Lurama quindiuna Schaus, 1928, sensu lato
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Lurama quindiuna Schaus, 1928, sensu lato |
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Taxon classification Animalia Lepidoptera Mimallonidae
Lurama quindiuna Schaus, 1928, sensu lato View in CoL Figs 2-6, 7-10, 11-12, 13; Map 1
Lurama quindiuna Schaus, 1928: 669; Fig. ♂ 88h
Lurama quindiuna ; Gaede 1931
Type material.
Lectotype (here designated), ♂. COLOMBIA: Quindío: Typus/ Paso del Quindiu, Colomb. Cent. Cord. [Paso del Quindío, Cordillera Central], 3500 m, Coll. Fassl/ Lurama quindiuna , type Schaus/ St Laurent diss.: 2-14-16:1 [abdomen and genitalia excluded from holotype, see remarks]/ LECTOTYPE ♂ Lurama quindiuna designated by St Laurent, 2016 [handwritten red label]/ (MNHU). Type locality: Colombia: Paso del Quindío.
Additional specimens examined.
(60 ♂, 3 ♀) COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: 7 ♂, Bogotá, Puebla Guasca: F. Johnson donor, USNM-Mimal: 2640-2643, 2645, 2646, St Laurent diss.: 2-14-16:3, 2-14-16:4, 2-14-16:5, 2-19-16:1 one specimen labeled as " Lurama quindiuna nr topotype?" by Schaus (6 ♂, USNM); (1 ♂, CUIC). 9 ♂, 1 ♀, No locality labels, but almost certainly belonging to F. Johnson’s series from Bogotá, Puebla Guasca, USNM-Mimal: 2866, 2879-2886, 2888, St Laurent diss.: 3-4-16:1, 3-4-16:2, 3-4-16:3, the following label is hereby added to these 10 specimens: "Originally unlabeled, but almost certainly: COLOMBIA: Cudinamarca: Puebla Guasca nr. Bogotá ex. F. Johnson [locale det.: R. St Laurent]" (USNM). ECUADOR: Carchi: 3 ♂, 35 km W. Tufiño, west slope, cloud forest, 3120 m: 20.XI.1987, R. Davidson, C. Young, St Laurent diss.: 3-11-16:3 (CMNH). 5 ♂, El Angel Ecol. Reserve, road Tulcan - El Chical, 0°48'46"N, 78°00'40"W, 3300 m: 14.XI.2012, leg. Victor Sinyaev, Expedition Ron Brechlin (MWM). 5 ♂, El Angel Ecol. Reserve, 0°45'31"N, 78°01'40"W, 3320 m: 7-8.XI.2012, leg. Victor Sinyaev, Expedition Ron Brechlin (MWM). 1 ♂, El Moran, 0°45'50"N, 78°02'38"W, 2940 m: 1-3.V.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev (MWM). Pichincha: 1 ♂, Oyacachi, montane tropical forest, 3300 m: Jan Hillman, St Laurent diss.: 3-14-16:2 (CMNH). Napo: 2 ♂, 1 ♀, South Slopes, Cerro Sumaco, wet cloud/moss forest, 2950 m: 18.XI.1995, Jan Hillman, St Laurent diss.: 3-14-16:4, 3-14-16:5 (CMNH). 2 ♂, Cordillera Huacamayos [Cordillera Guacamayos], Estero Chico, virgin humid forest, 2650 m: 5.VIII.1996, J. Hillman, St Laurent diss.: 3-11-16:2, 3-14-16:3 (CMNH). 1 ♂, 10 km E. Papallacta, Hacienda Bosque on Quito-Baeza road, disturbed montane forest, 2600 m: 11.XI.1995, Jan Hillman (CMNH). 3 ♂, Papallacta, Rio San Pedro, 0°22'56"S, 78°7'27"W, 3010 m: 18.I.2012, 22.III.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev (MWM). 2 ♂, Rio Papallacta, Cuyuja, 0°25'17"S, 78°1'19"W, 2525 m: 6.XI.2011, leg. V. Siniaev & O. Romanoc (MWM). Azuay: 1 ♂, Road between Gualaceo-Méndez, Limon, 2°59'4"S, 78°39'50"W, 3410 m: 8.III.2013, leg. Ackermann, Käch, & Dr. R. Brechlin (MWM). Loja: 1 ♀, Road Loja-Zamora, 3°58'45"S, 79°08'28"W, 2700 m: 22.II.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev (MWM). 2 ♂, 6 km S Saraguro, 3°40'01"S, 79°15'17"W, 3065 m: 20.II.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev (MWM). 