Linepithema neotropicum

Escárraga, Mayron & Guerrero, Roberto J., 2016, The ant genus Linepithema (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) in Colombia, Zootaxa 4208 (5), pp. 446-458 : 454

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Plazi (2016-12-20 07:37:29, last updated 2024-11-27 02:12:18)

scientific name

Linepithema neotropicum


Linepithema neotropicum

Distribution. Linepithema neotropicum is a species with a broad altitudinal distribution and varied habitat occupancy. It ranges from 260 to 2600 m altitude, with most of the records corresponding to high altitudes in the Central region of the country, but it was also found in plains to the East and near the Amazonas forest to the South. It was previously recorded in the departments of Huila, La Guajira, Meta, Tolima and Valle del Cauca ( Mera et al. 2010; Ramirez et al. 2010); here we expand distributional records to the departments of Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Caquetá, Cauca, Magdalena, Nariño, Quindío, and Vichada ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ).

Biology. Linepithema neotropicum was captured with different sampling methods (pitfall, entomological net, Malaise trap, Winkler trap, and beating tray) suggesting variable habits. Some specimen records are from paddocks. In other collections, this species was attracted to human excrement.

Examined material. ANTIOQUÍA: Sonsón , Quebrada la Violeta, 1000 m (IAvH); Medellín, Campus Unal, 1561m . BOYACÁ: Sogamoso, Vda. Moniquirá, Pie de Cuesta , 2455 m ( SCB); SFF Iguaque, Cabaña Chaina, 2600 m (IAvH) . CALDAS: Aguadas, Cañón Rio Arma , 1995 m (IAvH); Aguadas, La Playa, 1610 m (IAvH) . CAQUETÁ: Belén de los Andaquíes, (MUSENUV); Balcanes, (MUSENUV) . HUILA: Garzón, Vda. el Espinal, (IAavH) . MAGDALENA: PNN Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, El Ramo , 2500 m (IAvH); PNN Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, San Pablo-San Pedro, 755 m, (IAvH) . META: PNN Sierra de la Macarena, Caño Curía , 460 m (IAvH) ; 493 m, (IAvH). NARIÑO: RN La Planada, 1850 m, (IAvH) . QUINDÍO: Alcalá, Los Guayabos , 1054m, (MUSENUV); Buenavista, Vda. El Infierno, Fca. Guadalajara, 1160 m, (IAvH); Calarcá, Vda. Pradera Baja, 1575 m, (IAvH); Calarcá, Vda. Santo Domingo, 1580 m, (IAvH); Circasia, Vda. Buenavista, Fca. Calamar, 1450 m, (IAvH); Génova, Vda. el Cedral, Fca . Buenos Aires, 1600 m, (IAvH); Génova, Vda. el Cedral, Fca. Venecia, 1800 m (IAvH); Génova, Vda. el Dorado, 1500 m, (IAvH); Génova, Vda. el Dorado, 1800 m, (IAvH); Génova, Vda. el Dorado, 1600 m, (IAvH); Montenegro , La Pampa, 1185 m, (MUSENUV); Quimbaya, Vda. el Laurel, Fca. Balmoral, 1200 m, (IAvH) . TOLIMA: Fresno , 1508 m, (IAvH) . VALLE DEL CAUCA: El Cairo, Vda . Buenos aires, Fca. el Pital, 1380 m, (IAvH); PNN Los Farallones de Cali, Anchicaya, 650 m, (IAvH) . VICHADA: Cumaribo, Selva de Matavén , 260 m, (IAvH).

Mera, Y., Gallego, M. & Armbrecht, I. (2010) Interacciones entre hormigas e insectos en follaje de cafetales de sol y sombra, Cauca-Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia, 31, 116 - 126.

Ramirez, M., Herrera, J. & Armbrecht, I. (2010)? Bajan de los arboles las hormigas que depredan en potreros y cafetales colombianos? Revista Colombiana de Entomologia, 31, 106 - 115.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 4. Linepithema gallardoi, L. neotropicum and L. iniquum distribution in Colombia from examined material.


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