Selkirkia limense (Willd.) Holstein & Weigend, 2016

Holstein, Norbert, Chacón, Juliana, Hilger, Hartmut H. & Weigend, Maximilian, 2016, No longer shipwrecked-Selkirkia (Boraginaceae) back on the mainland with generic rearrangements in South American “ Omphalodes ” based on molecular data, Phytotaxa 270 (4), pp. 231-251 : 244-246

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.270.4.1

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scientific name

Selkirkia limense (Willd.) Holstein & Weigend


3. Selkirkia limense (Willd.) Holstein & Weigend View in CoL , comb. nov.

Basionym: Cynoglossum limense Willd., Sp. pl., ed. 4 (1798: 762).

Cynoglossum decurrens var. limense (Willd.) DC., Prodr. 10 (1846: 153); name inappropriate, see note.

Original citation: “In Lima.” [sensu the Royal Audiencia of Lima].

Iconotype:—Illustration in Feuillée, J. obs. 2 (1714: pl. 49), material from Ylo valley [ Peru. Departamento Moquegua. Ilo] (l.c.).

= Cynoglossum decurrens Ruiz & Pav., Fl. peruv. chil. 2 (1799: 6).

Cynoglossum alatum Molina, Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili, ed. 2 (1810: 280); nom. illeg. [superfl.]

Original citation: “In nemoribus Conceptionis Chile ad Gavilan paludem et Palomares tractus. Floret Augusto, et septembri.” Lectotype (designated here):— CHILE. In umbrosis et humidis, September , H. Ruiz & J. Pavón s.n. ( MA814808 !, isolectotype MA!).

Description: —Perennial, diffusely branched, decumbent to ascending herb or subshrub, 30‒60 cm. Stem pubescent with up to 0.7 mm long simple trichomes. Leaves oblanceolate to elliptical, up to 10 × 1‒3.2 cm, apex acute, base attenuate or cuneate, sessile to decurrent. Lamina adaxially acroscopically appressed pubescent with simple, conical trichomes 0.2‒0.5 mm long, later glabrescent, veins glabrous, abaxially densely acroscopically pubescent with simple, conical trichomes 0.2‒0.5 mm long, especially on veins, margins remotely ciliate with trichomes up to 1 mm long. Leaf venation arched, primary vein and 2‒3 veins on each side prominent. Inflorescences terminal, overtopped with vegetative shoot originating from axil of uppermost foliage leaf, monochasial, frondose-bracteose, with 5‒15 flowers, 10‒40 cm long, initially dense, later much elongating with internodes up to 5 cm long. Pedicels pubescent, 2.5–4.5 mm, in fruits 3.5–8 mm, as long or longer than calyx. Calyx lobes free nearly to base, ca. 3‒4 × 1.5 mm, triangulate to ovate, obtuse to acuminate, subglabrous, erect, in fruits spreading, abaxially more or less densely pubescent from appressed, unicellular, ca. 0.2‒0.5 mm long trichomes. Corolla hypocrateriform, 7‒9.5 mm in diam., tube cylindrical, 2.5‒5 × 2.5 mm, lobes ca. 2.5‒3.5 mm, subcircular with rounded apex; white, blue or purple, with white, papillose faucal scales at the corolla throat. Corolla lobe margin conspicuously pale in dried material. Stamens 5, epipetalous, included into corolla tube, filaments ca. 0.7 mm, anthers ca. 1.4 × 0.7 mm. Pollen 3-colporate with 3 pseudocolpi, each with granular margin, dumbbell-shaped, 9.5–11.5 × 4.7–5.7 μm. Gynoecium superior, with 4-parted ovary, style gynobasic, filiform, ca. 3 mm long, stigma indistinctly two-lobed. Fruit with (1‒) 4 nutlets on broadly pyramidal gynobase, cicatrix ovate-acuminate, very large, covering> ½ of adaxial surface, nutlets dorsiventrally compressed, ovate-acuminate in outline, ca. 3.5 × 2.5 mm, abaxially and on sides densely set with 1 mm long barbed glochidia, adaxially (around cicatrix) glabrous. ( Figs 4A–D View FIGURE 4 )