1 ♂, 15 km E Loja to Zamora, 3°58'45"S, 79°08'28"W, 2700 m: 1.III.2011, leg. H. Kaech & R. Brechlin (MWM). Morona-Santiago: 2 ♂, Road Gualaceo, Plan de Milagro, 3°00'13"S, 78°38'46"W, 3176 m: 19.XI.2011, leg. V. Siniaev & O. Romanov (MWM); 17.II.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev (MWM). 3 ♂, 30 km Road Plan de Milagro to Gualaceo, 3°00'21"S, 78°38'28"W, 2970 m: 1-2.II.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev (MWM). 1 ♂, 62 km road Rio Bamba-Macas, 2°12'40"S, 78°23'51"W, 2700 m: 27.III.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev, Genital präparat Nr. 28.995 Museum Witt München (MWM). 7 ♂, 34 km Road Plan de Milagro to Gualaceo, 3°00'13"S, 78°38'46"W, 3176 m: 30.I.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev (MWM). 2 ♂, 34 km Road Plan de Milagro to Gualaceo, 3°01'24"S, 78°35'6"W, 2157 m, 28.I.2012, leg. R. Brechlin & V. Siniaev (MWM).
Lurama quindiuna can be distinguished from the previous species by the larger size, more triangular wings, and by the (usually) thinner, more well-defined ante- and postmedial lines. The lines are situated closer to the wing margin than in Lurama penia , and form a sharp angle apically. Additionally, the forewing postmedial line has its apical angle either intersecting Rs4 or between Rs3 and Rs4 and is distant from the fork of Rs3+Rs4.
Male.Head: As for genus. Thorax: As for genus. Legs: As for genus. Forewing dorsum: Forewing length: 14.5-17.5 mm, avg.: 16.1 mm, wingspan: 27-35 mm, n=23. Somewhat variable; usually triangular, margin nearly straight from apex until after passing M3 where wing smoothly curves toward anal margin. Ground color variable from brown to tan to nearly yellow, overall lightly to heavily speckled by dark-brown or brown-gray petiolate scales, especially postmedially. Antemedial line brown, usually narrow, rarely wide, slightly bowed outward. Postmedial line nearly straight or slightly curved inward from anal margin to Rs3, Rs4, or between Rs3 and Rs4, where line abruptly angled toward costa, forming nearly right angle, coloration and width as for antemedial line. Antemedial, medial, and postmedial areas concolorous, distance between lines variable. Costa and outer wing margin darker brown as in ante- and postmedial lines. Discal spot a dark-brown streak spanning width of discal cell, mesally slightly angled inward toward cell. Wing veins lined by dark-brown scales, colored as for ante- and postmedial lines. Fringe light brown with intermittent darker- brown scales. Forewing ventrum: Similar to dorsum but usually lighter; antemedial line nearly absent to absent and postmedial line may be lighter. Hindwing dorsum: Coloration as for forewing dorsum, antemedial line absent, postmedial line straight or curved outward. Hindwing ventrum: Following same pattern as forewing ventrum but postmedial line always curved outward. Base of wing usually covered by dark-brown scales from thorax. Frenulum present as single bristle, size somewhat variable. Abdomen: Concolorous with thorax, distal tip with tuft of black scales. Genitalia: See generic description. Female. See generic description.
(Map 1). Lurama quindiuna is an Andean species known from Colombia and Ecuador at moderate elevations ranging from 2157-3500 m. According to data on Ecuadorian specimens, this species can be encountered in humid montane cloud and moss forests.
