Hottentotta buchariensis (Birula, 1897), 2007

Kovařík, František, 2007, A revision of the genus Hottentotta Birula, 1908, with descriptions of four new species (Scorpiones, Buthidae), Euscorpius 58 (58), pp. 1-107 : 12-14

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Felipe (2024-07-19 02:32:10, last updated 2024-07-19 09:07:55)

scientific name

Hottentotta buchariensis (Birula, 1897)

comb. nov.

Hottentotta buchariensis (Birula, 1897) View in CoL comb. n.

( Figs. 5 View Figures 5–8 , 23–25 View Figure 23 View Figure 24 View Figure 25 )

Buthus alticola buchariensis Birula, 1897: 378 ; Kraepelin, 1899: 21; Birula, 1904: 30.

Buthus alticola forma gamma ( buchariensis View in CoL ): Birula, 1897: 382.

Buthus (Hottentotta) alticola buchariensis : Birula, 1914: 654; Birula, 1917: 240.

Hottentotta alticola buchariensis : Fet, 1989: 82.

Buthotus alticola buchariensis : Vachon, 1958: 134.

Buthotus buchariensis : Vachon, 1949: 147 (1952: 233); Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 91; Pérez Minocci, 1974: 21.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) alticola buchariensis View in CoL : Kovařík, 1998: 109; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 135.

= Buthotus alticola kabulensis Vachon, 1958: 136 ; Pérez Minocci, 1974: 21; Vachon & Kinzelbach, 1987: 102. Syn. n.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) alticola kabulensis : Kovařík, 1998: 109; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 135.

Hottentotta alticola View in CoL : Kovařík, 1993: 201 (in part); Kovařík, 2002: 7.

TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE REPOSITORY. Regar (now Tursunzoda), Tajikistan ; ZISP.

TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED. Tajikistan [formerly Buchara], Dushanbe region, Regar (now Tursunzoda), 1887, 1♂ (lectotype hereby designated, Fig. 25 View Figure 25 ), leg. Lidski, ZISP No. 210 .

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED. Afghanistan, Kabul, 1962, 1♂ (im.), FKCP ; prov. Kabul, Poli Charky , 1♂ 1♀, FKCP , 1♂ 1♀ ( Figs. 5 View Figures 5–8 , 23–24 View Figure 23 View Figure 24 ), MMBC , 25.XI.1966, leg. Šimek; Kabul, 1800 m., collected at night around houses and garages, VII–IX.1977, 4♂ 2♀ 2juvs., collector unknown, CASC ; Kabul, VIII.1987, 1♂, leg. Turtervaldová, FKCP . Pakistan, 1 mi E Saidu Sharif, Swat State , 8.III.1959, 2juvs., leg. S. Minton, CASC .

DIAGNOSIS. Total length 65–90 mm. For habitus see Figs. 23–25 View Figure 23 View Figure 24 View Figure 25 and fig. 10 in Vachon (1959: 130). Trichobothrium db on the fixed finger of pedipalp situated between trichobothria et and est ( Fig. 1 View Figures 1–4 ). Chelicerae yellow to black, reticulate. Male with longer and narrower metasomal segments, width of pedipalp chela same in both sexes. Pectinal teeth number 29–33 in males, 24–27 in females. Pedipalps and metasoma very sparsely hirsute. Carapace and mesosoma black except seventh tergite that is yellow to brown. Metasoma, legs and pedipalps yellow to yellowish red. Fingers of pedipalps in adults darker than chela. Femur of pedipalp with 5 carinae, patella with 8 carinae, chela lacks carinae. Movable fingers of pedipalps with 14–16 rows of granules and 5 or 6 terminal granules. Seventh metasomal segment with 4 well marked ventral granulated carinae. First metasomal segment with 10 carinae; second and third segments with 8 or 10 carinae; fourth segment with 8 carinae; fifth segment with 5 carinae, 3 ventral (1 median, 2 lateral) and 2 dorsal. Dorsal carinae of metasomal segments bear larger terminal granules. Spaces between carinae of metasomal segments on ventral and lateral surfaces usually smooth, without granules (except ventral surface of fifth metasomal segment). Dorsal surfaces of first through fourth metasomal segments smooth, without granules (see fig. 20 in Vachon, 1958: 137). First and second metasomal segments of both sexes longer than wide. Second to fourth metasomal segment width ratio less than 1.2.

COMMENTS. The lectotype is being designated in order to stabilize the nomenclature. It was photographed by Alexander Koval (see Fig. 25 View Figure 25 ), and I have compared his photos and remarks with other cited specimens. Unfortunately, I have not been able to see the type of Buthotus alticola kabulensis Vachon, 1958 (type locality and type repository: Afghanistan, Kabul; MNHN) because MNHN would not lend types (see Kovařík, 2004: 27). However, examination of other specimens from the type locality and their comparison with the characters published by Vachon (1959: 136) and Birula (1897: 378) lead me to the conclusion that Buthotus alticola kabulensis Vachon, 1958 is a synonym of H. buchariensis (Birula, 1897) comb. n. The characters of this species are very similar to those of H. penjabensis (Birula, 1897) from Pakistan, in which, however, the metasomal and pedipalp segments of both sexes are markedly longer and narrower.

DISTRIBUTION: Afghanistan (Vachon, 1958: 136), Tajikistan (Birula, 1897: 381), Pakistan (first report).

KOVARIK, F. 1993. The Fauna of Afghanistan IV: Scorpionida I. Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Naturales, 78: 201 - 204.

KOVARIK, F. 1998. Stiri [Scorpiones]. Jihlava (Czech Republic): Publishing House Madagaskar , 176 pp (in Czech).

KOVARIK, F. 2002. A checklist of scorpions (Arachnida) in the collection of the Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Serket, 8 (1): 1 - 23.

KOVARIK, F. 2004. Revision and taxonomic position of genera Afghanorthochirus Lourenco & Vachon, Baloorthochirus Kovarik, Butheolus Simon, Nanobuthus Pocock, Orthochiroides Kovarik, Pakistanorthochirus Lourenco, and Asian Orthochirus Karsch, with descriptions of twelve new species (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Euscorpius, 16: 1 - 33.

KRAEPELIN, K. 1899. Scorpiones und Pedipalpi. In F. DAHL (ed.), Das Tierreich. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Berlin: R. Friedlander und Sohn Verlag, 8. Lieferung. 265 pp.

Gallery Image

Figure 23: Hottentotta buchariensis, dorsal view, male from Afghanistan, prov. Kabul, Poli Charky, FKCP.

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Figure 24: Hottentotta buchariensis, dorsal view, female from Afghanistan, prov. Kabul, Poli Charky, FKCP.

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Figure 25: Hottentotta buchariensis, ventral view, male lectotype.

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Figures 5–8: Carapace and chelicerae. 5. H. buchariensis, female from Afghanistan, prov. Kabul, Poli Charky, FKCP. 6. H. conspersus, male from Angola, Naulila env., FKCP. 7. H. franzwerneri, male lectotype. 8. H. gentili, female from Morocco, Bouizakame, Timoulye, FKCP.

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Figures 1–4: 1–3. H. zagrosensis, holotype. 1. chela external, 2. femur dorsal, 3. movable finger. 4. H. socotrensis, chela external.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Moravske Muzeum [Moravian Museum]











