 0.5x to I; III (1.17±0.07) 3.8x to II; IV and V segment flat while IV broadest of all segments, slightly grooved in middle and 1.4x to III; V (1.8±0.1) longest and 1.1x to IV; small hairs on III and onward segment, in males the II segment very small almost half to the females, total antennal length 5.48±0.31.

Labium: four segmented; I labial segment smallest (0.67±0.07); II longest (1.1±0.15) and 1.6x to I; III (0.76±0.07) and IV (0.78±0.05) subequal and only 0.7x to II segment; total labial length 3.32±0.25 and extended upto posterior coxae.

Pronotum: ( Fig. 3e View Figure 3 ) convexed, anterior pronotal margin slightly sinuated, lateral margins straight, lateral pronotal angles broad and obtuse; breadth between anterior pronotal angles (2.65±0.16) subequal to medial pronotal length (2.62±0.12) and only 0.5x to the breadth between lateral angles (5.32±0.25); 10 black spots distributed over the surface, 3 at anterior margin, 5 at disc, in which 4 round in pairs and middle one oblong, one at each lateral angles.

Scutellum: ( Fig. 4e View Figure 4 ) with base convex, covers whole of the abdomen, scutellar length (5.75±0.29) 1.2x to breadth (4.62±0.29), basal margin almost straight or convex and apical margin round, eight black spots over the surface, 6 round and in pairs located more towards lateral side, one spot circular located at base and one oblong almost at middle; punctures thick and, dense towards lateral sides while medially it is small and arranged sparsely.

Legs: With fore, middle and hind femora 1.84±0.12, 2.1±0.11 and 2.59±0.11, respectively while fore, middle and hind tibiae 2.07±0.09, 2.22±0.11 and 2.82±0.17 long, respectively.

External efferent system of metathoracic scent gland: ( Fig. 5e View Figure 5 ) with ostiole large, round to oval in shape, peritreme transverse and grooved medially upto half of the length, anterior margin concave; evaporatorial surface black and extended upto mesothoracic segment.

Abdomen: Ventrally subquadrate; breadth 1.04x (4.66±0.31) slightly more than abdominal length (4.49±0.16), ventrally it possessed black spots at base and on each abdominal segment. A spiracle on each lateral side from III to VII abdominal segments and also on VIII paratergites, a pair of trichobothria posterior to each spiracle except VIII paratergites. Male genitalia having pygophore ( Fig. 4d View Figure 4 ) with ventral margin broad, bearing a large strigil of irregular rows of stout setae forming a central arc, dorsal border narrow and bearing two long narrow strigils on each side of a small membranous area composed of irregular rows of stout setae.

Aedeagus: ( Fig. 7d View Figure 7 ) with phallotheca cylindrical, basally narrow, three pairs of conjunctival appendages present, first pair flattened proximally, bent distally to sclerotized apices, second pair longest, membranous produced into sclerotized double spines at apices, third pair slender, with distal halves sclerotized and pointed, vesica swollen and basally attained hook shape.

Paramere: ( Fig. 8d View Figure 8 ) stout with a long stem and a long hook pointed at tip, base of hook at its junction with the stem flattened, bearing a number of fairly stout setae.

Female genitalia having ovipositor with VIII paratergite triangular with a spiracle each near to lateral margin and more towards dorsal side, posterior margin straight, medially fused, IX paratergites small and lobe like, first pair of gonocoxae large and subquadrate, moderate setae on genitalic plate.

Spermatheca: ( Fig. 9d View Figure 9 ) with bulb elongated and apex round; distal and proximal flanges of pump distinct and broad, proximal bulbous while distal flange disc shaped, proximal spermathecal duct longer and narrower than distal; spermathecal dilation transparent, small and cylindrical.

Body size: Female 10.42±0.17 and male 10.13±0.38 long.

Habitat: Recorded on Santalum album ( Chatterjee, 1934) ; maize, jatropha (personal observation).

Material examined (NPC): 19 and 20; India: Delhi: IARI , 1, 15.x.1936, coll. Shaffi, host unknown; 1, 19.viii.1939, jwar, 1, 26.viii.1939, Lucern; 1, 18.viii.1939, coll. P. Mukerjee, Sesamum indicum ; 1, 6.viii.1940, coll. H.U. Khan, jwar; 1, 6.iv.1940, coll. R. Saran, gram; 1, 12.x.1940, coll. Mohan Singh, soybean; 1, 19.viii.1941, coll. P. Mukherjee, methi; 1,, coll. P. Mukerjee, cowpea; 1, 4.iii.1944, coll. Jagram, hollyhock; 1, 9.xii.1946, coll. Sadiq, potato leaves; IARI , 1, 29.viii.1946, coll. K.P. Sharma, host unknown; IARI , 1, xi.1949, coll. unknown, cucurbits; 1, 4.ii.1952, coll. S.C. Kumar; host unknown; 1, 22.v.1955, coll. S. Singh, in light trap; Farm area , 1, 15.ii.1955, coll. N.N. Batra, mint; C.C.A. farm , 1, 8.ix.1956, coll. D.N.S., maize; 1, 20.v.2007, coll. S Parveen, mango; 1, 6.v.2007, coll. S. Parveen, vegetables; 1, 15.v.2009, coll. S. Parveen, weeds; 1, 15.v.2009, coll. S. Parveen, rice; 1, 7.x.1950, coll. Bhim Singh, jwar; Uttar Pradesh: Aligarh , 1, 1, 28.viii.2007, coll. S. Parveen, in light trap; Banaras , 1, 17-18.ix.1919, coll. S. Misra and G.D. Austin; Kanpur, 1, 23.x.1914, coll. Fletcher, host unknown; Mathura , 1, 29.viii.2007, coll. S. Parveen, light trap; Mainpuri , 2, 5, 5.ix.2007, coll. S. Parveen, light trap; Tundla , 4, 2, 1.ix.2007, coll. S. Parveen, light trap. Sri Lanka: Tenasserim, 1, 10-12.i.1922, coll. Sharma , host unknown.

Comments: The species is different to others in its small body size (9-11mm). Here, the detail added to its morphometry, male and female genitalic characters alongwith the extended description of morphological characters over the earlier literature limited to its morphology.














Chrysocoris patricius (Fabricius)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S. 2013

Cimex patricius

Fabricius 1798: 527
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