Andrena (incertae sedis) fumea, Wood, 2023

Wood, Thomas, 2023, New Andrena species from Central Asia (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 55 (1), pp. 355-371 : 364-366

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Felipe (2024-03-06 14:20:13, last updated 2024-03-06 15:02:06)

scientific name

Andrena (incertae sedis) fumea

sp. nov.

Andrena (incertae sedis) fumea nov.sp. ( Figs 21-26 View Figs 21-26 )

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Holotypes: Kyrgyzstan: sept. Čon Aryk [Chong-Aryk] (Frunze) [Bishkek], cca 1050 m, 42.8119 oN, 74.5844 oE, 5.vii.1983, 1♀, leg. B. Tkalců, coll. Biologiezentrum Linz.

D i a g n o s i s. Andrena fumea is part of an undescribed subgenus best referred to as the relata -group (see PISANTY et al. 2022b; WOOD 2023a; 2023b) that does not display clear defining or distinctive characters, leading to its lack of historical recognition. This group is incompletely characterised, but can predominantly be recognised by the relatively short and compact head with the fore margin of the clypeus slightly raised and forming a ‘]’ shape ( Figures 22-23 View Figs 21-26 ), by the often weak and poorly defined propodeal triangle ( Figure 25 View Figs 21-26 , though this is less applicable in the case of A. fumea ), by the ovoid metasoma ( Figure 26 View Figs 21-26 ), and the lack of any distinctive derived characters. It is best diagnosed against the most morphologically similar species which is A. melanota Warncke, 1975 ( Turkey) due to its similar structure, size, and pubescence (pubescence including scopae predominantly dark with white hairs on the face, mesepisternum, and forming apical white patches laterally on the terga, Figures 21-22; 26 View Figs 21-26 ).

The two species are very close, but A. fumea can be separated by the structure of the clypeus which is evenly punctate, without a slightly raised impunctate mid-line (in A. melanota with a clear and slightly raised impunctate mid-line), by the scutum which is more finely and densely punctate, punctures separated by 0.5-1 puncture diameters, underlying surface finely shagreened and weakly shining ( Figure 24 View Figs 21-26 ; in A. melanota with the scutum more strongly punctate, punctures separated by 1-2 puncture diameters, underlying surface polished and shining), by the structure of the propodeum which is covered with coarse raised rugae over its basal 1/3 rd and with fine granular shagreen over the remaining area, thus strongly contrasting both the sculpture of the basal half and the dorsolateral parts of the propodeum ( Figure 25 View Figs 21-26 ; in A. melanota the sculpture of the propodeum is more consistent, with fine raised rugae in its basal half, these becoming weaker but the remaining area finely reticulate, not strongly contrasting the dorsolateral parts of the propodeum), and by the pubescence of the terga, with T2-3 only forming weak and sparse apical hair fringes of white hairs that do not obscure the underlying surface ( Figure 26 View Figs 21-26 ; in A. melanota with T2-4 laterally with strong and thick white hair patches that obscure the underlying surface).

D e s c r i p t i o n.

Female. Body length: 13 mm ( Figure 21 View Figs 21-26 ). Head: Dark, 1.3 times wider than long ( Figure 22 View Figs 21-26 ). Clypeus very weakly domed, surface very densely punctate, punctures separated by 0.5 puncture diameters, interspaces weakly shining. Fore margin of clypeus distinctly upturned, forming shallowly rounded semicircle ( Figure 23 View Figs 21-26 ). Process of labrum trapezoidal, twice as broad as long, apical margin with angular emargination. Gena slightly exceeding diameter of compound eye; ocelloccipital distance 1.5 times diameter of lateral ocellus. Foveae occupying slightly more than ½ space between compound eye and lateral ocellus; foveae filled with dark brown hairs. Head with intermixed black and white hairs, black hairs covering majority of gena, vertex, dorsal part of frons, and fore margin of clypeus narrowly; white hairs covering majority of lower part of frons, antennal insertions, paraocular areas, and clypeus. Antennae dark, A5 ventrally weakly lightened by presence of grey-brown scales. A3 slightly exceeding A4+5, clearly shorter than A4+5+6.

