Eudyasmus basalis Pancini & Bramanti, 2021

Setliff, Gregory, Pancini, Lorenzo & Bramanti, Andrea, 2021, Review of Eudyasmus, with descriptions of a new species from Waigeo Island, Indonesia, and a closely related new genus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Molytinae, Eudyasmini), Fragmenta entomologica 53 (2), pp. 377-390 : 380-383

publication ID 10.13133/2284-4880/542

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scientific name

Eudyasmus basalis Pancini & Bramanti

sp. nov.

Eudyasmus basalis Pancini & Bramanti sp. nov.

( Figs 2–6 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Holotype. ( Figs 2a View Fig , 3a View Fig ), ♂: Indonesia: Indonesia, Papua / Waigeo isl., Waisai env. / November 2019 (typed on white card). // Holotype male / Eudyasmus basalis / PANCINI & BRAMANTI, 2021 (typed on red card). Deposited in MSNG.

Paratypes. (3♂, 5♀): 1♂, Indonesia: Indonesia, Papua / Waigeo isl. , Waisai env. / October 2018 ( LPPC) ; 1♂, 1♀: Indonesia , Papua / Waigeo, Waisai env. / December 2019 ( BRAA) ; 1♂, 1♀: Indonesia, Papua / Waigeo isl. , Waisai env / October 2020 ( GPSC) ; 1♀: Indonesia, Papua / Waigeo isl. , Waisai env. / December 2019 ( MFUZ) ; 1♀: Indonesia, Papua / Waigeo isl. , Waisai env. / December 2019 ( MSNG) ; 1♀: Indonesia, Papua / Waigeo isl., Waisai env. / December 2019 ( CMNC); (all typed on white card) . // Paratype, male or female / Eudyasmus basalis PANCINI & BRAMANTI, 2021 (for each paratype; typed on red card).

Diagnosis. Eudyasmus basalis sp. nov. is similar to E. albertisii and E. praecox in the shape of the body and legs and in the lateral stripe of whiteish scales which extends from the posteroapical margin of each side of the pronotum to the metacoxae, and it is similar to E. simplex due to the presence of a transverse band of whiteish scales across the elytral base. However, E. basalis differs from the first two species due to the presence of a single band of pale yellowish-brown scales on the basal margin of the elytra and by the absence of dorsal longitudinal stripes of whitish scales on the pronotum and elytra. It differs from the latter in having a wider basal band on the elytra and in the absence of the black spot formed by broadly spatulate scales on the elytral humeri that are present in E. simplex .

Description. Holotype ♂, TL 10.7 mm, EW 4.7 mm. Integument matt black, more glossy on striae and in interspaces between punctures of posterobasal side of pronotum. Vestiture of pronotal and elytral discs primarily comprised of very small, rounded matt black to pale yellowish-brown scales, latter mostly concentrated on punctures of interstriae and in transverse band on basal margin of elytra, between first and fifth interstria which includes scutellum; punctures of pronotum and interstriae, and granules of elytral striae each bearing one pale-white decumbent seta; head densely clothed in small primarily matt black scales, with scattered pale-white scales mainly concentrated on the inner margins of eyes and frons; basal half of rostrum clothed with elongate pale-brown setae; scape and antennal segments reddish-brown; club black, covered with very thin and adherent setae. Body in lateral view densely covered with same matt black scales present on dorsal side, but lacking pale-white setae on punctures and granules of pronotum and elytra; wide whitish scaled stripe extended from posteroapical margin of pronotum to metacoxae. Legs densely covered with long matt black lanceolate scales mixed with pure whitish scales of same shape, latter more concentrated on inner margins of mesotibiae and metatibiae and proximal apex of meso- and metafemur, shorter and spatuliform matt black scales form brush-like crest on external margin of all tibiae. Tarsi covered with small, elongate, adherent scales and longer raised bristles, both white. Ventral surface with mesoventrite, metaventrite and first ventrite covered with light brown setae; ventrites two, three and four covered with scattered pale-white oval scales, ventrite five entirely covered with same scales.

