Fedorenko, Gildenkov, 2020

Fedorenko, D. N., 2020, New species of Meleagros and Tarsagonum (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Platynini) from the Oriental region, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (2), pp. 139-147 : 145

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.29.2.03

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scientific name


subgen. nov.

Subgenus Louwerensium View in CoL Fedorenko , subg.n.

Type species: Tarsagonum kaszabi Louwerens, 1966 .

DIAGNOSIS.As compared with Tarsagonum (s.str.):Body barely smaller, BL 7–9 (vs. 10–11) mm. Head with neck constriction deep (vs. slight), eyes small and protruding (vs. medium-sized and moderately convex), genae long, slightly oblique, with a distinct re-entrant angle between them and eyes (vs. genae very oblique, combined with a continuous eye-togena outline); posterior supra-ocular seta inserted much behind the level of posterior margin of eye. Pronotum strongly cordate, very convex, with posterolateral seta missing and apical angles adherent to neck, coarsely punctate basally and apically; sides deeply sinuate in front of basal angles, without explanate lateral margin; basal foveae very deep and very long (vs. pronotum rather flat, quadrisetose, with apical angles distant from neck, finely and confluently punctate except medially and medio-apically; sides slightly sinuate basally, lateral margin explanate, basal foveae shallow). Elytra truncate apically (vs. mucronate, with a long spine opposite stria 3), striae very deep and coarsely punctate (vs. moderately deep and very finely punctate), intervals convex or very so (vs. flat); interval 3 with three discal setae (vs. with two, d3 missing), d1 near stria3, d2 and d3 subequally distant from stria 2 and 3. Metaventrite with two small and very deep median pits, anteri- or on a level with hind margin of mesocoxae, posterior in intersection of discremen and katepisternal suture. Propleura along basal flange and mesopleura sparsely and coarsely punctate, metepisterna and sides of metaventrite very sparsely punctate (vs. ventral side finely and densely punctate, but mesoventrite and metaventrite medially, abdominal sternites IV–VII, and median part of sternite III impunctate).

The subgenus includes two species from Southern India or Indochina.

NAME. Neuter, given after C.J. Louwerens (Hilversum, the Netherlands), a well-known specialist in the Oriental, mostly Malayan, Carabidae , especially Platynini . He described T. kaszabi and specified many significant differences between his species and T. latipes .

COMMENTS. Darlington [1952] did not describe USS pattern for Tarsagonum , and Lowerens [1966] mentioned almost continuous USS in T. kaszabi . Both here described species have USS divided into two widely separated groups, posthumeral (6 US) and postmedian (8 US), which character is far advanced in contrast with continuous USS.

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