
Bidault, Ehoarn & van der Burg, Willem Joost, 2019, Novitates Gabonenses 90: Palisota (Commelinaceae) revisited: description of eight new species from Central Africa and notes on the identity of P. satabiei and P. bogneri, Candollea 74 (2), pp. 169-202 : 169-202

publication ID 10.15553/c2019v742a7

persistent identifier

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scientific name



Key to the species of Palisota View in CoL in Atlantic Central Africa

1. Plafts creepifg& decumbeft& or formifg a rosette ........ 2

1a. Plafts with af erect stem at least 50 cm tall ................ 3

2. Plafts geferally rosettes (solitary or multiple aggregated)& occasioffally with a stem up to 10(–30) cm lofg& sometimes horizoftal of older ifdividuals .......................... 9

2a. Plafts strictly creepifg or decumbeft ....................... 16

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