Ufens Girault, 1911

Aishan, Zhulidezi & Hu, Hong-Ying, 2014, Taxonomic study of Ufens Girault from Xinjiang, China (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), Zoological Systematics 39 (3), pp. 449-454 : 449-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11865/zs20140313

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scientific name

Ufens Girault


Ufens Girault View in CoL

Ufens Girault, 1911: 32 View in CoL ; Owen, 2011: 164 (list of synonyms and other relevant information). Type species: Trichogramma nigrum View in CoL

Ashmead, 1888, by monotypy. Ufensia Girault, 1913: 102 View in CoL ; Doutt & Viggiani, 1968: 576 (synonymized); Viggiani, 1972: 159

(revalidated); Owen, 2011: 32 (synonymized). Type species: Ufensia pretiosa Girault, 1914 , by monotypy. Neocentrobia Blood 1923: 254 ; Viggiani, 1988: 20 (synonymized). Type species: Neocentrobia hirticornis Blood, 1928 , by monotypy.

Stephanotheisa Soyka 1931: 111 ; Nowicki, 1935: 572 (synonymized). Type species: Stephanotheisa vitoldi Soyka , by monotypy. Grantranna Girault 1939: 324; replacement name for Neocentrobia Blood 1923: 254 ; nec Girault 1912: 91–92.

Diagnosis. Marked sexual dimorphism in the antennae: female antenna 9-segmented with two anelli, two funicle segments obliquely divided and the junction is confused, club 3-segmented; male antenna 10-segmented with a 4-segmented club with whorls of curved bristles, the terminal segment very small, bud-like. Maxillary palp 1-segmented. Fore wing very broad, oblate and nearly truncate apically, stigmal vein as long as marginal vein, setal tracks very distinct. Male genitalia with aedeagus fused to genital capsule.

Hosts. Primarily Cicadellidae ( Lin, 1994; Owen, 2011). Other records are from Miridae ( Viggiani, 1988) and Tettigoniidae ( Timberlake, 1927) ; but those from Pyralidae ( Peck, 1963) need verification and are probably incorrect ( Owen, 2011).

Distribution. Worldwide, though apparently uncommon in South America ( Owen, 2011).

Key to the Chinese species of Ufens View in CoL

1. Fore wing cilia in a regular arrangement.................................................................................................................................................. 2

Fore wing cilia in an irregular arrangement .............................................................................................................................................4 2. Male genitalia with volsellae ............................................................................................................................................. U. rimatus Lin View in CoL

Male genitalia without volsellae .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Genitalia not laterally sigmoid, parameres without terminal spine, laterally emarginated near tip ........................... U. cupuliformis Lin View in CoL

Genitalia laterally sigmoid, parameres with terminal spine, laterally evenly tapering ............................................. U. foersteri (Kryger) View in CoL 4. Fore wing venation very pale, SV broad....................................................................................................................... U. pallidus Owen View in CoL

Fore wing venation well pigmented, SV constricted at its base ............................................................................................................... 5 5. Male genitalia with dorsal ridge, ventral process laterally emarginate on one side..................................................... U. similis (Kryger) View in CoL

Male genitalia without dorsal ridge, ventral process evenly tapering to the apex ....................................................... U. acuminatus Lin View in CoL












Ufens Girault

Aishan, Zhulidezi & Hu, Hong-Ying 2014


Owen & Revision of Ufens Girault & Hymenoptera & Trichogrammatidae & University of California Publications in Entomology 2011: 164
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