Kilianicaris lerichei Van Straelen, 1923

Laville, Thomas, Forel, Marie-Béatrice & Charbonnier, Sylvain, 2023, Re-appraisal of thylacocephalans (Euarthropoda, Thylacocephala) from the Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Lagerstätte, European Journal of Taxonomy 898 (1), pp. 1-61 : 15-22

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2023.898.2295

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scientific name

Kilianicaris lerichei Van Straelen, 1923


Kilianicaris lerichei Van Straelen, 1923

Figs 5B View Fig , 6–9 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

Kilianicaris lerichei Van Straelen, 1923a: 434–435 , pl. XIV figs 4–5.

Kilianicaris lerichei – Secrétan & Riou 1983: 84, pl. III figs 1–4. — Secrétan 1985: 386–387, fig. 2e. — Schram et al. 1999: 772. — Charbonnier 2009: 205–206, figs 249, 337, 367, tab. 14. — Charbonnier et al. 2010: 115, 117, 121, fig. 5c, tabs 1–2; 2014: 375, fig. 4b, tab. 1. — Schram 2014: 353. — Ji et al. 2017: 174. — Rak et al. 2018: 268. — Van Roy et al. 2021: 1737. — Schram & Koenemann 2022: tab. 41.2.

Material examined

Holotype FRANCE • La Boissine, La Voulte-sur-Rhône, Ardèche , France; Callovian, Middle Jurassic; OSUG-UJF-ID.11545 .

Paratype FRANCE • same collection data as for holotype; OSUG-UJF-ID.1752 .

Additional material

FRANCE • 48 specs; same collection data as for holotype; MNHN.F. A29246 , A29253 , A29301 to A293016 , A29318 , A29374 , A29375 , A53334 , A53335 , A53338 , A53339 , A53342 , A83991 to A85013 , A84073 , R50942 , R50961 , R50967 , R50969 , R50972 , R50973 , R50975 , R50976 1 spec.; same collection data as for holotype; OSUG-UJF-ID.1751 3 specs; same collection data as for holotype; MSNM i7593 , i7596 , i20704 .


See Table 2 View Table 2 .


Shield morphology

Rounded shield in lateral view with a straight and sub-vertical anterior margin, an antero-dorsal corner expressed as a large, rounded and horizontal rostrum, a slightly convex dorsal midline bearing a dorsal carina in its posterior third ( Fig. 6 View Fig ). Presence of serrations along the first two thirds of the dorsal midline, until the dorsal carina ( Fig. 6H–I View Fig ). Postero-dorsal corner expressed as a small spine; straight and vertical posterior margin ending in a rounded postero-ventral corner; ventral margin divided into a posterior half steeply descending antero-ventrally and an anterior one ascending antero-dorsally; both parts merged approximately at mid-length; rounded antero-ventral corner. Rim of all free margins forming a marginal fold.

Shield macro-ornamentation

Dorso-lateral carina protruding from the posterior margin, running straight until the anterior third of the shield and forming a depression ( Figs 6–7 View Fig View Fig ); carina then ascending to the dorsal midline and merging with the dorso-lateral carina from the other side of the shield; carina associated with a row of at least 19 pores (d = ~ 0.5 mm) in its posterior part ( Fig. 8H–K View Fig ). Marginal fold delimited by a ventro-lateral groove ( Fig. 6C–D View Fig ).

Sensory structures

Oval, stalked compound eyes protruding from the anterior margin and occupying the entire margin ( Figs 7F–G View Fig , 9E, G View Fig ).

Cephalic appendages

Cephalic appendages not preserved.

Raptorial appendages Presence of three pairs of raptorial appendages recognised by preservation of muscles, protruding from the ventral margin ( Figs 9H–I View Fig , 11 View Fig ). Raptorial appendages consisting of two parts: a proximal postero-ventrally oriented and a distal one, antero-ventrally oriented. Articulation between both parts forming an elbow.

First pair of raptorial appendages ( Fig. 9A–D View Fig ), the shortest, consisting of a proximal part with two podomeres: a rectangular podomere 1 being 3.4 times as long as wide; a stout podomere 2 being 5.9 times as long as wide. Distal part of the appendages formed by three podomeres: podomere 3 being 4 times as long as wide; podomere 4 being 5.6 times as long as wide and bearing two medial spines; podomere 5, the most distal and shortest one, being 4.8 times as long as wide.

Second pair of raptorial appendages consisting of a proximal part with two podomeres ( Fig. 9 View Fig ): podomere 1 not well preserved; podomere 2 being 4.7 times as long as wide ( Fig. 9A–B, D View Fig ). Distal part of the appendage consisting of three podomeres: podomere 3, the longest, being 5.2 times as long as wide and bearing two medial spines; podomere 4 being 5.3 times as long as wide and bearing four medial spines; podomere 5 being 3.5 times as long as wide and ending distally in a cluster of five long spines, the medial one being the smallest.

Third pair of raptorial appendages, the longest, consisting of a proximal part with two poorly preserved rectangular podomeres ( Fig. 9 View Fig ). Distal part consisting of three podomeres: podomeres 3 being 4.8 times as long as wide; podomere 4 being 6.1 times as long as wide; podomere 5 being 5.3 times as long as wide and ending in a cluster of two spines.

Oval structure

Long oval structure, protruding from the anterior part of the ventral margin, between raptorial and trunk appendages ( Fig. 9E–F View Fig ).

Posterior trunk

Eleven, elongate rectangular structures (i.e., pleural part of posterior trunk segments) surrounding a long rectangular structure (i.e., possible tergal part; Fig. 8A–D View Fig ). Pleural parts slightly curved downward at their distal end ( Fig. 8D View Fig ). Last pleura thinner than the others. Posterior extremity of the trunk expressed as a rhomboidal element (i.e., telson) bearing a rounded structure, formed by two circular parts ( Fig. 6C– D View Fig ): an outer one, delimiting the entire feature, and an inner smaller one.

Posterior trunk appendages

Eleven pairs of trunk appendages, postero-dorsally oriented, protruding from the posterior part of the ventral margin ( Fig. 8 View Fig ). First ten appendages formed by two parts: a square-shaped proximal one with a rounded distal margin and a styliform distal one ( Fig. 6E View Fig ). Last pair of trunk appendages formed by two paddle-like parts and being longer than the rest ( Fig. 8A–B View Fig ).


Eight long lamellar gills preserved under the central part of the shield below the dorso-lateral carina ( Fig. 6H–I View Fig ). Gills with an elliptic shape, becoming arcuate near the dorsal midline.


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Italy, Milano, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle








Kilianicaris lerichei Van Straelen, 1923

Laville, Thomas, Forel, Marie-Béatrice & Charbonnier, Sylvain 2023

Kilianicaris lerichei

Van Roy P. & Rak S. & Budil P. & Fatka O. 2021: 1737
Rak S. & Broda K. & Kumpan T. 2018: 268
Ji C. & Tintori A. & Jiang D. & Motani R. 2017: 174
Schram F. R. 2014: 353
Charbonnier S. & Vannier J. & Hantzpergue P. & Gaillard C. 2010: 115
Charbonnier S. 2009: 205
Schram F. R. & Hof C. H. J. & Steeman F. A. 1999: 772
Secretan S. 1985: 386
Secretan S. & Riou B. 1983: 84

Kilianicaris lerichei

Van Straelen V. 1923: 435
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