Trichotithonus barrocoloradensis, Lanuza-Garay & Rivera, 2024

Lanuza-Garay, Alfredo & Rivera, Marleny, 2024, Description of four new species of Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Panama, Zootaxa 5492 (3), pp. 440-448 : 443-444

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.3.10

publication LSID


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scientific name

Trichotithonus barrocoloradensis

sp. nov.

Trichotithonus barrocoloradensis sp. nov.

( Figs. 7–10 View FIGURES 7–14 )

Holotype female, Panama, Panama province, Barro Colorado Island , 8.x.1977, H. Wolda col. (STRI_ENT_0030820). Description . Holotype female. Integument mostly brownish; scape and pedicel pale brown; pro- and mesocoxae, gulamentum, and mouthparts yellowish brown; legs and antennomeres III–XI yellowish brown basally, then progressively brown to dark brown toward apex. Pronotum with six whitish maculae, four on posterior third and two laterally on anterior third, descending obliquely from anterolateral angles to central disc. Elytra with pre-medial, rounded whitish macula laterally.

Head. Frons with yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence denser close to eyes. Central area between antennal tubercles with grayish pubescent band, nearly obscuring integument. Distance between upper eyes lobes 0.21 times distance between outer margins of eyes; frontally, distance between lower eye lobes 0.50 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Genae 0.67 times shorter than lower eye lobes. Gulamentum smooth and glabrous. Antennae slender, reaching elytral apices at base of antennomere VI; with a few long, erect setae on ventral side of antennomeres, from posterior area of scape to antennomere IV, then only apically in the remaining antennomeres. Scape elongate and cylindrical, finely punctate. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: –Scape = 1.10;—Pedicel = 0.12;—IV = 1.00;—V = 1.00;—VI = 0.97;—VII = 0.93;—VIII = 0.87;—IX = 0.81;—X = 0.81;—XI = 0.50.

Thorax. Prothorax 1.2 times wider than long; lateral tubercles acute, obliquely directed backward, located on posterior third. Maculae on pronotum densely whitish pubescent, remaining pronotal surface covered with sparse whitish pubescence not obscuring integument; center of pronotum with a small elevation on each side of anterior half and another centrally; punctation quite coarse near basal margin. Prosternal process laminiform centrally; margins of mesanepisternum and mesepimeron with dense grayish pubescence nearly obscuring integument, remaining surface covered with sparse grayish pubescence not obscuring integument; mesoventral process narrow, 0.13 times mesocoxal width; anterior third of metanepisternum with dense grayish pubescence, remaining surface with sparse grayish pubescence not obscuring integument, meso and metaventrite with grayish pubescence not obscuring the integument. Scutellum sub-rounded apically, with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument.

Elytra. Densely, coarsely punctate on anterior half, then finely punctate on posterior half; surface with many long, erect black setae; centrobasal crest with a small tuft of black setae directed backward; with dark-brown pubescence centrolaterally and dense grayish pubescence surrounding suture obscuring integument; remaining elytral surface covered with sparse whitish pubescence, not obscuring integument; apex obliquely emarginate, outer angle extended into a long spine.

Legs. Femora and tibiae with long erect setae. Length of metatarsomere I subequal to length of metatarsomere II–III together.

Abdomen. Ventrites with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument; ventrite 5 concave with outer angles spiniform.

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