Note: —The type locality given for C. limense is clearly mistaken—all physical collections are from Central Chile, where it has been consistently collected in moist forest undergrowth. The region of Ilo is the southern Peruvian coastal desert with local fog oases—a very atypical habitat for an evergreen forest-understory herb. Either the label information was mixed up, or the locality refers to the harbour from which the specimens may have been shipped. Although the type locality of C. limense is mistaken, the illustration and the type specimens of C. decurrens leave no doubts as to the identity of these two species.

The combination Cynoglossum decurrens var. limense (Willd.) DC. is inappropriate under the rules of priority ( Hilger et al. 2015) because limense predates decurrens , so it should be limense var. decurrens , if the taxa were to be separated.

Habitat and distribution: — Selkirkia limense grows in shady, moist places in the forest undergrowth in the Chilean Region VII to X. It has been recorded at elevations of 20 and 485 m above sea level, but the vast majority of collections have no elevation data. It may be restricted to low elevations.

Conservation status: —The species has not been assessed so far. Based on the IUCN Red List criteria (http://, accessed 28 August 2015) the data are deficient for a confident threat assessment. As in S. pauciflora , the relative abundance of collections from the 19 th century is in stark contrast to only four collections seen from the 20 th century. We believe that the species is subject to dramatic habitat loss due to deforestation and land conversion in south-central Chile and should be considered as at least endangered.

Specimens examined:— CHILE. VII Región: Prov. Cauquenes, RN Los Queules, 485 m, 35°58’ S 72°41’ W, 20 September 1999, F. Pérez et al. 99 2628 (CONC [148719]). VIII Región: Chile austr., in sylvis Talcahuano, April and September 1828, E.F. Poeppig Diar. 442 (W0665325, W1889-296286). Conception [Concepción], Anon. s.n. (BR). Conception [Concepción], F.W. Beechey s.n. (E00621976, K). Ad nortem Coronel, C.C. Ochsenius s.n. (BR, GOET, GOET). Prope la Concepción, October 1825, J. Macrae s.n. (BR, G-DC [G00205649], K, K, K). Environs de Conception [Concepción], 1855, P. Germain s.n. (BM, F, K, W0065322, W1889-8435). Tomé, November 1855, P. Germain s.n. (SGO [054630]). Concepción, 1896, F.W. Neger s.n. (W1909-6003 p.p.) IX Región: Prov.Malleco, Parque Nacional Contulmo, 150 m, 38°00’ S 73°11’ W, 27 November 1978, J. Arriagada 28 (CONC). X Región: Woods near Valdivia, Anon. 598 (K). Valdivia, Anon. s.n. (P04083206). Valdivia, Anon. 3296 (GOET). In silvis prope col. Arique prov. Valdivia, November, W. Lechler in R.F. Hohenacker, Pl. chil. 321 (BM, BR, GOET, GOET, M, P04083285, P04083286, P04083293 p.p., S, S, SGO, W0065324, W1889-104972). Niebla, R.A. Philippi in R.F. Hohenacker, Pl. Chil. 286 (BM, GOET, GOET, P04083211, P04083212, S, W0065323). Valdivia, September 1929, R.P. Atanasio Hollermayer 1293 (CONC). Fundo Las Palmas, 25 October 1973, Estudiantes 26 (CONC). Prov. Valdivia, Fundo las Palmas, 20 m, 39°44’ S 73°08’ W, 20 October 1977, F. Schlegel 7027 (CONC [115669]). Unclear: Chili et Pérou, Anon. s.n. (F). [Without locality], J. Dombey 369 (P04083208). [Without locality], J. Dombey s.n. (P04083213). Chili, Hartweg s.n. (P04083209). [Without locality], Anon. s.n. [ex Herb. E.H. Reed] (K). [Without locality], Anon. s.n. (W0065326).


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