Omophoita octoguttata (Fabricius, 1775)

Begha, Bruno Pigotrovski, Santos, Mateus Henrique & Prado, Laura Rocha, 2021, Redescription of Omophoita octoguttata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and its immature stages, with notes on life history, Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2021016) 111, pp. 1-9 : 2-6

publication ID 10.1590/1678-4766e2021016

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scientific name

Omophoita octoguttata (Fabricius, 1775)


Omophoita octoguttata (Fabricius, 1775)

Material examined. Adults: BRAZIL, Santa Catarina: Nova Teutônia, ♀, IX.1936, B. Pohl col. ( MZSUP 25738 ); SÃo Bento do Sul , ♂, IV.1949, Dirings col. ( MZSP 25613 View Materials ); Paraná: Ponta Grossa, 2♀, I.1939, Camargo col. ( MZSP 25583 View Materials ); Itaiacoca, 4♀, 6.II.2018, E. Araújo col. (LabGEv); 2♀, ♂, 24.III.2018, E. Araújo col. (LabGEv); São Paulo: Barueri, ♂, 30.VII.1960, K. Lenko col. ( MZSP 25584 View Materials ); Minas Gerais: Pouso Alegre, ♀, ♂, I.1960, Pereira & Madeiros col. ( MZSP 25585 View Materials ). Eggs: BRAZIL, Paraná: inferred adult parents collected in Itaiacoca, by E. Araújo in 25.XI.2019 (LabGEv); Ponta Grossa, eggs reared in LabGEv, 13.II.2020, B. P. Begha col. (LabGEv). Larvae: BRAZIL, Paraná: inferred adult parents collected in Itaiacoca by E. Araújo in 25.XI.2019 (LabGEv); larvae reared in LabGEv, 18.XI.2019, B. P. Begha col. (LabGEv). Pupae: BRAZIL, Paraná: inferred adult parents collected in Itaiacoca by E. Araújo in 25.XI.2019 (LabGEv); larvae reared in LabGEv, 16.XII.2019, B. P. Begha col. (LabGEv) .

Adult ( Figs 1–15 View Figs 1–4 View Figs 5–9 View Figs 10–12 View Figs 13–15 ). Diagnosis. Body shape oval; eight pale yellow to light brown maculae almost completely covering the elytra, being six of similar size and shape, and two much narrower, elongated at humeral region; maculae rectangular to rounded. Tegument between maculae dark-brown to black. Head black, with three pale yellow to light brown maculae: one covering most of the vertex and the antennal calli, and two covering the lateral portions of the frontoclypeal region. Ventral area of mesothorax, metathorax, and legs black and covered with short pale hairs.

Males: length 7.41-7.42 mm; width 3.38-3.58 mm.

Females: length 9.00- 9.91 mm; width 4.24-4.59mm.

Head ( Figs 3, 4 View Figs 1–4 ). Rounded, black. Vertex at the same level of tegument, with fine punctation. Inconspicuous supraorbital suture, smooth integument. Supraorbital pore with long and erect seta. Eight to ten setae at lateral margin of head macula, near eyes. Twelve setae scattered between antennal insertions. Gena with nearly same width as the eye, bearing several setae. Antennae black, filiform, with eleven antennomeres; scape subcylindrical, antennomere II shorter than III, antennomere III-X subeQual in length, subconical, longer than antennomere XI, which is also subcylindrical, albeit with a narrower, acute apex; antennal insertions ovoid, smaller than the diameter of the eye, interantennal space approximately same size of antennal insertions. Antennae comparatively longer in males. Frontoclypeus subtrapezoid, each side with four setae.

Mouthparts ( Figs 5–9 View Figs 5–9 ). Labrum ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–9 ) with rounded distal margins, central portion emarginated, with ten long setae. Maxilla ( Fig. 6 View Figs 5–9 ) with narrow cardo in the proximal portion, with margins diverging from the center forming a much wider apex; stipe divided in basistipe and dististipe, the former larger and subtriangular, the latter elongated; galea subcylindrical and digitiform lacinia both with dense bristles at apex; maxillary palpus well developed with five palpomeres; III and IV the longest, IV the widest and V greatly reduced. Labium ( Fig. 7 View Figs 5–9 ) with membranous ligula, not well developed, reaching the base of the apical segment. Labial palpus with three segments, with short and transverse palpifer; palpomere II subcylindrical and slightly longer than wide; apical article narrowing to the apex. Subtrapezoid prementum. Mandibles ( Figs 8, 9 View Figs 5–9 ) nearly symmetrical, subtriangular, with curved outer margin; left mandible with five apical teeth, only three visible teeth on the outer face, IV and V teeth longer and sharper, mola absent; right mandible with five apical teeth, IV and V teeth longer and sharper, while others short and blunt. Well-developed membranous setose ventral lobe on each mandible.

Thorax. Pronotum transverse, width twice the length, lateral margins and angles rounded, with a long seta at each angle; anterior angles extending beyond the head insertion; hypomeral lobe inflated, laterally and ventrally distinct; disk lacking any setae or impression, light pink to orange for live specimens, pale yellow to light brown in dry preserved specimens. Prosternum with the same color as the pronotum; prosternal process relatively narrow, widening apically, rounded at apex. Scutellum black, triangular with rounded vertices; procoxal cavities open. Elytra ( Figs 1, 2 View Figs 1–4 ) black with eight pale yellow to light brown maculae, six of which larger, subrectangular with rounded vertices to rounded, and two of which are much narrower, also subrectangular with rounded vertices, located in the humeral region. Epipleura visible laterally in the humeral region. Mesosternum and metasternum black, surface densely covered with pale hairs; metasternum elongated, rectangular; outer margins of the thorax with a higher density of hairs.

