Nogueirapis, Moure, 1953

Ayala, Ricardo & Engel, Michael S., 2014, A new stingless bee species of the genus Nogueirapis from Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Journal of Melittology 37, pp. 1-9 : 7

publication ID 10.17161/jom.v0i37.4775

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Key to Species of Nogueirapis View in CoL

(workers only)

1. Mesoscutellum, sides of mesosoma, propodeum, and metasoma yellowish or yellowish brown ......................................................................................................... 2

—. Mesoscutellum, sides of mesosoma, propodeum, and metasoma dark brown to black .......................................................... N. mirandula (Cockerell) View in CoL (melanic form)

2(1). Dark area on frons not completely divided medially in front of median ocellus by yellow or ferruginous integument, yellow or ferruginous facial markings well separated from median ocellus ( Fig. 4 View Figures 4–6 ) ........................................................... 3

—. Dark area of frons completely divided medially by yellow or ferruginous integument to the level of median ocellus ( Figs. 5, 6 View Figures 4–6 ) ................................................ 4

3(2). Dark area of frons extending paramedially toward antennal toruli, such areas either terminating midway between ocelli and antennal toruli or sometimes continuing to toruli as light brown; mesoscutum yellow ferruginous; metatibia yellow ferruginous except outer apical third dark brown ......... N. butteli (Friese) View in CoL

—. Dark area on frons extending paramedially toward antennal toruli but do not meet upper torular margins, laterally extended ventrally as narrow lines nearing reaching epistomal sulcus outside anterior tentorial pit, separating narrow yellow paraocular area from yellow of face bordering clypeus and antennal toruli ( Fig. 4 View Figures 4–6 ); mesoscutum black ( Fig. 2 View Figures 1–3 ); metatibia entirely dark brown ( Figs. 1, 3 View Figures 1–3 ) ............................................................................................... N. costaricana View in CoL , n. sp.

4(2). Larger species (head width 1.86 mm, forewing length 4.00 mm); dark area of frons completely divided medially by narrow line of yellow/ferruginous integument tapering in width to median ocellus ......................................................... .............................................................. N. mirandula (Cockerell) View in CoL (ferruginous form)

—. Smaller species (head width 1.64 mm, forewing length 3.60 mm); dark area of frons completely divided medially by line of yellow integument that widens toward median ocellus ............................................. N. minor (Moure & Camargo) View in CoL











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