Austriocaris Glaessner, 1931

Laville, Thomas, Forel, Marie-Béatrice & Charbonnier, Sylvain, 2023, Re-appraisal of thylacocephalans (Euarthropoda, Thylacocephala) from the Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Lagerstätte, European Journal of Taxonomy 898 (1), pp. 1-61 : 10

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2023.898.2295

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scientific name

Austriocaris Glaessner, 1931


Genus Austriocaris Glaessner, 1931

Type species

Austriocaris carinata Glaessner, 1931 by monotypy.

Original diagnosis ( Rolfe 1969)

Carapace only known, posterior excavation arcuate or irregular, anterior margin concave or produced into small beak; posteroventral or ventromedian V-shaped furrow; surface smooth with mid-dorsal granulations or posteroventral pits, or dorso-ventrally striate.

Emended diagnosis

Thylacocephala with an optic notch occupying only the ventral part of the anterior margin, presence of a straight mid-dorsal line and a sharp postero-ventral corner.


Rolfe (1969) inversed the orientation of the shield of Austriocaris , the posterior being identified as the anterior. This influenced his diagnosis, with the optic notch being described as a posterior notch.

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