Chlorophorus fainanensis Pic, 1918

Fu, Zheng-Ju, Chen, Lu & Li, Zhu, 2024, Taxonomic notes on the genus Chlorophorus Chevrolat, 1863 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with one new synonym and four newly recorded species from China, ZooKeys 1214, pp. 1-14 : 1-14

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1214.131143

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scientific name

Chlorophorus fainanensis Pic, 1918


Chlorophorus fainanensis Pic, 1918 View in CoL

Figs 1–6 View Figures 1–6 , 7 View Figure 7

Chlorophorus fainanensis Pic, 1918: 4 View in CoL . TL: China, Taiwan. TD: MNHN.

Chlorophorus (Humeromaculatus)? fainanensis Özdikmen 2022: 654, 690. View in CoL

Specimens examined.

China • 12 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀; Anhui Province, Huangshan City, Tangkou Town, Zhaixi Village , Huangshan Wild Monkey Valley ; 10–14 VII. 2014; Qiu Jianyue and Xu Hao leg. ( SWU) .


China (Anhui, Zhejiang, Taiwan); Japan.


Male, body length: 11.6–15.4 mm; humeral width: 2.6–3.3 mm.

Female, body length: 11.1–14.0 mm; humeral width: 2.0–3.0 mm.

Body moderately slender, female slightly stouter than male. Body black, covered with sulphur-yellowish or olive-green pubescence; antennae black with pale grayish pubescence. Pronotum with three or four markings, vague and small markings or a pair of dots on the center of disc, and a spot before middle of each side. Scutellum covered by yellowish pubescence; each elytron marked with three black markings: 1) an externally open arc commencing on humerus and extending around to outer portion of disc just before end of basal fourth; 2) a wide transverse band in the middle; and 3) a narrower band at apical fourth. Legs dark reddish-brown covered with grayish pubescence.

Head narrow, irregularly punctured; frons wider; antennae filiform and slender, reaching the basal fourth of elytra. Third antennomere slightly longer than scape and the fourth. Pronotum rounded at sides, widest before middle, l. 2 times as long as wide at widest; apical margin distinctly narrower than base; disk slightly convex, coarsely punctate. Scutellum rounded apically, slightly longer than wide. Elytra 2.8 times as long as humeral width, parallel at side and narrowed towards apex; elytral apex truncate. Legs long and narrow; femora slightly club-shaped; mesofemora carinate internally; tibiae narrow and almost straight; metatarsomere 1 as long as remainder combined.

Male genitalia. Tergite VIII as long as broad, apex truncate and moderately emarginate, and with long setae (Fig. 7 a, b View Figure 7 ); parameres elongate, base of each paramere transversely ridged ventrally, the ridge covered with setae (Fig. 7 c – e View Figure 7 ); median lobe long and slender, curved in lateral view, median struts 2 / 5 times as long as entire median lobe, ventral plate longer than dorsal plate, the apex of ventral plate pointed; median foramen rounded (Fig. 7 f, g View Figure 7 ).


Gressitt (1951) synonymized C. fainanensis with C. signaticollis Laporte de Castelnau & Gory, 1841 (= C. annulatus ( Hope, 1831)) and then Holzschuh (2020) resurrected it. There is a lot of variation in the pronotal and elytral markings. The species is often confused with C. annulatus , C. hainanicus Gressitt, 1940 and C. arciferus ( Chevrolat, 1863) . It can be distinguished by the preapical band on the elytra and different male genitalia: parameres 2 / 5 as long as the entire tegmen, neither 3 / 5 ( C. hainanicus and C. arciferus ), nor 1 / 4 ( C. annulatus ). It is native to Taiwan and distributed in the east of mainland China Zhejiang ( Lin et al. 2023) and Anhui.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Chlorophorus fainanensis Pic, 1918

Fu, Zheng-Ju, Chen, Lu & Li, Zhu 2024

Chlorophorus (Humeromaculatus)? fainanensis Özdikmen 2022: 654 , 690.

Özdikmen H 2022: 654

Chlorophorus fainanensis

Chlorophorus fainanensis Pic, 1918: 4 . TL: China , Taiwan . TD: MNHN .