Zhamoidellum sutnal ( O’Dogherty and Gawlick, 2008 )

Cifer, Tim, Goričan, Špela, Gawlick, Hans-Jürgen & Auer, Matthias, 2020, Pliensbachian, Early Jurassic radiolarians from Mount Rettenstein in the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (1), pp. 167-207 : 188

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4202/app.00618.2019

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scientific name

Zhamoidellum sutnal ( O’Dogherty and Gawlick, 2008 )


Zhamoidellum sutnal ( O’Dogherty and Gawlick, 2008)

Fig. 9M–O.

2001 Dicolocapsa sp. ; Gawlick et al. 2001: fig. 6: 4.

2008 Lantus sutnal sp. nov.; O’Dogherty and Gawlick 2008: 74, pl. 1: 15, 17.

Material.— Sample Rö97: stubs Rö97_1 (three specimens), Rö97_3 (three specimens), Rö97_4 (one specimen), Mount Rettenstein , Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria, Lower Pliensbachian .

Remarks.— O’Dogherty and Gawlick (2008) assigned this species to Lantus because they assumed that it has four segments. Our specimens apparently have three segments but are otherwise practically identical. They only differ from the type material by being somewhat larger and by having more numerous and proportionally smaller pores on the abdomen. This species differs from Zhamoidellum yehae Dumitrica in Goričan et al., 2006) by the cephalothorax not being encased in the abdomen. Zhamoidellum sutnal closely resembles the Middle–Upper Jurassic species Zhamoidellum ventricosum Dumitrica, 1970 but stratigrapic ranges of these two species are disconnected.

Stratigraphic and geographic range. —LowerPliensbachian. Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria.






Zhamoidellum sutnal ( O’Dogherty and Gawlick, 2008 )

Cifer, Tim, Goričan, Špela, Gawlick, Hans-Jürgen & Auer, Matthias 2020

Lantus sutnal

O'Dogherty, L. & Gawlick, H. - J. 2008: 74
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