Confusion surrounds the whereabouts of the genitalia of the lectotype of Lurama quindiuna . When initially examining the lectotype, I noticed that the abdomen was visibly small and noticeably lighter in color relative to the rest of the specimen. The abdomen was odd enough that it appeared out of place on the specimen, and a dissection further supported this notion. The dissection revealed complicated genitalia unlike any other in Mimallonidae , especially compared with other dissections of Lurama quindiuna from nearby locations. The elongated saccus and thin, golf club like phallus is reminiscent of some Bombycidae (pers. obs.), whereas the valve structure is similar to some Notodontidae . Alexander Schintlmeister (pers. comm.) has suggested Lasiocampidae rather than Notodontidae and Daniel Herbin (pers. comm.) mentioned the possibility of it belonging to Phiditiidae although Joël Minet (pers. comm.) does not consider this likely due to the presence of a saccus. So far, the exact determination of the genitalia is inconclusive. Apparently the abdomen of the Lurama quindiuna lectotype was misplaced and incorrectly replaced with a foreign abdomen at some point after its original description. Wolfram Mey (pers. comm.) confirmed that this, unfortunately, is a known issue with material in the MNHU. Furthermore, it is worth noting that Schaus (1928) figures the lectotype of Lurama quindiuna , illustrating a regularly proportioned and colored abdomen. Unfortunately, Schaus (1928) makes no mention of the abdomen nor genitalia in his original description. I chose not to figure these “mystery” genitalia for fear of causing inadvertent association with Lurama .
By Article 73.1.5, the abdomen (and my subsequent genitalia preparation: St Laurent diss.: 2-14-16:1) is hereby excluded from the lectotype of Lurama quindiuna , and although it will be preserved for historical purposes, it cannot be considered a component of this lectotype ( ICZN 1999).
The lectotype of Lurama quindiuna differs in maculation from the series from Bogotá, particularly in regards to the arrangement of the forewing postmedial line. In the lectotype, the postmedial line is farther from the wing margin, angled toward the costa more proximal to the fork of Rs3 + Rs4, and has an apical angle that intersects Rs4 rather than being situated between Rs3 and Rs4. Furthermore, the postmedial and antemedial lines are closer together in the lectotype. While these characters were nearly consistently different between the lectotype and all specimens from Bogotá, Pueblo Guasca, substantial variations in these same characters were found within the Pueblo Guasca series (compare Figs 2-6). The variation within this series prevents me from considering these two populations as distinct, especially without access to genitalia of topotypical material. The material from Ecuador is also quite variable in the same characters, and thus there seems to be a high degree of phenotypic plasticity in the species, but I found no external characters applicable to any single geographic region. Male genitalia are rather consistent among all populations, with only minor variation in the valves, namely in their width, thickness, and curvature, as well as in the shape of the apical lobe. These minor variations are seen within both Colombian and Ecuadorian populations, but some Ecuadorian specimens tend to have thinner (in terms of thickness, not width), more concave valves. Antennal size also differs somewhat within populations, but more markedly between Colombian and Ecuadorian specimens such that Ecuadorian specimens tend to have shorter pectinations.
Female genitalia, however, do differ between Colombian and Ecuadorian Lurama quindiuna specimens. The width of the VIII tergite, shape of papillae anales and lamella antevaginalis, as well as the size of the corpus bursae all differed between these locations. However, given the lack of differentiating characters in the usually much more reliable male genitalia (pers. obs.) as well as the low sample size of female specimens, it does not seem reasonable to consider the Colombian and Ecuadorian populations separate species based on this information alone. Molecular evidence may later be useful in comparing these two populations, although recently collected Colombian material is currently lacking.
It is critical to locate more material of Lurama quindiuna from the type locality at Paso del Quindío, Colombia, so that the necessary genitalia comparisons between topotypical and other populations can be made. Also, it would be important to determine if populations from Paso del Quindío display similar levels of variation as in the other examined populations to further justify conclusions presented in the present work.
Lurama quindiuna was omitted from Becker (1996).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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