Chrysocoris fascialis (White)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S., 2013, Revision of the genus Chrysocoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) from India, The Bioscan 8 (1), pp. 219-232 : 223-225

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13153330


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chrysocoris fascialis (White)


Chrysocoris fascialis (White)

( Figs. 2c View Figure 2 , 3c View Figure 3 , 4c View Figure 4 , 5c View Figure 5 , 9b View Figure 9 ; Plate I-B). Callidea fascialis White, 1842:86 Chrysocoris fascialis var. venustria Kirkaldy, 1910: 110 . Lamprocoris giranensis Matsumura, 1913:105 ; Tsai and Redei, 2009:46

Diagnosis: Body yellow to orange, pronotum with lateral angles subquadrate, scutellum generally with a transverse black band extended between lateral margins, proximal spermathecal duct longer than distal.

Colour: Dorsally yellow to ochraceous with black spots over pronotum and scutellum; base of head metallic green; coxae, trochanters and femora (except apices) yellow/ ochraceous; first labial segment, apices of femora, tibiae and tarsal segments brown to black while rest of the labial segments and antennae brown; abdomen ventrally ochraceous with brown stigmatal spots, laterally purplish pink band throughout the margins; body sparsely punctured.

Head: ( Fig. 2c View Figure 2 ) small, lateral margins deeply sinuated near eyes before apex, tylus longer than jugal lobes and latter subquadrate; head breadth (2.8) 1.4x to length (2.0); preocular distance 1.2x to postocular, interocular 2x to interocellar distance and ocelli located nearer to eyes than to each other.

Antennae: Five segmented; I antennal segment never extended beyond apex of the head; II smallest and only 0.4x to I; III 4.7x to II while IV longest and broader among all; 1.2x to III; V subequal to III segment and apically tapered, total antennal length 4.4.

Labium: Four segmented; I and IV subequal; II longest and 1.6x to I; III 0.7x to II; total labial length 4.35 and extended upto the II abdominal segment.

Pronotum: ( Fig. 3c View Figure 3 ) with anterior margin deeply sinuated, lateral margins slightly convexed before lateral angles, anterior pronotal angles anteriorly projected; distance between lateral angles 1.9x to anterior pronotal distance and 2.1x to medial pronotal length; seven spots over surface which covered almost whole pronotal surface, two at anterior angles, connected through a transverse band, two at lateral angles and three at disc, the middle one almost quadrate in shape while adjacent one oblong.

Scutellum: ( Fig. 4c View Figure 4 ) not convexed at base, covered almost whole of abdomen, scutellar length 1.4x to breadth, anterior pronota margin almost straight while apex broad and round; four black spots on dorsum, a transverse, thick band like extended between lateral margins, two oval posterior to middle, more towards lateral side and one disc shaped located subapically.

Legs: with hind pair composed of subequal femora and tibiae, middle femora slightly bigger to corresponding tibiae while in tibiae of fore legs slightly bigger to its corresponding femora. External efferent system of metathoracic scent gland: ( Fig. 5c View Figure 5 ) with elongated ostiole, peritreme transversely elongated and slightly elevated upward, not grooved medially; evaporatorial surface moderately rugulose.

Abdomen: U shaped; anterior margin almost straight, a round to disc shaped black spot on each lateral side of abdomen from III-VII, on VI segment one more spot present adjacent to previous; five pairs of spiracles from III to VII segment and a pair of trichobothria posterior to each spiracle.

Female genitalia having ovipositor with VIII paratergites triangular and fused medially, IX paratergites small and bulbous, first pair of gonocoxae subquadrate with posterior middle angle round.

Spermatheca: ( Fig. 9b View Figure 9 ) with bulb elongated, distal end rounded, both flanges present but, not in sclerotized plate like and encloses short pump region; proximal spermathecal duct almost 1.6x to distal duct; spermathecal dilation slender, small and transparent, medial spermathecal duct sclerotized and can be seen easily through spermathecal dilation.

Body size: Female 11.2 long and 5.8 broad.

Habitat: Recorded on Sambucus chinensis ( Ho 2003) .

Material examined (NPC): 1; Myanmar: Maymyo, 1, 20.viii.1914, coll. Com. Ins. Ento, beans.

Comments: species is described under genus Callidea by White (1842). After him it is studied by Distant (1902) and Tsai et al. (2011). Here an attempt made to add the findings over existing literature. This species is remarkably different with others in its body colouration and the spot on the anterior collar and callus which are fused forming a broad fascia.














Chrysocoris fascialis (White)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S. 2013

Lamprocoris giranensis

Matsumura 1913: 105

Chrysocoris fascialis var. venustria

Kirkaldy 1910: 110

Callidea fascialis

White 1842: 86
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