Fore and median legs similar, with coxae subcylindrical, slender femur and tibiae; middle legs slightly longer. Surface densely covered with pale setae, pilosity on the metafemur restricted to outer margin. Metafemora thickened due to the metafemoral spring; fusiform shape. Tarsi pseudotetramerous, claws appendiculate; metatarsomere V enlarged, fusiform.

Abdomen black, with five ventrites densely covered with pale hairs: ventrites I-IV subeQual in length, pygidium slightly longer than the other ventrites and rounded.

Male genitalia ( Figs 10 – 12 View Figs 10–12 ). Median lobe with parallel lateral margins ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–12 ), with base slightly wider than apex, short basal hooks ( BHS) appearing on the lateral margin near the end of the basal orifice ( BOR, Fig. 11 View Figs 10–12 ), which has a rounded or oval. Apical hood ( APH) with nearly parallel lateral margins, diverging to half the length of the flap and folding ventrally to form a semicylinder, straight apical margin. Lateral lobes ( LTL, Fig. 12 View Figs 10–12 ) slightly shorter than the projections of the middle lobe ( MDL) which are nearly parallel, diverging at apex.

Female genitalia ( Figs 13–15 View Figs 13–15 ). Membranous bursa copulatrix. Tignum goblet-shaped ( Fig. 13 View Figs 13–15 ), with a wide, well-sclerotized apex, with converging margins forming a thinner median portion; parallel margins of the median portion then diverging slightly to the base of tignum, less sclerotized and thinner than the apex. Spermatheca ( Fig. 14 View Figs 13–15 ) simple, with areniform and well-sclerotized receptacle ( RCP); spermathecal duct ( DCT) long, curled. Vaginal palpi elongated with sigmoid shape ( Fig. 15 View Figs 13–15 ), with a thin base, slightly wider and more sclerotized at the apex, ten setae at the apex.

Redescription of Omophoita octoguttata ( Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae ) ... Bet al.

Eggs ( Fig. 18 View Figs 16–18 ). Egg oblong with round ends, one of extremities wider than the other, with an operculum. Fresh eggs opaQue and pale, older eggs orange.

Mature larvae ( Figs 19, 20 View Figs 19, 20 ). Larvae eruciform, with many scoli dorsal and laterally, each scolus with two setae. Cephalic capsule black, lacking stemmata. Body reddened orange with hairs organized in punctuations at the sides, ventral area and dorsal area. Younger instars pale, smaller with slightly longer scoli, older instars larger and more reddened. In alcohol, specimens are yellow. Chaetotaxy constant through all instars, with no noticeable difference between older and younger instars; younger instars with longer setae.

Length 10.4-11.73 mm; width 3.38-3.58 mm.

Description. Cephalic capsule ( Fig. 19 View Figs 19, 20 ) black, slightly inserted in the thorax; frons, clypeus, labrum, and mandibles black; stemmata absent. Endocarina inconspicuous. Epicranial suture inconspicuous, only the frontal sutures visible, reaching the top of the head capsule, which is partially covered by pronotum. Setae present: four dorsoepicranial (DOS); four paraocellar (POS); two posterofrontal (PFS); two externofrontal (EFS); two anterofrontal (AFS); four externoepicranial (EES).Antennae with three articles, short; antennomere I subtrapezoidal, rounded; antennomeres II and III smaller, conical; antennomere III the smallest. Clypeus lacking setae, subtrapezoid, with a median recess. Labrum horizontally oval, with four setae. Both maxillary and labial palps with four segments.

Front legs slightly shorter than middle and hind legs. All legs with four setae at apex of the femur and four at tibia. Claws simple, curved and hook-like.

Dorsum and abdominal venter with four scoli on each body segment, each scolus with two short setae at apex. Prothorax with one spiracle visible in lateral view; a row of ten setae above the head insertion; eight distinct scoli with setae. Both meso- and metathorax with one long scolus on each side, longer than the scoli in the abdomen. Abdomen with eight pairs of spiracles; segments I-VII with two scoli on each side, close to the spiracle; segment VIII with four scoli. Pygopod present.

Pupa ( Figs 21–24 View Figs 21–24 ). Body shape oval, exarate, adecticous, exarate, pale yellow. Tegument with sparse black setae. Found within cocoons made of dirt and saliva, buried in the soil ( Figs 23, 24 View Figs 21–24 ). Mature pupae with eyes, mandibles, metafemoral spring and claws darkened, sclerotized.

Average length: 7.2 mm; average width: 3.5 mm.

Redescription of Omophoita octoguttata ( Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae ) ... Bet al.

Description. Head not visible from above, bearing two setae on the eyes, two setae on the frons and two setae on the vertex. Pronotum wider at the base, bearing 16 setae, eight in the median region and eight in the lateral region; one pair of spiracles visible in lateral view. Elytral and hind wing thecae closely appressed, curved ventrally around the body. Mesonotum and metanotum with four setae.All femora with three setae at apex. Abdomen with five pairs of spiracles, visible in dorsal view ( Fig. 21 View Figs 21–24 ); abdominal segments I-VII with six setae; abdominal segment IX with two spine-like urogomphi ( Fig. 22 View Figs 21–24 ).


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