Body elongate-oval; head visible from above; eyes large, finely faceted, flattened, not protruding beyond curvature of head, sub-rounded with posteroventral margin linear, interocular distance narrower than subbasal width of rostrum, OI 15.1; vertex finely punctate, interspaces between punctures of irregular size, slightly raised, forming vaguely circular bulged area; frons flattened with small elliptical fovea covered by scales. Rostrum weakly arcuate, sub-parallel, RL 3.2 mm, RW 0.9 mm, moderately widened, depressed at apex, small posteriorly direct- ed glossy black oblong calloused horn-like prominences placed at its base; metarostrum deeply rugose-punctate with suprascrobal carinae smooth, poorly developed; prorostrum with obsolete central carina, coarsely punctate, with deeper punctures on lateral margins; rostrum ventrally smooth, with small, scattered punctures along entire length; scrobe lateral-oblique, partially concealed beneath sides of rostrum; scape not reaching eye, slightly arcuate, clavate at apex. Antennae long, slender; inserted beyond middle of rostrum, composed of seven segments, setose, articles one and two longer, article one conical, two oblong, three to seven moniliform, the seventh weakly transverse, club oval. Pronotum with a thin glossy black carinae in the apical fifth; bell-shaped, slightly longer than wide, PL 4.9mm, PW 4.7 mm, slightly constricted at apex, broadest at base, slightly convex in lateral view, coarsely punctate with circular punctures, each bearing anteriorly directed decumbent scale, anterolateral side with smaller punctures, without scales and larger interspaces; apical margin rounded, basal margin trisinuate; post-ocular lobe greatly developed, with fine vibrissae covering part of posteroventral portion of eye when the head is in resting position. Rostral canal not exceeding level of procoxae, wide and shallow, open, with smooth lateral carinae, mesoventral receptacle obsolete. Scutellar area depressed; scutellum strongly transverse, much wider than long, bulbous, raised from elytral plane, tomentose, concolourous with adjacent area. Elytra semi-elliptical, EL 6.1mm, EW 4.7 mm, moderately convex in lateral view, base slightly sinuate, humeri subcontiguous with posterolateral sides of pronotum, ten striae, all visible from base to apex, more attenuate as long as lengths of two and three together, tarsomere one 2.4 time as long as tarsomere two, which is dorsally compressed and 1.3 times as long as tarsomere three, tarsomere three bilobed, tarsomere five clavate; metatar- sus longer than pro- and mesotarsus; tarsomere one as long as two and three together, tarsomeres two, three and five as for others tarsi. Tarsal claws free. Ventral side punctate, except ventrite two, three, four, and five which are smooth, punctures largely covered by setae, mesoventrite slightly convex, as wide as the mesocoxa; metaventrite short, narrower than mesocoxa; ventrite one as long as remaining ventrites together, intercostal process wide, obtusely angled; ventrite two slightly longer than three and four, ventrite five long as three and four together. Male genitalia ( Fig. 4 View Fig ), penis oblong-oval, three time longer than wide at the base, strongly curved, apex rounded, pedon slightly constricted at base and wider in middle; aedeagal apodemes 2.3 times as long as aedeagal body; ostium wide, triangular, two osticular sclerites sub-triangular visible in dorsal view; spiculum gastrale with apodeme narrow at base and long as aedeagal apodemes, apical arms well-developed and relatively wide; tegminal apodeme shorter than width of tegminal ring, laterally compressed before apex; tergite VII transverse, 1.4 times as broad as long, covered with short, thin scattered setae, that are bi-trifid on posterior margin.

after declivity, foveate, with punctures of same size as pronotum but deeper, stria one depressed in basal half, striae from one to six each bearing posteriorly direct- ed decumbent scale; elytral intervals as wide as striae, convex, granulose, with larger granules before declivity, very attenuate towards the apex, intervals from one to five each bearing one posteriorly directed decumbent seta. Pleural sclerite with margins entire, well-defined, lateral portion of mesoventrite very thin, hardly visible; mesanepisternum broad, trapezoidal; mesepimeron with subparallel side; metanepisternum thin, not concealed by elytra, sclerolepidia not observed on anapleural suture; lateral portion of metaventrite broad, square, with posterior margin strongly emarginate. Legs long, mesofemur and metafemur exceeding elytral apex; all femora sublinear, slightly curved in distal apex, profemora edentate all others dentate, not sulcate beneath; tibia strongly compressed, with well-developed uncus, and oblique, almost longitudinal setal brush of short, stout bristles near apex; inner margin linear, exterior margin of mesotibia moderately curved, strongly curved in protibia and metatibia; all tibia with well-developed premucro bearing long hair-like seta at inner apical margin. Tarsi long, setose; protarsus and mesotarsus with tarsomeres one and five long,

Distribution. INDONESIA: West Papua Province, Waigeo Island ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).

Etymology. The epithet “ basalis ” (Latin, adjective: basal) refers to the transverse band of whitish scales across the basal margin of the elytra.

Female. Paratype, ( Figs. 2b View Fig , 3b View Fig ) TL 8.5 mm, EW 3.6 mm; almost identical to male, but smaller in size. Rostrum, RL 2.7 mm, RW 0.7 mm, smooth, with very small, scattered punctures from apex to base, which become deeper on sides of metarostrum, the basal horn-like protrusion absent; pronotum slightly more constricted before apex, PL 3.7 mm, PW 3.5 mm; elytra EL 4.7mm, EW 3.5mm; ventrite one convex. Female genitalia ( Fig. 5 View Fig ), hemisternite 4.0 times longer than styli, narrow, broadened at base; styli 3.2 times long as broad, cylindrical, relatively wide, rounded at apex, each with small apical setae wider at base; tergite VIII 1.4 times as long as broad, with series of sub-rectangular scales on apical margin; sternite VIII 3.9 times as long as broad, apical plate spatulate, 3.6 times as long as apodeme, with series of pointed setae, tergite VII as long as broad.

Type series variability. Males vary in length from 10.0 to 10.7 mm, females from 8.2 to 8.5 mm. As has also been observed in some specimens of E. praecox , in three paratypes a denser concentration of yellowish-brown scales forms a vaguely rhomboidal to rounded spot on the elytral disc.


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