Proterosceliopsis torquata Talamas, Shih & Ren, 2019

Talamas, Elijah J., Johnson, Norman F., Shih, Chungkun & Ren, Dong, 2019, Proterosceliopsidae: A new family of Platygastroidea from Cretaceous amber, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73, pp. 3-38 : 3

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Proterosceliopsis torquata Talamas, Shih & Ren

sp. nov.

Proterosceliopsis torquata Talamas, Shih & Ren sp. nov.

Figures 11 View Figures 11–14 , 15 View Figure 15 , 58-59 View Figures 58, 59 , 60-61 View Figures 60, 61


Proterosceliopsis torquata is most similar to P. plurima , with which it shares an elongate habitus, and having the 6th metasomal segment distinctly the longest. These can be separated by the presence of the horn on T1 in P. torquata (absent in P. plurima ); the posteriorly expanded notauli in P. plurima (of uniform width in P. torquata ), and by the number of antennomeres: 14 in P. torquata and 15 in P. plurima .


Head: Number of antennomeres in female: 14. Number of clavomeres in female: 8. Claval formula in female: 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1. Number of mandibular teeth: not visible. Number of labial palpomeres: at least 2. Number of maxillary palpomeres: at least 5. Shape of clypeus: not visible. Central keel: present. Antennal scrobe: indicated by transverse rugae. Anterior margin of occipital carina: crenulate.

Mesosoma: Pronotal prespiracular depression: present, without striation. Netrion: present. Skaphion: present. Posterior notaulus: not reaching posterior margin of mesoscutum. Width of notaulus: uniform. Parapsidal lines: present. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: indicated by smooth furrow. Scutoscutellar sulcus: simple. Postacetabular carina: present as short ridge laterally, carinae not meeting medially. Postacetabular sulcus: present as simple furrow. Mesopleural epicoxal sulcus: present. Episternal foveae: absent. Metapleural sulcus: present as a transverse furrow. Lateral propodeal carina: present and continuous dorsally, forming lamella surrounding metasomal depression. Metasomal depression: deeply excavate, interior surface smooth.

Metasoma: Horn on T1 in female: present. Sculpture of T1: longitudinally striate medially. Macrosculpture of T2-T5: longitudinal median carina on anterior T2 and T3, otherwise absent. Anterior tergal depressions: visible on T1-T5. Median keel on S2: present. Macroculpture of S3-S6: absent. Anterior sternal depressions: visible on S1-S6.


The Latin adjectival epithet " Proterosceliopsis torquata ", meaning "adorned with a necklace or collar", is given to this species for the collar-like shape of the pronotum in dorsal view.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype female: MYANMAR: CNU-HYM-MA-2016106 (deposited in CNU) . Other material: (1 female) MYANMAR: OPPC1801 (deposited in OPPC).