Heteralonia cnecos, Yao, Gang, Yang, Ding & Evenhuis, Neal L., 2009

Yao, Gang, Yang, Ding & Evenhuis, Neal L., 2009, Species of the genus Heteralonia Bezzi, 1921 from China (Diptera: Bombyliidae), Zootaxa 2166, pp. 45-56 : 47-50

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.189085



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scientific name

Heteralonia cnecos

sp. nov.

Heteralonia cnecos View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , 12–17 View FIGURES 12 – 17 )

Diagnosis. Abdominal tergite 1 with yellowish lateral hairs, tergites 1–3 with yellowish hairs antero-laterally and tergites 4–7 with yellowish hairs posteriorly. Epiphallus widely clubbed, with a round tip in dorsal view, distiphallus short in lateral view.

Description. Male. Body length 9–12 mm, wing length 10–12 mm.

Head black with brown pollen; ocellar tubercle black. Hairs on head mostly black; frons with erect black hairs, face with dense erect black hairs; occiput with short black hairs and sparse yellowish scales, and with dense erect black hairs on edge. Antenna black; scape nearly three times longer than wide, with dense long black hairs; pedicel nearly as long as wide, with short black hairs; first flagellomere cone-shaped, bare, with a stylus two-segmented, and slightly longer than first flagellomere. Antennal ratio: 3:1:3. Proboscis black with short black hairs; palpus dark brown with black hairs.

Thorax black with grey pollen. Hairs on thorax black and yellowish, bristles black; postpronotal lobe with long black hairs, mesonotum with row of long yellowish hairs at anterior margin and two long black lateral bristles near base of wing, postalar callus with four black bristles. Scutellum with black scales on anterior edge and with yellow scales on posterior edge. Legs black with black scales. Hairs on legs mostly black, bristles black. Femora with sparse long black hairs; tibiae and tarsi with short black hairs. Mid femur with three av apically; hind femur with seven av apically. Mid tibia with seven ad, eight pd, six av and seven pv; hind tibia with seven ad, seven pd, seven av and eight pv. Wing ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ) with mostly infuscate, paler posteriorly; vein dm-cu with two spur-veins nearly same in length, directed basally and distally; wing with dark brown spots near all cross veins. Base of vein C with brush-like long black hairs. Wing with basicosta strong; vein r-m nearly at middle of discal cell. Halteres brown except tip yellowish.

Abdomen black. Hairs on abdomen black and white; dorsum with dense long black hairs laterally except tergite 1 with yellowish hairs laterally; dorsum with dense black recumbent scales, except tergites 1–3 with yellowish hairs antero-laterally and tergites 4–7 with yellowish hairs on posterior edge. Sternites with erect black hairs and dense recumbent black scales.

Male genitalia ( Figs. 12–17 View FIGURES 12 – 17 ). Epandrium subtriangular, with long black bristles apically, slightly higher than long; cercus well exposed in lateral view; epandrium subquadrate, nearly as long as wide in dorsal view; gonocoxae with many black hairs apically, distinctly narrowing apically in ventral view; gonostylus thick at base, acute at tip and slightly curved at middle in lateral view; epiphallus widely clubbed, with a round tip in dorsal view, distiphallus short in lateral view.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype male, CHINA: Yunnan, Lijiang, Jinshajiang (N 26°52’ E 100°14’), 26. VIII. 2003, Guiying Mei; Paratype 1 male, CHINA: Yunnan, Lijiang, Jinshajiang (N 26°52’ E 100°14’), 23. VIII. 2003, Guiying Mei.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Etymology. The species epithet derives from the Greek “knekos” means “pale-yellow”; referring to the yellowish hairs on abdominal dorsum.

Remarks. The new species is similar to H. sytshuana Paramonov , but it can be separated from the latter by the following features: wing mostly infuscate, hyaline just at tip; abdominal dorsum with tergites 1–3 with yellowish hairs antero-laterally and tergites 4–7 with yellowish hairs on posterior edge. In H. sytshuana , the wing is partly infuscate, hyaline posteriorly; the abdominal dorsum has the dense long black hairs laterally except tergite 1 with the yellowish hairs laterally and with the dense black recumbent scales.













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