
DózSA-Farkas, K., 2013, New Fridericia Species (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae) From Vértes Mountains Of Hungary, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59 (4), pp. 401-421 : 413-418

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Fridericia View in CoL cf. alata NielsenetChristensen, 1959

( Figs 1H–J, 7A–F, 8A–F, 9 A–D)

InthelocalityVértesboglár (47°25’59”N, 31°23’49”E, 160 ma.s.l., meadow) the dominantspecieswas F. alata, butthespecimensassignedtothisspeciesdifferedinsome respectsfromthedescriptionsbyNielSenAndChRiStenSen (1959) andSchmelz (2003). Thereforeanaccountofcharactersinagreementanddisagreementwiththeabovedescriptions is given GoogleMaps .

Size about the same: 10–14 mm long, diameter 330–400 μm at VIII and 370–450 μm at the clitellum [similarly in Schmelz (2003): 12–19 mm and up to 400 μm in XII] (in vivo), length of fixed specimens 8–13 mm, segments 42–54 [in Schmelz (40)–48–58–(67)]. Similarlythemaximumnumberofchaetae 5 or 6 andinthebundlesoftheposteriorbody partmostlytwochaetae. InNielSenandChRiStenSen (1959) theinnermostpairofchaetae muchsmallerthantheouterpairs, inSchmelz (2003) theinnerchaetaeinthepreclitellar bundles almost as long as the outer ones (this is a mistake, R. M. Schmelz, pers. comm.). Inourspecimenstheouterchaetaelongerandthickerthantheinnerwithinabundle (e.g. inabundlewith 6 chaetaeinthepreclitellarsegmenttheoutermostpairofchaetae 63 μm long and 5 μm wide, the middle one 55 μm long and and 4.5 μm wide and the inner- most only 30 μm long and 2.5 μm wide). In the terminal segments the maximum length ofthechaetae 90–100 μm, width 5–7 μm. Headporeat 0/I ( Fig. 7B), dorsalporesfromVII. ContrarytoSchmelz (2003) theepidermalglandcellsnotindistingbutintheHungarian specimenslargeandarrangedin 3 transverserowspersegments ( Fig. 7C). Bodywall 30–40 μm, cuticula <1 μm. ClitelluminXII–1/2XIII, girdle-shaped, hyalocytesandgranulocytes

3rdglandsmarkedwitharrows), B = midgutparstumida (markedwitharrows), C = clitel-

larglandsinrowsdorsally, D = clitellarglandsventrally (beforeandbetweenthebursalslits weaklydevelopedglandsmarkedwithwhitearrows, theepidermalglandularthickeningin

XIIImarkedwithblackarrow), E = chyluscellsinXII–XIV, F = epidermalglandularthicken-

ing in XIII (marked with arrow). (A, C, E, F in vivo, B and D stained; scale bars = 50 μm).

