Majeorona ethelae, Goding, 1925

Goding, Frederic W., 1925, Synopsis of the Cicadidae of Ecuador, Revista del Colegio National Vicente Rocafuerte 7, pp. 1-34 : 23-24

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Tatiana (2024-01-05 08:40:41, last updated 2024-11-29 10:04:37)

scientific name

Majeorona ethelae

n. sp.

Majeorona ethelae View in CoL View Figure , n. sp.

Pronotum and mesononotum dark blood red, abdomen black, tegmina and wings strongly infuscate, very hairy. Head broader than base of mesonotum; eyes stylate, amber-color, exceedingly pro ­ minent on high bases; ocelli three times more distant from eyes than between themselves, located in a large black spot on each side of which is a short longitudinal line, between there and eyes an irregular spot, black; front convex, ve ­ ry prominent and deeply sulcate; head otherwise blood red.

Pronotum dull blood red, base, irregular marks on each side, the transverse furrow in front of hind band which joins oblique furrows on each side, lateral and pos ­ terior edges, black; a triangular very pale infuscated cloud from base within first oblique furrows; posterior margin broadly and strongly sinuate.

Mesonotum dark shiny blood red; usual obconical in ­ ner spots indicated on the exterior margins by indented lines only, slightly infuscated at bases and along sides of mesonotum; two indented black spots before cross the depression in front of which is also fuscous; excavation on posterior border deeply semicircular with parallel sides, and with a strong sharp tooth at each angle.

Abdomen black, hairy; tympanal coverings almost clo ­ sing orifices, a minute space of the interior only being exposed.

Tegmina and wings hyaline, bases broadly black strea ­ ked with red; veins red, basal cells opaque red with two black spots; costa and its membrane, with anal flaps, red; posterior border, ends of longitudinal veins lengthily, ba ­ ses of all apical cells except eighth, apex of radial cell, den ­ sely infuscate, interior margin of clavus black. Wings with posterior border, apex, exterior border and basal half of anal flap, strongly infuscate and broadly.

Below: face long, with lateral striae, sides, central line occupying sulcus, spot sides superiorly, sides and lower part convered with long yellow hairs forming a beard; beak red, the black tip passing posterior coxae. Chest dark red covered with long yellow hairs, a few black spots. Ab ­ domen red and covered with long yellow hairs, anal segment truncate with long black hairs in the male, stron ­ gly sinuate on each side and lightly emarginate in female. Opercula rather large, extending a little beyond sides of abdomen, exterior border recurved, dark red, center ligh ­ ter, covered with long hairs. Legs red covered with long light hairs, sides of femora with black stripe; tarsi dark-

Long. corp. 40; lat. 20; exp. tegm. 140 m. m.

Hab: Quito (Mrs, Ethel Borer); Macas (Feyer).

Named in honor of Mrs. Ethel Borer who has not only supplied many interesting examples, but has donated to the United States National Museum hundreds of speci ­ mens of all groups of insects, and is a most enthusiastic collector. This is the largest cicada in Ecuador.

Gallery Image

Majeorona ethelae











