Helmutneris corallicola, Carrera-Parra, Luis F., 2006

Carrera-Parra, Luis F., 2006, Phylogenetic analysis of Lumbrineridae Schmarda, 1861 (Annelida: Polychaeta), Zootaxa 1332, pp. 1-36 : 21

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Plazi (2016-04-04 17:51:00, last updated 2024-11-29 15:18:04)

scientific name

Helmutneris corallicola

sp. nov.

Helmutneris corallicola View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figures 5 View FIGURE 5 A–E)

Material examined. Type material: Holotype ( MNHN TYPE 1478), Philippine Islands, 14°03.0’ N 120° 11.5 E, 224 m, associated with Flabellum lamellulosum Alcock, 1902 , cruise Musorstom 3, Station 92, 31 May 1985; paratype ( MNHN TYPE 1477), same data as for holotype, 1 specimen. Non-type material: Philippine Islands, 14°00.4’ N 120° 17.8 E, 192 m, associated with Flabellum lamellulosum Alcock, 1902 , cruise Musorstom 3, Station 86, 31 May 1985, 1 specimen ( MNHN).

Etymology. The name of the species combines the common name of the host and the suffix indicates that it lives in it.

Description. Holotype incomplete with 100 chaetigers, L10=3.5 mm, W10=1.6 mm. Paratype incomplete with 43 chaetigers, L10=3.3 mm, W10=1.4 mm. Prostomium short, slightly wider than long, with pair of nuchal organs, ventrally with well developed buccal lips. Peristomium shorter than prostomium, first ring longer than second. All parapodia well developed, first four smaller than following. Prechaetal lobe inconspicuous, rounded in all parapodia; postchaetal lobes in parapodia 1–25 digitiform, basally inflated, slightly longer than prechaetal lobe, from parapodium 26 digitiform, shorter than anterior ( Figures 5 View FIGURE 5 A–B). All parapodia with small, globular notopodia, with notoaciculae. Simple multidentate hooded hooks from chaetiger 1, in anterior parapodia with up to 7 teeth, all of similar size ( Figure 5 View FIGURE 5 C); in median and posterior parapodia with up to 8 teeth, proximal tooth largest, denticulated ( Figure 5 View FIGURE 5 D); dorsal limbate chaetae in chaetigers 1–21, ventral limbate chaetae in chaetigers 1–12. Aciculae yellow, aristate, up to three in anterior parapodia and two in posterior ones. Mandible translucent, fused for about half its length. Maxillary apparatus with four pairs of maxillae ( Figure 5 View FIGURE 5 E); maxillary carriers black, shorter than MI, joined to the base of MI. MI forceps-like, with attachment lamella. MII as long as MI, with ligament, left maxilla with five teeth and right maxilla with six teeth (paratype with five teeth in both maxillae); with narrow attachment lamella along 1/3 of posterior lateral edge. MIII with whitish central area, unidentate, and wide attachment lamella along 1/4 of posterior lateral edge. MIV with whitish central area, unidentate.

Distribution. Philippine Islands.

Remarks. H. corallicola sp. nov. is the second species of the genus and differs from H. flabellicola ( Fage, 1936) in the shape of the prechaetal and postchaetal lobes.

Fage, L. (1936) Sur l'association d'un annelide polychete, Lumbriconereis flabellicola n. sp. et d'un madrepore Flabellum pavoninum distinctum E. et H. XII Congrs Internationale de Zoologie, Lisbonne, 1935, 2, 941 - 945.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 5. Helmutneris corallicola sp. nov. (A – E MNHN 1478). A, Parapodium 20. B, Parapodium 40. C, Simple multidentate hooded hook from chaetiger 4. D, Simple multidentate hooded hook from chaetiger 40. E, Maxillary apparatus. Hilbigneris pleijeli sp. nov. (F – J MNHN 1475). F, Parapodium 16. G, Parapodium 136. H, Composite multidentate hooded hook. I, Simple multidentate hooded hook. J, Maxillary apparatus.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