arranged in rows ( Fig. 8C). Ventrally before and between the male openings the gland cellsweaklydevelopedandmostlyonlygranulocytes, afterthathyalocytesandgranulocytesarepresentalike ( Fig. 8D). Brain ( Fig. 7A) anteriorlyconvex, posteriorlyslightly concave or truncate, about 150 μm long, 1.8 times longer than wide in vivo, 100–135 μm long, 1.4–1.7 timeslongerthanwideinthefixedspecimens. Oesophagealappendages ( Fig. 7E) unbranched, coiled, long (b type) may extend into VII. First and second pair of pha- ryngealglandsunitedbutthethirdpairseparateddorsally, the 2ndand 3rdpairhavelong ventrallobes, theirdistalendlobatedandslightlyextendintoVII ( Fig. 8A). Chloragocytes fromV, lightbrown (invivo), diameter 20–25 μm. DorsalvesselfromXVI–XVIII ( XIX –XX in Schmelz), blood colourless. Midgut pars tumida from XXIX–XXXVII, occupying 5–8 segments (notgivenintheoriginaldescription). Fivepairsofpreclitellarnephridia ( Fig. 7D) from 6/7 to 10/11 (butsometimesonlyfour, inonecasethreepairswereobservable), postseptalealittlelongerthananteseptale, efferentductrisinganteriorly. Coelomocytes ( Figs 1I & 7F) numerous, mucocytes with blurred pale vesicles (type a/c) length 28–32 μm in vivo, 20–25 μm fixed) lenticytes small, 5–6 μm long. Chylus cells between XII –XV, occupying 2.5–3 segments ( Fig. 8E) (contrary to this in Schmelz: XIV –1/2 XVII). Seminal vesicle large (occupying IX– XII or X– XII). Sperm funnel ( Fig. 9A) large, 300–450 μm long in vivo, 250–360 μm when fixed, and 2–3 times longer than broad, collar slightly narrower than funnelbody; vasdeferens 12–15 μmwide, spermatozoaca 400 μmlong, heads 100–150 μm (invivo) (nodimensionsgivenbySchmelz). Malecopulatoryorgans ( Fig. 9A) large, flattened, 220–270 μm long, 75–88 μm wide and 70–75 μm high (fixed), the bursal slits ( Figs 1J & 9B) withlongitudinalandtransversecomponents (H-shapedafterSchmelz 2003). No subneuralglands, butaglandularthickeningoftheepidermisoccursinXIIIbehindthe ventralchaetalbundles ( Figs 8D, F), havingnoconnectionwiththeventralnervecord. Spermathaecae ( Figs 1H & 9C–D) nearlyagreewiththeoriginaldescription: onesmall (20–25 μmlong) sessileectalglandattheorificeofspermathecalectalduct, ampullaehave twoelongatediverticula (about 55–75 μmlong), allthreechamberswithdistinctlumen. Theectalductswideningproximallyintoconicalprojectionintoampullarlumen. Separate openings into oesophagus. The only difference is the length of the ectal ducts: ‘the ducts ca. 1.5xbodydiameter, 400 μm’accordingtoSchmelz (2003) butinthepresentspecimens without exception the length of the duct not longer than the body diameter (220–310 μm long and 18–20 μm wide, fixed). One to two mature eggs at a time .

67 specimensinvestigatedinvivo, thanfixedin 70% ethanol, 26 specimenswere mounted in Euparal.

Differentialdiagnosis. Thesespecimens, foundintheVértesMountains differed from the description of F. alata given by Schmelz (2003) in the followingcharacteristics: theepidermalglandcellswelldevelopedinthreetrans- verserows (notindistinct); thedistalendofventrallobesatthethirdpairof pharyngealglandslobatedandslightlyextendintoVII; dorsalvesselfrom XVI–XVIII (in contrast to XIX–XX); chylus cells between XII–XV (in contrast toXIV–1/2XVII); aglandularepidermalthickeninginXIIImidventrally, and finallythelengthofthespermathecalectalduct, whichisnotlongerthanthe diameter of the body (in contrast to 1.5×).

The specimens of F. alata described by ChAlupSKÝ (1986) (which identity afteropinionofSchmelz (2003) isunknown) alsodiffersfromourspecimens amongotherthings, inoccurenceoflateralchaetaeinXIIandreddishblood.

Because F. tubulosa Dózsa- Farkas, 1972 issomewhatsimilarinrespectto itsspermatheca (especiallywhenalive), andoesophagealappendage, which isalsoofbtype, Imadesomestainedslidesofseveralparatypesof F. tubulosa (P. 6). Differenceswerewellvisible: thespermathecaldiverticulaarelargerin F. tubulosa , theectalglandverylargeandductshorterandstouter, gradually butremarkablywideningproximad, canalalsowidening, asalsopointedout bySchmelz (2003) ( Fig. 9E). Themalecopulatoryorganin F. tubulosa isalso rather large, but of a quite different shape ( Fig. 9F).


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department

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