Andrena (Micrandrena) elam Wood, 2022

Wood, Thomas J., Ismael, Halgurd R., Baiocchi, Daniele, Hamad, Mudhafar I., Bapir, Tahseen T. & Selis, Marco, 2024, A first revision of the Andrena of Iraq (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), with the description of two new species from Iraqi Kurdistan and additional records from surrounding countries, ZooKeys 1205, pp. 267-298 : 267-298

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1205.120033

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Andrena (Micrandrena) elam Wood, 2022


21. Andrena (Micrandrena) elam Wood, 2022 *

Material examined.

Iraq: Duhok, Mt. Gara [S of Sarsing], 37.0158 ° N, 43.3506 ° E, 1912 m, 11. v. 2023, 23 ♂, 1 ♀, leg. D. Baiocchi, MSVI / TJWC GoogleMaps .

Remarks and diagnosis.

Wood in Wood and Monfared (2022) described A. elam in the female sex from western and southern Iran, and Wood (2023) reported further specimens from southern and south-eastern Turkey. Numerous male specimens from northern Iraq are now available. They can be recognised as Micrandrena due to the small body size, dark integument (including clypeus Fig. 6 B View Figure 6 ), entirely rugose propodeal triangle (Fig. 6 D View Figure 6 ), and normal genital capsule. As in the female sex, they can be separated from other Micrandrena species by the combination of smooth and shining scutum and scutellum with moderately dense punctures (Fig. 6 C View Figure 6 ), the tergal discs with extremely strong and dense reticulation (Fig. 6 E View Figure 6 ), this reticulation becoming much weaker on the marginal areas, with punctures visible on the discs of T 3–4 (though comparatively weaker and less visible than in the female), and by the tergal margins becoming progressively more strongly depressed. Additionally, the genital capsule is distinctive (Fig. 6 F View Figure 6 ), somewhat elongate, with the gonocoxae produced into weak angular teeth, with thickened gonostyli with a weak rounded bump on their inner margins and outer surface lightened and covered with short golden hairs. It resembles the form of two former Fumandrena (= Micrandrena) species ( A. fabrella Pérez, 1895 (western Mediterranean) and A. tomora Warncke, 1975 (eastern Mediterranean )), but these have the gonostyli apically flattened, not thickened. It is very close to A. subviridula Wood, 2022 (northern Iran, see illustrations in Wood and Monfared 2022), but can be separated by the gonocoxae produced into apical points (in A. subviridula with the gonocoxae apically truncate), by the weaker bump on the inner margins of the gonostyli (in A. subviridula with this bump comparatively more pronounced), and by the more extensively shiny scutum which lacks subtle greasy green-metallic reflections (in A. subviridula with the scutum more extensively shagreened anteriorly and laterally).


Male. Body length: 6 mm (Fig. 6 A View Figure 6 ). Head: Dark, 1.45 × wider than long (Fig. 6 B View Figure 6 ). Clypeus domed, densely punctate, punctures separated by <0.5–1 puncture diameter, surface with weakly raised latitudinal striations between punctures, surface weakly shining. Process of labrum trapezoidal, 2 × wider than long, anterior margin weakly emarginate, surface smooth and shining. Gena equalling diameter of compound eye; ocelloccipital distance equalling diameter of lateral ocellus. Head with sparse whitish hairs, none equalling length of scape; clypeus in fresh individuals with moderate “ beard ” of ventrally projecting pale hairs. Antennae dark, A 5–13 ventrally lightened by presence of silver-grey scales; A 3 exceeding length of A 4, shorter than A 4 + 5.

Mesosoma: Scutum and scutellum polished and shining over almost entire surface, scutum weakly shagreened anteriorly; irregularly punctate, punctures separated by 1–3 puncture diameters (Fig. 6 C View Figure 6 ). Pronotum rounded. Mesepisternum microreticulate, dull. Dorsolateral parts of propodeum microreticulate, dull, sculpture overlain by network of irregular raised rugosity; propodeal triangle laterally defined by irregular carinae, internal surface densely covered with network of evenly-spaced rugae, propodeal triangle thus well-differentiated from dorsolateral parts of propodeum (Fig. 6 D View Figure 6 ). Mesosoma covered with sparse light brown hairs, none equalling length of scape. Legs dark, apical tarsal segments paler dark brown, pubescence whitish. Hind tarsal claws with inner tooth. Wings hyaline, stigma dark brown, venation orange-brown, nervulus interstitial.

Metasoma: Tergal discs dark, marginal areas with apical rim narrowly lightened brown (Fig. 6 E View Figure 6 ). Tergal discs strongly reticulate, reticulation strongest on T 1, surface dull, becoming progressively weaker on subsequent terga, discs of T 5 and T 6 weakly shining; marginal areas shagreened, weakly shining. Tergal discs obscurely punctate, T 1 almost impunctate, punctures progressively more visible on subsequent terga, punctures on disc of T 4 separated by 1–2 puncture diameters. Tergal discs with scattered pale hairs, not forming hairbands. T 6 and T 7 with light brown hairs overlying pseudopygidial plate. S 8 columnar, apical margin truncate, ventral surface with sparse short brown hairs. Genital capsule somewhat elongate, gonocoxae with apical margins produced into slightly projecting narrow apical teeth (Fig. 6 F View Figure 6 ). Gonostyli robust, thickened, with weak bump on internal margins basally, apically weakly flattened, apical ½ lightened hyaline yellowish. Penis valves narrow, occupying ½ space between gonostyli, uniformly narrowing towards apex.


Southern and south-eastern Turkey, northern Iraq *, and western and southern Iran ( Wood and Monfared 2022; Wood 2023).











