Phlugiolopsis pectinis, Bian, Xun, Shi, Fu-Ming & Chang, Yan-Lin, 2012

Bian, Xun, Shi, Fu-Ming & Chang, Yan-Lin, 2012, Review of the genus Phlugiolopsis Zeuner, 1940 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae) from China, Zootaxa 3281, pp. 1-21 : 9-11

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scientific name

Phlugiolopsis pectinis

sp. nov.

6. Phlugiolopsis pectinis sp. nov.

(Map. 1, Figs. 6 –7 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 , 13 View FIGURE 13 : G–H)

Male. Body small. Fastigium verticis conical, apex obtuse, furrowed in midline. Eyes globular, obviously protruding forwards. Apical segment of maxillary palpi as long as subapical one, apex slightly inflated.

Anterior margin of pronotum straight, metazona slightly raised, posterior margin obtusely rounded; lateral lobe longer than high, humeral sinus absent.

Ventral margins of femora of all legs smooth, without spines. Procoxa with a short spine; protibia with 4 pairs of spines and 1 pair of apical spurs on ventral margin; tibial tympana opened on both sides, oval. Mesotibia with 3 internal spines and 4 external spines on ventral margin, and a pair of ventral apical spurs. Genicular lobes of postfemur with apices obtuse; posttibia with 25–26 dorsal spines on each side, 1 pair of dorsal apical spurs and 2 pairs of ventral apical spurs.

Tegmina short, reaching posterior margin of pronotum, visible in lateral view. Hind wings absent.

Posterior margin of tenth abdominal tergite weakly concave. Cerci slightly incurved, interno-dorsal margin of basal area with 1 slightly compressed, comparatively long and triangular process, the apex obtuse; ventral margin of one third basal area with a comparatively short and triangular process, apex obtuse; middle area with 1 spineshaped process on dorsal margin, apex directed interno-dorsad; subapical area slightly expanded, apex subacute. Subgenital plate with base broad, gradually narrowing, basal margin arched excavate, posterior margin concave with a small angular convexity in middle. Subgenital plate with thin and long styli on ventral margin of subapex.

Female. Appearance is similar to male, slightly larger. Cerci conical, apices acute. Ovipositor gently curved upwards, base stout, narrowing, dorsal valvulae slightly longer than ventral ones; dorsal valvulae sharply pointed and ventral valvulae with an indistinct small terminal hook or absent. Subgenital plate with basal half broad, basal margin slightly straight; lateral margins expanded, slightly curved ventrad; apical half narrowing, centre of posterior margin with 1 shallowly concavity.

Coloration. Body brown. Frons, gena and eyes light brown. Internal margin of antennal socket, scape and pedicel black brown. Dorsum of head with 4 brown stripes. Pronotum with a pair of dark brown stripes on lateral margins of disc, between area light brown; lateral lobes light brown. Ventral spines of tibiae, apex of each tibia, whole tarsi and genicular lobes light brown. Male cerci yellowish brown.

Type material. Holotype: male, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 29 October 2011, collected by Le-Hong Zhao. Paratypes: 5 males and 5 females, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 29 October 2011, collected by Le-Hong Zhao; 6 males and 10 females, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 1 November 2011, collected by Le-Hong Zhao and Guang-Lin Xie; 1 male and 1 female, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 29 October 2011, collected by Xun Bian. Other specimens (conserved in pinned): 1 male and 1 female, Pêlung, Linzhi, Xizang, 25 September 2007, collected by Fu-Ming Shi; 1 male and 2 females, Tangmai, Bomi, Xizang, 26 September 2007, collected by Fu-Ming Shi; 1 female, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 27 October 2011, collected by Xun Bian; 2 females, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 28 October 2011, collected by Le-Hong Zhao; 2 males and 4 females, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 29 October 2011, collected by Le-Hong Zhao; 2 females, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 31 October 2011, collected by Le-Hong Zhao; 6 males and 10 females, Dagmo, Mêdog, Xizang, 1 November 2011, collected by Le-Hong Zhao and Guang-Lin Xie.

Measurements (mm). Body: 37.5 – 8.2, Ƥ 9.2–9.6; pronotum: 33.6 – 3.7, Ƥ 4.1–4.2; tegmen: 31.6 – 1.8, Ƥ 1.3–1.4; postfemur: 37.6 – 7.9, Ƥ 8.4–8.9; ovipositor: 5.8–5.9.

Remarks. The new species differs from the known species of the genus Phlugiolopsis by: the elongate male cerci with 3 processes.

Etymology. The name of the new species refers to the morphology of the male’s cerci. Distribution. China (Xizang).

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FIGURE 6. Habitus of Phlugiolopsis pectinis sp. nov.: A – B. male; C – D. female.

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FIGURE 7. Phlugiolopsis pectinis sp. nov. A, C – G. male: A. pronotum in dorsal view; C. apex of abdomen in dorsal view; D. left cercus in externo-dorsal view; E. right cercus in interno-dorsal view; F. left cercus in ventral view; G. process of left cercus in ventral view; H. subgenital plate in ventral view; B, I – K. female: B. pronotum in dorsal view, I. apex of abdomen in lateral view; J. apex of ovipositor in lateral view; K. subgenital plate in ventral view.

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FIGURE 13. Habitus lateral view of Phlugiolopsis spp. A, C, E, G, I. male; B, D, F, H, J. female: A – B. P. digitusis sp. nov.; C – D. P. tribranchis sp. nov.; E – F. P. adentis sp. nov.; G – H. P. pectinis sp. nov.; I – J. P. trullis sp. nov.