Brycon devillei ( Castelnau, 1855 )

Lima, Flávio C. T., 2017, A revision of the cis-andean species of the genus Brycon Müller & Troschel (Characiformes: Characidae), Zootaxa 4222 (1), pp. 1-189 : 51-53

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.257769

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scientific name

Brycon devillei ( Castelnau, 1855 )


Brycon devillei ( Castelnau, 1855) View in CoL

Chalceus devillei Castelnau, 1855: 69 , pl. 36, fig. 2 (Type locality “ Bahia”). Brycon devillei: Howes, 1982: 24 View in CoL –25, fig. 17 (holotype; brief description). [not Amaral-Campos, 1950; Araújo, 1996; Sunaga & Verani, 1991; Vieira et al., 2008; Azevedo et al., 2011; Travenzoli et al.,


Summary information on meristics. Lateral line scales 53. Horizontal scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line 9. Horizontal scale rows between lateral line and pelvic-fin 4. Circumpeduncular scales 18. Dorsal-fin rays ii, 9. Pectoral-fin rays i, 13. Pelvic-fin rays i, 7. Anal-fin rays iii, 23. Outer premaxillary teeth row with 10 teeth. Four teeth in second, inner premaxillary row, plus 2 teeth between the first and third rows. Fifteen dentary teeth at the main series. Twenty-five maxillary teeth. First branchial arch with 13 lower, 1 at angle, and 12 upper gill rakers. Morphometric data of the holotype presented in Table 8 View TABLE 8 .

Remarks. Brycon devillei is only known from its holotype ( MNHN 4517 About MNHN ), which has as its stated type-locality “ Bahia ” . Castelnau, who collected and described the species, spent a year as the French consul in Salvador (the capital city of Bahia) in 1849 ( Papavero, 1971). “ Bahia ” was often used in the XIX zoological and botanical literature to refer to Salvador and surrounding areas . No Brycon specimens were examined in the present study from the northern coastal river systems adjacent to Salvador, with the exception of a single B. vonoi specimen apparently collected immediately southward from Salvador at the rio Una (see item “Remarks” of B. vonoi , below). The holotype of Brycon devillei is distinct from B. vonoi by possessing a distinctly pointed head profile (vs. head profile relatively blunt), a fifth infraorbital bone considerably wider than high (vs. fifth infraorbital bone about as wide as high; see Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ), and a higher number of horizontal scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line (9, vs. 7–8). Overall, the holotype of Brycon devillei is very similar and virtually undistinguishable from B. insignis , a species occurring considerably southward, in the rio Paraíba do Sul and coastal river systems from Rio de Janeiro, eastern Brazil (see item “Distribution” of B. insignis , above). Castelnau stayed in Rio de Janeiro during June to October of 1843 ( Papavero, 1971) and collected some fishes in the area (e.g., the holotype of Loricariichthys castaneus , a species restricted to coastal river systems from rio Doce basin southward to rio Ribeira de Iguape basin in eastern Brazil ; Reis & Pereira , 2000). Kullander & Lucena (2006: 134) remarked that the type-locality of Crenicichla lacustris , said to have been collected at “ Bahia ” by Castelnau (1855), was probably an error, since the species was never collected so far northward into the northern coastal rivers of Bahia, the most setentrional known locality being the rio Buranhém in southern coastal Bahia . They proposed that the holotype of Crenicichla lacustris was more likely collected in the Rio de Janeiro area, where the species is in fact quite common ( Kullander & Lucena, 2006: 134). It seems also possible that the holotype of Brycon devillei was collected in the Rio de Janeiro area, instead of Bahia . In that case, Brycon devillei would have to be considered a senior synonym of B. insignis . However, given our current lack of knowledge on the Brycon populations occurring in the coastal river systems north from the rio Pardo , it seems more cautious to await for additional information on the Brycon species occurring in the area, before proposing such a change. To complicate further the issue, at least one specied described by Castelnau (1855) bearing the locality “ Bahia ”, was demonstrated to be based on specimens very likely collected in rivers draining the southern portion of Bahia state ( Silva & Malabarba, 2016). Until the matter can be satisfactorily settled, we prefer to consider Brycon devillei as a species inquirenda.

Material examined. MNHN 4517 About MNHN (1, 145.5 mm SL): “ Bahia ”. F. de Castelnau, no date. Holotype of Chalceus devillei Castelnau.

TABLE 8. Morphometric data of the holotype of Brycon devillei, MNHN 4517.

Standard length (SL)   145.5
Percentages of standard length    
Depth at dorsal-fin origin   26.8
Snout to dorsal-fin origin   55.3
Dorsal-fin base length   12.1
Posterior terminus of dorsal fin to adipose fin 23.1
Posterior terminus of dorsal fin to hypural joint 38.1
Snout to pelvic-fin insertion   48.2
Snout to anal-fin origin   65.9
Anal-fin base length   26.3
Caudal peduncle length   14.6
Dorsal-fin height   23.2
Pectoral-fin length   20.4
Pelvic-fin length   16.5
Caudal peduncle depth   8.4
Head length   27.5
Percentages of head length    
Head height   69.0
Snout length   30.8
Upper jaw length   48.0
Horizontal eye diameter   24.3
Post-orbital length   46.3
Least interorbital width   31.3

Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Brycon devillei ( Castelnau, 1855 )

Lima, Flávio C. T. 2017

Chalceus devillei

Howes 1982: 24
Castelnau 1855: 69
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