Mesosoma: Scutum and scutellum finely and densely punctate, punctures separated by 0.5-1 puncture diameters, underlying surface finely shagreened and weakly shining ( Figure 24 View Figs 21-26 ). Pronotum with strong humeral angle. Mesepisternum with fine microreticulation, surface with shallow punctation, punctures separated by 0.5-1 puncture diameters. Dorsolateral parts of propodeum reticulate, forming dense network of raised reticulation. Propodeal triangle broad, in basal 1/3 rd covered with coarse raised rugae, in apical 2/3rds with fine granular shagreen, strongly contrasting dorsolateral parts of propodeum ( Figure 25 View Figs 21-26 ). Mesepisternum with predominantly white hairs, scutum and scutellum with black hairs; metanotum and propodeum with predominantly white hairs. Propodeal corbicula incomplete, but with small and weak apical fringe composed of black plumose hairs; dorsal fringe strong, composed of long white plumose hairs, internal surface with scattered long white hairs. Legs dark, apical tarsal segments slightly lightened brownish, pubescence predominantly dark brown to black, ventral margin of fore femur with long fringe of white hairs. Flocculus moderately weak, composed of white and black plumose hairs; femoral scopae composed of long white simple hairs, tibial scopae composed of shorter black simple hairs. Hind tibial claws with strong inner tooth. Wings weakly brownish-infumate, stigma and venation orange, nervulus antefurcal.

Metasoma: Tergal discs dark, tergal margins narrowly lightened brownish ( Figure 26 View Figs 21-26 ). Terga with weak sculpture, more or less polished and shining; terga punctate, punctures separated by 1-2 puncture diameters. Discs of T1-2 with sparse white hairs, discs of T3-5 with dense short black hairs; T1-3 laterally with obscure patches of whitish hairs. Apical fringe of T5 medially and hairs flanking pygidial plate dark brown; apical fringe of T5 laterally with white hairs. Pygidial plate triangular with rounded apex, lateral margins weakly raised, medially with raised triangular area.

Male. Unknown.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Northern Kyrgyzstan.

D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Feminine singular nominative form of the Latin adjective fumeus meaning ‘smoky, in reference to its dark pubescence, integument, and slightly infumate wings.

O t h e r m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: ( Andrena melanota WARNCKE, 1975 ): Turkey: Erzurum, 28.v.1970, 1♀, leg. H. Ozbek, coll. Biologiezentrum Linz (holotype) ; Turkey: Erzurum, 26.vii.1966, 1♁, leg. H. Ozbek, coll. Biologiezentrum Linz (paratype) ; Turkey: Erzurum, 31.viii.1937, 1♁, leg. O. Ecevit, coll. Biologiezentrum Linz (paratype) ; Turkey: Hakkari, S. Varegös / Mt. Sat , 2000 m,, 2♀♀, leg. K. Warncke, coll. Biologiezentrum Linz ; Turkey: Hakkari, S. Varegös / Mt. Sat , 2100 m,, 1♀, leg. K. Warncke, coll. Biologiezentrum Linz.

PISANTY G., RICHTER R., MARTIN T., DETTMAN J. & S. CARDINAL (2022 b): Molecular phylogeny, historical biogeography and revised classification of andrenine bees (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). - Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 170: 107151.

WOOD T. J. (2023 a): The genus Andrena FABRICIUS, 1775 in the Iberian Peninsula. - J. Hymenopt. Res. 96: 241 - 484.

WOOD T. J. (2023 b): New Old World Andrena species, with a focus on Turkey (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). - Zootaxa 5266: 1 - 72.

Gallery Image

Figs 21-26: Andrena (incertae sedis) fumea nov.sp. female (21) profile; (22) face, frontal view; (23) process of the labrum, fronto-ventral view; (24) scutum, dorsolateral view; (25) propodeal triangle, dorsal view; (26) terga, dorsal view.











